Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dark peppermint, Advent calendars, journals, Elizabeth, Mary x3, and Noah x2

Took a shower, and then left early after resolving to do laundry when I got home. Went to London Drugs, and bought a "replacement" bag of on-sale Almond Roca for Eric's family - the idea I came up with in the shower was telling him that the hard candies were really for the kids, and I got mixed up while trying to organize candy at 3 AM one time, haha. Then after looking around for ten minutes, I found a Mead journal for myself and three different Advent calendars for Jon / Harmony / Steph. I should have bought hand sanitizer, but will later - also got hand cream, some BBQ Munchies "crunchy coated peanuts" which were supposed to serve as some kind of quick "dinner" (but didn't), two pairs of blue thermal socks with snowflakes on them (I need them - they might as well get bunged in with the rest of the laundry later!), and two on-sale boxes of Lindt dark peppermint pieces which I couldn't resist.

Went to the Canada Line, and was apparently in the wrong place because Harmony and Jen came up to me after a few minutes and said they were at some other stop which I couldn't see... whoops! On the way to Karmie's, we discussed Jon being at school / Steph's whereabouts / Christmas shopping (I'm finished mine already!) / writing Christmas cards / Jen's idea of homemade cards. Harmony thanked me for the Advent calendars, at least - I don't know if she and Jon will actually make use of them, but probably so! Told her that Mom used to give them to us when we were kids, but didn't this year at least. (she has too much other stuff on her mind...)

Walking to Karmie's from the bus stop didn't take too long, even if it was cold! We were the first ones there - Stella and Auntie Bessy came later. Had Stella's cranberry-orange scone cookies, green tea cookies, Karmie's walnut-raisin butter tarts with Splenda, and green tea / hot water as refreshments while we talked about Mary x3 / Martha / Elizabeth / being contemplative vs. being active or passive / the differences between us and our sisters. Interesting conversation... then it turned to childbirth, especially Noah's funny question he posed to Karmie today! "Mommy, does the baby come out through your bellybutton? Does it feel funny?" HAHAHA, no! It actually hurts a lot!

Discussed epidurals, water breaking, physiology, Billy, New York, Awana, the Homebuilders potluck, our church kitchen which is still not up to par, the Christmas breakfast, Kevin, my personalized Bible (nice memento of Karen Choo, whom we don't see much of anymore), home birth, how doctors will delay epidurals as long as possible (conservative approach), Winnie's new son born just on Monday, and Anita's daughter Allison. Auntie Bessy said she'd drive me, Jen, and Harmony home - Harmony said that she could just drop us off at the Canada Line, and Stella offered to take me home since at least she knew where I lived! Talked about HER son Noah, Benjamin, the Christmas trip to New York, seat-warmers, the mice problem, and life on the way home... good times!

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