Etherkiller / Emo Grass / iTunes Suckage / Plans with Eric H. / Blogquiz
Courtesy of Corey: This etherkiller thread on Something Awful is hilarious! Some guy wants to fry the electronics in his neighbors' house because they stole his cable and internet. :D (he also told me how much iTunes SUCKS!)
Etherkiller and iTunes suckage
[20:59:30] Corey: I'm reading a Something Awful thread about a guy that's about to fry quite a bit of electronics in someone's house :P
[21:00:10] Corey: there's a thing called an "etherkiller" which is a network cable with a regular electrical plug on one end... so you plug that into a network and the wall, and the machines on the other end basically blow up :P
[21:01:23] Corey: this guy's neighbor is stealing cable from him.. he's rigging a modified version of this to the cable strewn across the guy's yard and unplugging it from the guy's house (while plugging an extension cord into the guy's house attached to this cable..)
[21:01:58] Corey: so the neighbor will notice his stolen TV / Internet isn't working anymore... go out and plug the cable back in to his house..... zzzzzzzzzzap
[21:02:13] Corey: I don't think that's a very good thing to do... but that is hilarious
[21:03:02] Corey: the guy has rigged it up and posted pictures already :P he's waiting for their lights to go out so he can go hook it up
[21:17:59] Flami: oh man
[21:19:25] Corey: he wants it this way so THEY plug it back in and fry things
[21:22:39] Flami: oh yeah, of that I have no doubt
[21:29:32] Corey: so basically... that's going to melt / fry / blow up anything hooked up to that cable... their TV, possibly their computer... maybe just a cable box :P
[21:30:01] Flami: oh man
[21:32:16] Corey: people tried to talk him out of it..
[21:33:20] Corey: basically the first reply to his thread complaining about his neighbors stealing cable (cable company is aware and has disconnected it, but they just put it back and the cable company isn't doing sh*t about it) was a post about the etherkiller thing... which seemed to be a joke :P
[21:33:45] Corey: this guy thinks it'd be "a p*ssy thing to do" to call the police.. so he's going to try the etherkiller thing :P
[21:34:14] Corey: claims he knows when they get home so he'll film it tomorrow
[21:35:47] Flami: so basically in his view, it's better to do this etherkiller thing instead of calling the police about it?
[21:35:54] Corey: I guess :P
[21:36:17] Corey: this is the kind of thing I really want to see, but would definitely try to stop if I was there with the guy :P
[21:36:48] Corey: he says his neighbors are crazy hillbilly people and their house is a slum and he doesn't think he'll be able to get any results out of talking to them
[21:36:58] Corey: and this way is anonymous since he's just leaving it in their yard
[21:37:10] Corey: he doesn't want them to be lifelong enemies or anything
[21:37:25] Corey: but I don't think it'd be THAT hard to figure out who it was
[21:38:21] Flami: yeah, agreed
[21:39:00] Corey: it's a cable box with a bunch of connections to it, so that doesn't really mean it's him.. they probably don't even know who they're stealing it from
[21:42:55] Flami: I suppose not, but still...
[00:35:03] Corey: iTunes is stupid. I'm only missing a few LARD songs to have everything.... the two main ones I can't find anywhere else are listed as "album only"
[00:35:22] Corey: which in one case means I'd need to buy a three-song EP for one track...
[00:35:39] Corey: the first two songs are 99 cents each. the full album... $9.99
[00:35:52] Corey: so track 3 is $8 basically
[00:36:02] Corey: it IS half an hour long.. but still.. that's f*cking lame
[00:36:54] Corey: and other than America Must Be Destroyed, their only GWAR albums are the worst ones :P
[00:37:37] Corey: and they don't even have the final version of the new Revolting C*cks album.. they have it but they just have the promo version.. the actual release added a couple songs and changed the order around a bit :P
[00:38:43] Corey: and the RevCo live album.... 12 songs.. 11 of them are 99 cents, but if you want the whole thing (one more song) they want $20
[00:39:50] Corey: and people in my organizational management class raved about how iTunes organizes your music for you..... f*ck no it doesn't, it put all my music in one insanely long list and doesn't even list the information on most of them.. I couldn't find anything in there without 5 minutes of scrolling :P
[00:40:06] Corey: and this thing is sooooo popular, why? it's not even easy to use like all the Appleheads claim
[00:40:11] Corey: it's messy
[00:41:16] Flami: never used it personally myself, but from what I remember of my sister's list, it just listed everything in a long thing like you said, and I'm not sure it seemed to be in any sort of order really!
