Monday, November 30, 2009

Accidentally combining Advil and alcohol, and deliberately mixing chicken fat and onion pieces

Dinner was all right, although I was keeping a vigilant eye on my jacket to make sure Mr. Creep didn't touch it! I was fine with Randal sitting in the chair it was on, though. I gave him the card from his small group... something from me personally would be more than a bit awkward right now, I think, and I respect that. A bunch of us were full after only having a couple of things - I didn't even touch the salad! When my siblings and I got into discussing poo quite openly, Johnny wondered whether it was our normal dinner table conversation... oh yeah! Dianne said that the patients talked to HER about poo, and she wondered why they never looked at theirs - ah, the things you wonder about when you're in the medical field! She also told us about anal probes and stuff, haha. Andrea said that Chuck's introduced her to All-Bran Buds... I've tried those, but for some reason, they're not effective on me right away! Talked to Winnie to distract myself from trying NOT to look at Mr. Creep (who can't even get Christon's name right - calling him "Christian" instead - DEALBREAKER!), so now she knows more about me than she did before. Steph told us that her second bedroom (the one I chose LILAC for) is YELLOW... WTF, indeed!

Steph thought that I should go first at dinner since everyone was standing around with their plates and utensils (we thought we didn't have enough - Eric did not bring his picnic set this year) - well, I was not the oldest person in the room for once! I told her that in fact, I was NOT the oldest... Mr. Creep proudly proclaimed his age to the entire room, but I'm not sure if he went first. As long as I got my food, I was satisfied... Steph thought I shouldn't have asked Andrea to get my soup for me, but it was too crowded! She told us about the inaugural toilet use, and exactly what it consisted of - WE were fine with the conversation! I accidentally combined Advil and alcohol, but I didn't feel "interesting" for the rest of the night - phew!

Talked about Steph's work, Jen's Banana Republic discount, church things, Facebook, how Mom is on beer, and other things. Got to talk a little to Aaron, Karen, Vivian (I gave her a really belated birthday card!), Lincoln, Isabel, Jen, Ivan (who basically dropped by), Lucas (whose sister Hannah gets back on the 16th - same day as Sam), Joey, Andrea (who's open to hanging out on Wednesday before Women's Group if she isn't too busy), Lesley, Eric (I told him about the Chuck card debacle!), and certain others. After a while, I thought the room "felt" lighter... I told this to Jon and Harmony, who just thought I was drunk from three kinds of beer, one containing 16.3% alcohol. Hahaha... sort of, but it really DID feel as if a weight had been lifted! Turns out that Mr. Creep had left - ah, good! Now I could REALLY enjoy myself, hahaha.

A while later, someone brought out the chicken fat bowl, and Dianne actually wanted to try some. She somehow convinced Wesley and Randal to try it with her - Raymond wouldn't, heh. Hell, he wouldn't even try my candy a few months ago! I can understand chicken fat, but ONE PIECE OF CANDY?! As far as I know, he doesn't have sugar issues like Eric! Oh well. I went to the bathroom to do something after watching a couple rounds of "dip the vegetables into the chicken fat and eat it!" When I got back, I was prodded into doing that too. Chinese Rock-Paper-Scissors, it was! For the sake of a one-shot deal, I dipped my onion pieces into the chicken fat (not very far!) - Wesley just crammed his pieces into his mouth! Eric was out from the kitchen to see this happening... I wouldn't participate in any more, however.

After 10, Eric told me that he was leaving, and wondered if I'd get a ride with my sister. Since I wanted to hear the concluding two episodes of THE JONATHAN MYSTERY (SO GOOD!), I left after thanking people for dinner. On the way home, Eric wondered if I'd had any interesting conversations... meh, they were all pretty much the usual. We talked about how Bible Study had been on Friday, the new Richmond person, and that Chinese person who apparently thinks he's black ("you feel me?" / "this is dope!" / "let's represent!") - ugh. Eric said that not EVERYONE who uses those slang terms is like my ex... I know, but you should be at least BLACK to use them, in my opinion!

Then I told him that I realized one positive about the Mr. Creep situation - I am no longer the oldest in the group, although I never really FEEL that way. Eric thinks that I need to get used to his being around, since the question of his membership will come up as early as February - he's TOO EAGER! Yes, he told Dylan that he shouldn't have done that thing with the sign-up sheet, but still. Eric thinks that it was just a bad impression, but I think it's MORE! Then I reminded him of the junk lying around my place which needed to be RECYCLED... maybe over Christmas or something. Said he had to ask his dad, and to email him about it or else he'd forget - I'll do it this week. (and I just heard another mouse run somewhere...) Got home to MSN messages from Billie about remembering a weird dream, and from Dawn about whether I had a new blog. Bedtime now, even if it is "early."

Poo nugget for Monday, November 30: Be Thankful You're Not A Horse - The rectal exam is one of the most dreaded aspects of any visit to the doctor. This intrusive anal probing involves insertion of a gloved finger a mere three to four inches inside the rectum, and is performed to evaluate the lower part of the GI tract... in reality, it examines less than 10 percent of the total colon. In horses, the rectal exam is a bit more involved, as veterinarians don a rubber sleeve extending from the hand to the shoulder, and insert the entire arm in the poor horse's rectum.

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