Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's so disappointing that I can't make it!

Called Henry, who actually answered his phone - he didn't elaborate on the stuff he had to do this afternoon, even if he was finished exams. Let Melia know, who said it was too bad that Ada and Michelle both had other obligations - I know! So disappointing! I definitely will be there at Christmas, though! She asked if there was anyone else in my area - I thought of Benedict, but he's more than likely busy with stuff, so he's out. (does he even still live in Richmond? he must...) Of course, I would have run out of time to take the bus if I wanted to get to church in a timely fashion! Oh well... *sigh* At least I informed Melia, and she'll go get mad at Henry now. Then I let Eric know, since our afternoon's plans kinda were contingent on whether I got a ride to Awana - I guess we'll have a limited time together, but it'll be worth the trouble!

Like Dawn and I were joking about yesterday: "You live WHERE? Sure, we'll drive the Coquihalla to get to you, even though it's going to be covered with snow! On second thought, maybe not... sorry!" Hahaha... Chilliwack is way better for driving than Kamloops would be, even though it'll still be at least three hours' driving round trip! More time to shower, and MAYBE see if I can find something at the mall - then again, I don't want to go through that insanity if I don't have to since I'm done my Christmas shopping! It's obvious that both Eric and I don't think of the Chilliwack outing as a trip if our reaction to Vivian / Dawn / Karen asking us "Looking forward to your trip?" is the same: "... WHAT trip?!" Hahaha. Viv elaborated by saying "The ROAD trip! To where Korey is!" Ah, NOW we get it! :P

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