Monday, April 18, 2005

Mr. Two-Names

I've been exchanging messages with a guy named Dominic on OkCupid for a few days now. He seems to like what I'm about, and describes himself as "soaking things up like a sponge, with a thirst for more." Call me weird, but I've saved all the messages he's sent so far. (in reality, I'm just too lazy to delete anything from my inbox there... that's out of character for me, heh) He's even local-ish, living near Trinity. We both want new friends, while looking for that special someone... and we don't play head games. I definitely want to know more about him too, and he is communicative given the medium. I'm not in love, of course. But this guy certainly has me very intrigued, hee hee. Ah, to be the friend or more of a rambler's sometime... ;)

Corey's calling Palmer "Mr. Two-Names," haha. That certainly works, since his true name is Jayson. (with a Y, even!) Just found out that Mr. Two-Names is bisexual, although he says he's 95% straight. Let's just say he doesn't seem like my type... not from that necessarily, but I've found out certain other things about him that raise red flags. You may be saying, "Spill it, girl! Is he a cannibal like Hannibal Lecter? Is he a serial killer like so many others?" but I won't. Not here on this blog, at least... ask me in person. ;)

I am becoming more nervous about this meetup with Palmer. I just met him last week, but we seemed to get along so well that one of us suggested meeting up in person. He lives in Coquitlam, so it sure ain't no Memphis! ;) (and it goes along with Corey's advice to meet someone not so far away, haha!)

So we've made tentative plans to meet somewhere public on Thursday afternoon. I'm a little interested in pursuing a relationship if we have that "spark" going on, hehe. I mean, I like how humorous / open / communicative / caring he seems to be. But in a relationship context, the two things I just found out would be pretty big deals for me. Yes, I know I'm jumping the gun here. Who knows if we'd even get along well enough for that?

I'll tell you right now that I do respect his orientation. But how do I tell him that without seeming overly weird? In the serious context, those two things raise red flags for me... but as long as it's not anything real, it'll be all right. I mean, I've gotten over finding out certain things about people who are now my (good) friends. But... I am kinda confused!

Corey says to meet him first and see if he's fun to hang out with. That was my original intention, and I'll honor that of course. I hope he's fun to hang out with, haha.

P.S. If you're reading this, Dave, I *am* taking all the proper precautions! :P

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