Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Weird dreams of the Spice Girls, vampires, driverless cars / Foobar and Winamp

Gotta write this quickly because of the scheduled Blogger maintenance outage at 5!

I had a weird dream where Corey and I were chilling at his place, when he told me that there would be an imminent invasion of vampires / werewolves / zombies. After talking about what to do, we decided to book it to a palatial house in the mountains. For some reason, the Spice Girls were there... I distinctly remember Mel B. and Mel C. They wanted to take someone hostage, which was against the house rules. I recall that they tried pulling that trick while we were busy watching TV, which was covering some huge funeral with LINES of people waiting to get to the place where it was being held. They stuffed a piece of paper in a grey file cabinet drawer when the old guy who owned the mansion found out about it.

I was very quiet, and got some blackberry thing for dessert. When we found out what they did, we lectured them. My sister arrived at that point, and wanted to take us for a drive. We told her to watch out for the vampires, but she said we'd be fine. Some of us dubiously took her up on her offer. We were on a bridge when my sister decided to drive like they would in England, with the steering wheel on the other side. Corey wondered whether the cops would get her, but they didn't. For some reason, it was okay to switch sides and drive the "wrong" way. Odd dream...

I told Corey about this just now when he buzzed me to gloat about getting a new expensive Dave Brockie Experience CD in the mail. ("I got this in the mail today and you didn't... SO THERE! :P") He thought I'd chosen the Spice Girls for my "lesbian orgy with a goth theme," and wondered which one of them I liked the best: "Posh and Scary Spice's boobs are all over the internet, but I don't know about the rest of them." Very funny, dude. :P

Then I prepared to burn the Seattle Phone Pranks (37 tracks) to CD for Matt. For some reason, Nero insists the total running time of all those is 150 minutes and 4 seconds (2 hours, 30 minutes, and 4 seconds). Corey says Winamp says it's 74 minutes and nine seconds... while Foobar says it's an hour, 14 minutes, and 14 seconds. After I calculated the running time that Nero gave me (2 hours and 58 seconds), I put everything on Winamp just to check it again: that says 1 hour, 14 minutes, and 9 seconds. Corey guesses I added everything twice accidentally, or Nero made everything twice as long for some reason. Maybe, since he's sure it came off a CD someone made of the tapes in the first place. Weird stuff... off to figure this out once and for all. :P

Made it with ten minutes to spare! :D

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