Nina, Sheryl, Morgaine, Kira, Melissa, Julie, and the cat that turned pink
This morning, I "heard" from my old friend Nina, who I met in the summer of 1997 at a camp for handicapped people. There's a good reason why the quote marks are around that word, since it was only a stupid forward. :P She used to send me forwards all the time, then stopped a while ago. I think this is only the second forward in a year. We haven't actually talked in ages, though... I could try calling her (as I still remember her old number), but I'm not sure how well that will work. We just drifted away, so it wasn't like the friendship ended abruptly as it did with our mutual friend Yazmine over fifty freaking cents! (perfidious blackguard, SHE was :P) So I just replied to the forward, asking how she was.. I'm not sure if I expect an answer, but at least she seemed okay the last time I talked to her two or three years ago!
I also wrote Christmas cards to Jennifer (jenisnape), Morgaine (angelforlife), Kira (kazulanth), Julie (julie709), Sheryl (sheryll... she's actually Nyssa's [giggles19] mom), and Melissa (misssims82). They'll get sent out today since I'm going to the mall anyhow... haha.
Who knew there was a cat that turned pink?
The cat that turned pink
By Richard Savill
(Filed: 06/09/2005)

Brumas the cat
A couple are mystified by how their white cat turned pink during a morning stroll.
Brumas "went out snow white and came back Barbie pink."
Philip and Joan Worth have been told by vets that Brumas, named after the first polar bear born at London Zoo, is not toxic. But no explanation can be found for the Barbie-pink rinse he acquired after walking near his home in Bratton Clovelly, Devon.
His owners Philip Worth, 66, a retired county council officer, and his wife, Joan, took the cat to their vet who said he was in good health.
Mr. Worth said: "He went out snow white and came back Barbie pink. We went to the vet, but they couldn't find any reason for it, although they decided it wasn't toxic, which was what I was worried about."
Mr. Worth said paint was not believed to be the cause as Brumas' fur was not matted. "It occurred to me that it could have been wet dye from a washing line or even sheep dye, but there is no way he could have got the same colour so evenly all over."
The couple, who adopted Brumas after he was found on Dartmoor and taken in by the Cats Protection League, have five other cats but none of them has been affected in the same way.
Mrs. Worth, a retired shop assistant, added: "We're quite happy to live with him as a pink cat. We love him whatever his colour is."
I also wrote Christmas cards to Jennifer (jenisnape), Morgaine (angelforlife), Kira (kazulanth), Julie (julie709), Sheryl (sheryll... she's actually Nyssa's [giggles19] mom), and Melissa (misssims82). They'll get sent out today since I'm going to the mall anyhow... haha.
Who knew there was a cat that turned pink?
The cat that turned pink
By Richard Savill
(Filed: 06/09/2005)

Brumas the cat
A couple are mystified by how their white cat turned pink during a morning stroll.
Brumas "went out snow white and came back Barbie pink."
Philip and Joan Worth have been told by vets that Brumas, named after the first polar bear born at London Zoo, is not toxic. But no explanation can be found for the Barbie-pink rinse he acquired after walking near his home in Bratton Clovelly, Devon.
His owners Philip Worth, 66, a retired county council officer, and his wife, Joan, took the cat to their vet who said he was in good health.
Mr. Worth said: "He went out snow white and came back Barbie pink. We went to the vet, but they couldn't find any reason for it, although they decided it wasn't toxic, which was what I was worried about."
Mr. Worth said paint was not believed to be the cause as Brumas' fur was not matted. "It occurred to me that it could have been wet dye from a washing line or even sheep dye, but there is no way he could have got the same colour so evenly all over."
The couple, who adopted Brumas after he was found on Dartmoor and taken in by the Cats Protection League, have five other cats but none of them has been affected in the same way.
Mrs. Worth, a retired shop assistant, added: "We're quite happy to live with him as a pink cat. We love him whatever his colour is."
Labels: 1997, 2005, cards, christmas, colors, emails, friends, jennifer, julie, mail, maxed-out tags limit, melissa, money, news, nina, phil, phone calls, rich, snow, yazmine
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