Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bad Baby Names, Part III: Easy to be Scarred

Part III: Easy to be Scarred

I m thinking of naming my baby Vashara Rashea.

That sounds ominously close to part of the chant to summon the demon Pazuzu!

Brittany after the statue - Brittania

'Cause nothing in, say, France is called Brittany. Nothing big like a province. Nothing else in England called Britannia, either. Nothing big like... England.

Their hatred of this particular woman is the only thing England and France have agreed on since 1066.

We like the name Loudon for a boy - Loudon Phillips (although we don't have a middle name yet). I can't decide if this is too different. I think it's "cool" as it reminds me particularly of a drummer or some type of musician.

Um..... yeah. Hope they don't mind being called London or Loudy until their untimely spontaneous combustion / vomit-choking / freak gardening accident.

What does everyone think of Atticus Charles? Girl's name, Aubriana Kai. Older sister is Cassandra Jane, deceased older brother was David Thomas.

I think he'd grow up to shoot a mad dog in the street in a moment revealing the barbarity of even the most civilized in society.

Aubriana would grow up to shoot lasers from her fingers and join the X-Men.

Either way, they're set for life what with their late brother's popular fast food chain.

I have two boys and a baby on the way... I am hoping it is a girl. My boys are Skyler Wayne and Austin Edward. I don't even know where to start with a girl. If it is a boy, I like the name Dalton.

He'll have a wonderful childhood as his brothers attract all the abuse. He can grow up to be a retail book seller!

Hi! My name is Kasandra! It is the best name in the world! You all should name your baby girls that! I am a Greek goddess! I see the future, but no one listens to me!


I'm sorry, did you say something?

I grew up with a "grown-up" name (Victoria) and a "kid" name (Tori), as did my sister. I have always liked having both available.... so we plan on naming our firstborn son Creighton.

At last! A breath of logic! When he's little, he can be called.... Crate of Shit. Or One-Ton Creighton. Or Mr. Defies the I before E rule. And when he's older, you won't know what he's called, 'cause you won't be on speaking terms.

What about Bubba for a boy? A great unusual name!

Since when did your Ozark shack get Internet access? Or electricity, for that matter?

I am 7 months pregnant, and I am having a boy. I think I'm going to name my son Kakinston. What do you think... ??

Besides sounding like a former Central Asian Soviet republic bordering Uzbekistan, it aids small bullies immensely starting the kid's name with KACK.

I like the unique names like....
For a boy: Ezra or Solomon (from the Bible)

But my husband hates Ezra! I really like Ezra. It is so strong and manly!

I don't know. I'm sure you can find a name better than Ezra. (Zing!)

I have an unusual name (Sharmari), and I hated it as a child. As I grew older, I appreciated it for what it was... the first gift my mother had given me....

Wait, wasn't that LIFE ITSELF?

And I still haven't met anyone with the same name-Sharmari, pronounced SHAR-Marie.

Sharmari, where the Sharmy keepsh itsh weaponsh.

My husband wants to name our baby Arnold because that's his first name. I can't stand the name! Any way to talk him out of it, or any ideas on nicknames besides Arnie?

Hmm... another woman with a closet hatred of her husband... I'm starting to wonder if it's hormones that trigger biological clock-ticking or PCP.

And nicknames for Arnold besides Arnie... Um... yeah.

I want to name my child December Lynn. I love the name December, but my husband thinks that it isn't a good name because it is also a month...!

Is it? Since when?

I just found out that I am expecting a baby girl! While I have a boy's name picked out (Guillermo junior, after his daddy... for backup, lol, cause those doctors arent always right!) I'm debating between a few girl's names. Tell me what you think.

Lorelei Jakarta (yes, I know it's an Indonesian city, but I think it's exotic)

Beyonce Noelle

Heaven Starr

Yes. Exotic. As exotic as martial law. Meanwhile, in your madness, you've gone and concocted one of the best Playmate names ever.

You know, we never would have known the origin of Guillermo Jr. if she hadn't explained - IT'S AFTER HIS FATHER. HIS FATHER!!!!! It's so funny, I'll LOL.

