Friday, September 16, 2005

Final-ish details on SLB hangout and RR party, and almost spelling my own name wrong

SLB = siu long bao

Today, I sorted through a LOT of email from Eunice, Nathan, Danielle, Eric, Jeremy, and Steph about the SLB hangout. 6:15-6:30 at Shanghai Wind works for me, and provides plenty of time to eat SLB and watch the movie(s) that Nathan and Jeremy will pick. Eric and Nathan had a bunch of selections / critique, although Steph kinda ruled out artsy movies by making this comment: "Picking a movie will be easier now that artsy Jon is back in T-Dot! Haha!" Danielle and I don't want to watch scary movies, and Eric doesn't want any kung fu vampires. So I guess we'll see what we watch... Eric and Eunice have offered their places (according to Eric, his place has the best TV / surround sound system), and Steph volunteered my place. My place might work, if only I had a VCR... yeah, shush. :P Eunice put her foot down in the midst of all the "drama" and said she'd reserve a table for 10 at that time. That was fine with us, since that's the time which seems to mesh with everyone's schedules. Nathan said he might pick two movies from his collection in case people want to re-live the day and do a marathon. That might work, haha. Eddie's just chimed in to say that we can count "this VANCOUVER citizen in" because "Van-City Rocks!" (and I had to reply to that one, hahaha!)

I got some email and responses about my birthday party on Saturday, as well: Frances and Mel will try to stop by, Billie can't come because of family obligations, Jasmine might be able to come, and Jeremy forgot to reply to my original email about it... he says he'll be there, so that's cool. We'll almost certainly do Dragon Ball afterwards, haha! The tentative list looks like this: Melia, Nathan, Danielle, Jen, Jeremy, Eric H., Eric M., Randal, Eunice, Sheena, Citrus, Chalaine, and possibly Jasmine / Frances / Mel / Emily / Mike if they can make it. There's always room for more, as I plan to hardcore promote it tomorrow night, hehe. No matter what, I think it's going to be good. I remember the last time I had my party at Red Robin's... that was a blast! :D

Jeremy sent me an email saying he'd forgotten to reply to the original party email, but he's going to be there on Saturday night. In sending him a reply confirming this, I almost spelled my own name wrong... with two I's instead of one. I think I'm losing it.... :(

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