[00:43:15] Corey: I have a revolutionary new MP3 tool! it's called Windows Explorer! it sorts things alphabetically and puts everything in its own folder, so you can quickly jump to any album you want! then you click on whatever file you want to play.. or with a quick right click, you can play the entire album! I should make my own MP3 library program that just gives a Windows Explorer-type listing with some shiny graphics around the edges and market it as being easier to use than iTunes :P
[00:43:57] Corey: it also plays my songs REALLY QUIET
[00:47:00] Corey: and it has an amazing "party shuffle" feature... which means it just picks random songs.
[00:47:13] Corey: I don't understand why Apple plays this "shuffle" sh*t up so much
[00:47:27] Corey: since when has there NOT been a random option on MP3 players?
[00:47:55] Corey: even my really shitty Kanguru Mp3 CD player has that.. and it hardly works right :P it was like the first MP3 CD player released
[00:48:12] Corey: one of the first portable MP3 players ever, I think
[00:49:11] Corey: iTunes also doesn't work with my music buttons on my keyboard OR the ones on my mouse. VLC, Media Player Classic, and Winamp all work with them out of the box :P even Windows Media Player does...
[00:49:20] Corey: this thing also takes up nearly my entire screen.....
[00:51:06] Corey: why would anyone be dumb enough to use this as their primary music player?
anyway... I'm going to bed :P I got this thing because I considered buying an album that is only available on here.. by a guy that sings on like half of the new Revolting C*cks songs
[00:51:29] Flami: I have no idea..
[00:51:32] Corey: it's also slow switching between songs
[00:51:43] Corey: geez.. everything about this is sh*tty
[00:52:43] Corey: well, maybe I spoke too soon.. by digging through menus, I found the "mini player" mode which is small and suddenly does work with my media buttons
[00:52:55] Flami: hey, that's a plus..
[00:54:58] Flami: but yeah, good idea... talk to you later
[00:55:43] Corey: think I'll stick to Winamp :P
[00:55:46] Corey: goodnight..
[00:56:26] Corey: heh.. it's also now running "ipodservice.exe" and "ituneshelper.exe" in the background, wasting almost 10 megs of RAM
[00:56:37] Flami: oh yay...
[00:56:55] Flami: at least your computer can probably handle that.. mine probably can't.. but a waste is still a waste :P
[00:58:35] Corey: since I'll be using this almost never... don't think I need those :P and I definitely don't need an iPod program running when I don't own one and it never asked if I even had one
[00:58:50] Corey: well, they're disabled and removed from msconfig's startup list
[00:58:55] Corey: anyway, bed :P
[00:59:00] Corey: goodnight
[00:59:25] Flami: seeya
I love this emo grass icon:![](
Eric H. finally got on MSN and asked what I wanted to do. He said he'd come by around 6 on Saturday, but I won't be home then... maybe an hour later, haha. Then he said he wanted to chill and have dinner... then maybe rent a movie, or he'll bring some over from his place. That doesn't sound too bad... only thing is that I don't have a VCR or a DVD player... yes, I am technologically-deprived. Although I wonder if his VCR player will work with my TV, and how he plans to hook it up! (or if the picture will work, since he accidentally turned the TV green a few months ago!) Comedy movies are more my speed than action movies, and I'd prefer if he grabbed some dinner on the way in... I don't feel like going out to eat after Awana unless I absolutely have to, heh. Oh, he says he'll bring the cables and the laptop. If he's just going to do that, then we might as well watch DVD movies on my computer now that it works for that purpose!
Oh, and this is what Spoz thinks of my wishing him a belated happy birthday:
[01:53:30] Flami: Industrial Strength Bootine ;): you!
[01:53:36] Flami: happy belated birthday!
[01:54:09] Spoz (stoned groooooove): no..
[01:54:10] Spoz: *cough*
[01:54:11] Spoz: that's..
[01:54:12] Spoz: um..
[01:54:13] Spoz: someone else..
[01:54:15] Spoz:![](
[01:54:38] Flami: yeah right
[01:54:39] Spoz: and I'm surprised you missed the boat on this one ;)
[01:54:42] Spoz: are your powers SLIPPING!?
[01:54:51] Spoz: have you lost your EDGE!? :P
[01:55:07] Spoz: no longer the living calendar of birthday dates?
[01:55:32] Flami: is that what you think I am!?
[01:55:43] Flami: been caught up in upkeep work..
[01:56:28] Flami: on Sunday, I was out like all day... bleh
[01:56:34] Spoz: um.. yeah.. pretty much..
[01:57:09] Flami: hahaha
Note: How much my LJ friends love me blogquiz, by Nicole.