Hello everyone! I'm 15 weeks pregnant, and I know I have a lot of time to think on a name. However, the father of the baby is no longer around. I have two older sons whose names are Aaron James, and Andrew Michael... no, I didn't have one thought at the time that they both started with "A's." But since so many think so, I would like to name this next child with an "A" name. I have found Alyssa, Alexia, Alea, Abigail that I like. Last input from father of baby was "going to break the cycle of the "A" name thing?" .... Ugh! Men! What do you think, any good advice for me?

Would like something not so common. Help!

Ugh! Men! Obviously the thing you should be most annoyed with right now is that he thinks you shouldn't give it a theme name because people make mistaken assumptions about the process by which you named the other kids! Not that that's the last thing he said before skipping out on your pregnant ass. No, that's not so bad. But Ugh! Men!

Update! Reader Timothy puts a nice fine point on it: "Though Alexia sounds like a pretty name for a girl, Alexia is actually an inability to read, caused by brain damage."

So maybe she should consider another A name. Something pretty. Like Amnesia.

I think it's good to name your baby a name different from anyone else baby, because there is so many people who have the same name your baby have or it's very difficult. Also, it's hard to name your baby a different name, because when you think that no-one have that name there will be someone who have the same name your baby have when think you have named your baby different. so, you really can't have any name that's different from anyone unless it's something made up.

Judging from this entry, I think this person named their child "Have."

Also like these, but probably won't use:

Kylah Elizabeth, Kaylee Madicyn, Kelsee Myriah

How 'bout Kaylee Madi-SIN, so she can become a featured stripper at the Lusty Lady?

Owen James

Wyatt James

Mason James

Wanted dead or alive for robbery of Wells Fargo stagecoach!

Well, I have no kids yet, but my choice of names are:

Charlie-Love (girl)

Javan-Taylor (boy)

Colby-Donal (boy)

Morgan-Leigh - boy or girl

That's just a few ideas... let me no wat u think?

I thnk yur on crak.

Thazel is a name I've wanted to use for either a boy or a girl. Is that name too weird? It's a combination of my grandmothers who passed away just three weeks apart. (Thelma and Hazel)

"So where'd you get that interesting name, Thazel?"

"A string of mysterious tragedies. Now I'm haunted by two bickering old ladies from far beyond the grave."

"Oh, that's nice."

We have a 4 year old girl named Luna, and I'm 8 months pregnant now from a boy.

(I should think so!)

We were thinking about:
(He lives on the second floor.)





Could someone suggest us some other special names for a boy, please...

Sure! Triste! Firenze! Roma! Venezia! Vespa! Con Carne! Bicicletta! Amontillado! Vente-uno! Coloseo! Proscutto! Cavalleria Rusticana! Parmagiana! Ponte Veccio! Stronzo! Espresso! Dean Martin!

I named my first daughter Odessa and my second daughter Blaze, and I have gotten wonderful comments from parents at school and work.

Could it be because all the parents at school and work are ALSO Louisiana strippers?

Odessa. Nothing like a kindergartener named after a deeply impoverished Ukrainian town sniffing distance from Chernobyl and home to one of the worst pogroms of the Holocaust. How 'bout Dachau if it's a boy?

My father-in-law has talked me into naming my new baby boy "Ovie Cecil [last name] IV." I really don't care for the name, but I'm willing to name him that if I have a good nickname. I need help!!

Don't worry. You never could have seen it coming when you married Ovie Cecil III.

He can always grow up to be an off-Broadway theater award!

It seems to me that the name "Scatman" is a great one. you know: after semi-singer and comedian Scatman Crothers.

I keep envisioning having a son named Scatman. I can imagine everyone he meets saying, 'What a cool name.' Which is good, because that way they'll have something to like about him even if his personality is really off-putting. Or if he's shallow or a bully when he's like 13, when he should be getting into punk rock or something. At least they'll think he has a hip name.

But don't use it, because I thought of it.

Damn! But your arguments are so compelling! If he grows up to be an asshole, people will still like him. And if he's a meek nerd, no one will POSSIBLY find something mean to call him as his name is already a toilet insult.

And then Jack Nicholson will hit him in the chest with an axe.

I really like Freddie Prinze Jr., and heard his father was famous and died tragically. What was his name?

His name was Scatman.

... and finally:

My last name is Tinkletop. For some reason, my wife objects to naming our son Timothy - Timmy for short. I think it's a good, memorable name.

You're right.

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