Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wasting 44% of my summer, the quick and dirty career test, crappy greeting card I'll receive

Here's a survey / quiz post!

Let's see how much of your summer you wasted. Put an "X" if it applies to you.

[] went to your school for any reason
[] had a job
[x] read a book
[] looked through your homework from last year
[] babysat
total: 1

[x] went on Myspace
[] looked through your textbooks for next year
[x] woke up before 11 AM
[x] went to bed before 11 PM
[x] stayed in your house for 24 hours
total: 4

[] got sick
[] broke a bone
[] started studying for next year
[] went to Grandma's house
[] were involved in a summer club
total: 0

[x] did NOT go on vacation
[x] did NOT go to a festival
[x] did NOT go to a theme park (Six Flags, Disney World)
[x] did NOT go to a concert
[] did NOT hang out with your friends
total: 4

[x] did NOT go swimming in a pool
[] did NOT go to a party
[x] did NOT do anything for the 4th of July Canada Day
[] did NOT go to a lake
[] did NOT go to a BBQ
total: 2


Multiply your total score by 4 to get your percentage. Repost this as "I wasted __% of my summer break." 44% here.

Your Career Personality: Flexible, Good-Natured, and Energetic

Your Ideal Careers:

Dog walker
Elementary school teacher
Fashion designer
Interior decorator
Personal shopper
Wedding planner

I miss you - please help me bust out of jail.
Marvin the Martian

'What crappy greeting card will you receive?' at


You are 33% messed up.

You are secretly messed up. Most people probably couldn't tell, but you are messed up beneath your calm appearance. You are likely to plan elaborate schemes and be the instigator in events - so you can keep your messed-up nature a secret.
'How messed up are you?' at

What ringtone suits your personality?
Mission Impossible
'What ringtone suits your personality?' at

Your super-secret codename is:

Your mission is...

Rendez-Vous with Bond and kill him
'What is your codename and mission?'

Using your mouth

Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser, and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth.

Take this quiz at

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