Sunday, June 15, 2003

Dreaming of something cool

when I said goodnight to Corey yesterday..
he told me: "dream of something cool.."
I told him that I'd try, then report anything back here..

church on a massive cruise ship with a lot of banquet halls..
(chandeliers, awesome food, and everything else..)
message boards relating to this "cruise ship church"..
Connie and Jenny making some of us late for a dance..
Anita calling her boyfriend Jeff to pick us up..
Jeff showing up with our acquaintance Danny W.
(not to be confused with Helen K.'s husband Danny)
talking about a whole lot of stuff..

that's all I can remember, so it'll have to do..
not really "cool" in the "aliens and horror" sense..
(which I'm sure is what Corey meant :P)
but to tell you the truth, I don't dream of that too often!
so there you go.. you'll have to be satisfied with that ;)

(besides, my friends and nice people are cool enough :P)

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