Etherkiller and iTunes suckage
[20:59:30] Corey: I'm reading a Something Awful thread about a guy that's about to fry quite a bit of electronics in someone's house :P
[21:00:10] Corey: there's a thing called an "etherkiller" which is a network cable with a regular electrical plug on one end... so you plug that into a network and the wall, and the machines on the other end basically blow up :P
[21:01:23] Corey: this guy's neighbor is stealing cable from him.. he's rigging a modified version of this to the cable strewn across the guy's yard and unplugging it from the guy's house (while plugging an extension cord into the guy's house attached to this cable..)
[21:01:58] Corey: so the neighbor will notice his stolen TV / Internet isn't working anymore... go out and plug the cable back in to his house..... zzzzzzzzzzap
[21:02:13] Corey: I don't think that's a very good thing to do... but that is hilarious
[21:03:02] Corey: the guy has rigged it up and posted pictures already :P he's waiting for their lights to go out so he can go hook it up
[21:17:59] Flami: oh man
[21:19:25] Corey: he wants it this way so THEY plug it back in and fry things
[21:22:39] Flami: oh yeah, of that I have no doubt
[21:29:32] Corey: so basically... that's going to melt / fry / blow up anything hooked up to that cable... their TV, possibly their computer... maybe just a cable box :P
[21:30:01] Flami: oh man
[21:32:16] Corey: people tried to talk him out of it..
[21:33:20] Corey: basically the first reply to his thread complaining about his neighbors stealing cable (cable company is aware and has disconnected it, but they just put it back and the cable company isn't doing sh*t about it) was a post about the etherkiller thing... which seemed to be a joke :P
[21:33:45] Corey: this guy thinks it'd be "a p*ssy thing to do" to call the police.. so he's going to try the etherkiller thing :P
[21:34:14] Corey: claims he knows when they get home so he'll film it tomorrow
[21:35:47] Flami: so basically in his view, it's better to do this etherkiller thing instead of calling the police about it?
[21:35:54] Corey: I guess :P
[21:36:17] Corey: this is the kind of thing I really want to see, but would definitely try to stop if I was there with the guy :P
[21:36:48] Corey: he says his neighbors are crazy hillbilly people and their house is a slum and he doesn't think he'll be able to get any results out of talking to them
[21:36:58] Corey: and this way is anonymous since he's just leaving it in their yard
[21:37:10] Corey: he doesn't want them to be lifelong enemies or anything
[21:37:25] Corey: but I don't think it'd be THAT hard to figure out who it was
[21:38:21] Flami: yeah, agreed
[21:39:00] Corey: it's a cable box with a bunch of connections to it, so that doesn't really mean it's him.. they probably don't even know who they're stealing it from
[21:42:55] Flami: I suppose not, but still...
[00:35:03] Corey: iTunes is stupid. I'm only missing a few LARD songs to have everything.... the two main ones I can't find anywhere else are listed as "album only"
[00:35:22] Corey: which in one case means I'd need to buy a three-song EP for one track...
[00:35:39] Corey: the first two songs are 99 cents each. the full album... $9.99
[00:35:52] Corey: so track 3 is $8 basically
[00:36:02] Corey: it IS half an hour long.. but still.. that's f*cking lame
[00:36:54] Corey: and other than America Must Be Destroyed, their only GWAR albums are the worst ones :P
[00:37:37] Corey: and they don't even have the final version of the new Revolting C*cks album.. they have it but they just have the promo version.. the actual release added a couple songs and changed the order around a bit :P
[00:38:43] Corey: and the RevCo live album.... 12 songs.. 11 of them are 99 cents, but if you want the whole thing (one more song) they want $20
[00:39:50] Corey: and people in my organizational management class raved about how iTunes organizes your music for you..... f*ck no it doesn't, it put all my music in one insanely long list and doesn't even list the information on most of them.. I couldn't find anything in there without 5 minutes of scrolling :P
[00:40:06] Corey: and this thing is sooooo popular, why? it's not even easy to use like all the Appleheads claim
[00:40:11] Corey: it's messy
[00:41:16] Flami: never used it personally myself, but from what I remember of my sister's list, it just listed everything in a long thing like you said, and I'm not sure it seemed to be in any sort of order really!
[00:43:15] Corey: I have a revolutionary new MP3 tool! it's called Windows Explorer! it sorts things alphabetically and puts everything in its own folder, so you can quickly jump to any album you want! then you click on whatever file you want to play.. or with a quick right click, you can play the entire album! I should make my own MP3 library program that just gives a Windows Explorer-type listing with some shiny graphics around the edges and market it as being easier to use than iTunes :P
[00:43:57] Corey: it also plays my songs REALLY QUIET
[00:47:00] Corey: and it has an amazing "party shuffle" feature... which means it just picks random songs.
