Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Take A Chance On Me...

Not sure why, but I woke up with ABBA in my head: Take A Chance On Me, anyone? They just said something about "Lickman Road" on the radio, haha. That just reminds me of the trip Eric and I took to Chilliwack in December! It's kinda funny... or maybe it's because they're trying to determine who has the worst farts, hahaha. Yeah, I like the fart humor - and the rectal tube job is very bad! Must be one of the worst jobs ever - and as for farts and sulphur, well.... I knew they contained that substance!

I am also very scared now! I hope it isn't BAD, but I could get angry too...

Your Score: The Idealist

You scored 10 Materialism and 50 Phenomenology!

Plato's Republic makes you feel fuzzy inside. You can rapturously quote from the Kant you agree with (and ignore the Kant you don't). You're the Idealist.

Idealism got its start with Plato, and confusingly enough, Platonic idealism and Platonic realism are the same thing. The material world disgusts you as an imperfect shadow of what is Ideal, the eternal perfect forms of objects that exist somewhere beyond our sensory experiences. Any specific tree, for example, is merely a representation of the idea of treeness in Platonism.

Still with me? Hello?

Thinkers you may agree with: Plato, Zeno of Elea, Plotinus
Thinkers that may challenge you: David Hume, John Locke, Aristotle

Link: The Metaphysician Test written by Jaylhomme on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(Jaylhomme)

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