Foursomes and the Adult Friend Finder / Blogquiz and Caffeine Nebula
Apparently, Corey thinks that I should sign up with AdultFriendFinder so I can get four hot chicks into bed with me. ("I described them and it works for you... so it's now time to step it up a notch!" Uh, I was talking about the HYPOTHETICAL part! o_O) I don't think so, buddy! :P
Note: LJ Animals blogquiz, by Melissa.
I'm Welcome Freshmen!
You're the Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World take-off, Welcome Freshmen!
What classic Nickelodeon show are you?
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I'm Rocko's Modern Life!
Wildly quirky and off-the-wall, Rocko is a wallaby (basically a miniature kangaroo) whose best friend is a heifer, other best friend is a tortoise, boss is a frog, and dog is a... dog. If that's not enough to scare you away, well, maybe the recycle song will. "R-e-c-y-c-l-e, recycle!..."
What Nicktoon are you?
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I'm a Troll!
The vicious Jungle Trolls, who populate the numerous islands of the South Seas, are renowned for their cruelty and dark mysticism. Barbarous and superstitious, the wily Trolls carry a seething hatred for all other races. However, one tribe was forced to overcome its prejudices when it encountered the Orc Warchief, Thrall, and his mighty Horde. The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, were nearly destroyed by a band of aquatic Murlocs, but Thrall and the Horde managed to save them. In return, the grateful Trolls swore an oath of eternal allegiance to the Horde. Led by the cunning Shadow Hunter, Vol'jin, the Darkspear Trolls now make their home in Durotar along with their Orcish allies. Their village, named after their fallen tribal elder, Sen'jin, lies along the eastern coast of the harsh, rocky land. The Darkspear tribe also occupies tracks within the nearby jungles of the Echo Isles. As part of the Horde, the Trolls have extended their loyalty to the mighty Tauren, but they have little trust for the manipulative Forsaken, whom they believe will visit only misery and strife upon their allies. (Bio borrowed from
What World of Warcraft race are you?
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Hahaha! I remember hearing about murlocs from Eric M. some time ago. :D
I'm Amy Matthews!
Played by Betsy Randle... you're the smart, protective, and loving mother of three, Amy Matthews.
Which Boy Meets World character are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
Note: LJ Animals blogquiz, by Melissa.
You're the Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World take-off, Welcome Freshmen!
What classic Nickelodeon show are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
Wildly quirky and off-the-wall, Rocko is a wallaby (basically a miniature kangaroo) whose best friend is a heifer, other best friend is a tortoise, boss is a frog, and dog is a... dog. If that's not enough to scare you away, well, maybe the recycle song will. "R-e-c-y-c-l-e, recycle!..."
What Nicktoon are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
The vicious Jungle Trolls, who populate the numerous islands of the South Seas, are renowned for their cruelty and dark mysticism. Barbarous and superstitious, the wily Trolls carry a seething hatred for all other races. However, one tribe was forced to overcome its prejudices when it encountered the Orc Warchief, Thrall, and his mighty Horde. The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, were nearly destroyed by a band of aquatic Murlocs, but Thrall and the Horde managed to save them. In return, the grateful Trolls swore an oath of eternal allegiance to the Horde. Led by the cunning Shadow Hunter, Vol'jin, the Darkspear Trolls now make their home in Durotar along with their Orcish allies. Their village, named after their fallen tribal elder, Sen'jin, lies along the eastern coast of the harsh, rocky land. The Darkspear tribe also occupies tracks within the nearby jungles of the Echo Isles. As part of the Horde, the Trolls have extended their loyalty to the mighty Tauren, but they have little trust for the manipulative Forsaken, whom they believe will visit only misery and strife upon their allies. (Bio borrowed from
What World of Warcraft race are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
Hahaha! I remember hearing about murlocs from Eric M. some time ago. :D
Played by Betsy Randle... you're the smart, protective, and loving mother of three, Amy Matthews.
Which Boy Meets World character are you?
Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
Labels: amy, blogquiz, caffeine nebula, characters, coinage, comics, corey, death, eric m., games, melissa, nick, sex, tv shows
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