[00:47:13] Corey: I don't understand why Apple plays this "shuffle" sh*t up so much
[00:47:27] Corey: since when has there NOT been a random option on MP3 players?
[00:47:55] Corey: even my really shitty Kanguru Mp3 CD player has that.. and it hardly works right :P it was like the first MP3 CD player released
[00:48:12] Corey: one of the first portable MP3 players ever, I think
[00:49:11] Corey: iTunes also doesn't work with my music buttons on my keyboard OR the ones on my mouse. VLC, Media Player Classic, and Winamp all work with them out of the box :P even Windows Media Player does...
[00:49:20] Corey: this thing also takes up nearly my entire screen.....
[00:51:06] Corey: why would anyone be dumb enough to use this as their primary music player?
anyway... I'm going to bed :P I got this thing because I considered buying an album that is only available on here.. by a guy that sings on like half of the new Revolting C*cks songs
[00:51:29] Flami: I have no idea..
[00:51:32] Corey: it's also slow switching between songs
[00:51:43] Corey: geez.. everything about this is sh*tty
[00:52:43] Corey: well, maybe I spoke too soon.. by digging through menus, I found the "mini player" mode which is small and suddenly does work with my media buttons
[00:52:55] Flami: hey, that's a plus..
[00:54:58] Flami: but yeah, good idea... talk to you later
[00:55:43] Corey: think I'll stick to Winamp :P
[00:55:46] Corey: goodnight..
[00:56:26] Corey: heh.. it's also now running "ipodservice.exe" and "ituneshelper.exe" in the background, wasting almost 10 megs of RAM
[00:56:37] Flami: oh yay...
[00:56:55] Flami: at least your computer can probably handle that.. mine probably can't.. but a waste is still a waste :P
[00:58:35] Corey: since I'll be using this almost never... don't think I need those :P and I definitely don't need an iPod program running when I don't own one and it never asked if I even had one
[00:58:50] Corey: well, they're disabled and removed from msconfig's startup list
[00:58:55] Corey: anyway, bed :P
[00:59:00] Corey: goodnight
[00:59:25] Flami: seeya
I love this emo grass icon:
Eric H. finally got on MSN and asked what I wanted to do. He said he'd come by around 6 on Saturday, but I won't be home then... maybe an hour later, haha. Then he said he wanted to chill and have dinner... then maybe rent a movie, or he'll bring some over from his place. That doesn't sound too bad... only thing is that I don't have a VCR or a DVD player... yes, I am technologically-deprived. Although I wonder if his VCR player will work with my TV, and how he plans to hook it up! (or if the picture will work, since he accidentally turned the TV green a few months ago!) Comedy movies are more my speed than action movies, and I'd prefer if he grabbed some dinner on the way in... I don't feel like going out to eat after Awana unless I absolutely have to, heh. Oh, he says he'll bring the cables and the laptop. If he's just going to do that, then we might as well watch DVD movies on my computer now that it works for that purpose!
Oh, and this is what Spoz thinks of my wishing him a belated happy birthday:
[01:53:30] Flami: Industrial Strength Bootine ;): you!
[01:53:36] Flami: happy belated birthday!
[01:54:09] Spoz (stoned groooooove): no..
[01:54:10] Spoz: *cough*
[01:54:11] Spoz: that's..
[01:54:12] Spoz: um..
[01:54:13] Spoz: someone else..
[01:54:15] Spoz:
[01:54:38] Flami: yeah right
[01:54:39] Spoz: and I'm surprised you missed the boat on this one ;)
[01:54:42] Spoz: are your powers SLIPPING!?
[01:54:51] Spoz: have you lost your EDGE!? :P
[01:55:07] Spoz: no longer the living calendar of birthday dates?
[01:55:32] Flami: is that what you think I am!?
[01:55:43] Flami: been caught up in upkeep work..
[01:56:28] Flami: on Sunday, I was out like all day... bleh
[01:56:34] Spoz: um.. yeah.. pretty much..
[01:57:09] Flami: hahaha
Note: How much my LJ friends love me blogquiz, by Nicole.
Labels: blog comments, blogquiz, bootybase, chris, computer, conversations, corey, crap, eric h., flami, gwar, icons, maxed-out tags limit, msn, music, nicole, shuffle, something awful, spoz, visitors
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