Eric H. popping up on MSN and then signing off / more Caffeine Nebula quizzes
Eric H. popped on MSN to say that we should hang out again, possibly as soon as this Saturday. That would be a good idea... however, he signed off a few minutes afterward before I could tell him so. I hate when that happens... aiya! The Canucks also lost 1-0 against the L.A. Kings tonight.. sheesh. We're probably this close to not making the playoffs at all, and we're losing?! Man!
More Caffeine Nebula quizzes, since there's nothing else interesting to post:
Critics would give my life an A-!

Well, you certainly burned a lot of money to get here, didn't you? Not that it didn't pay off. Many have said that it's not possible to have a good film that incorporates everything, and your life is proof of that. It incorporates everything, but that doesn't make it exciting to watch. Amidst the confusion, there might be some plot... but one thing's for sure: everyone'll find something they want, from violence to romance. So the critics will love it, and the fans will hate it; the critics will accuse the fans of not being artistic enough, and the fans will accuse the critics of being too psychotic. And amidst all the namecalling, publicity for your movie will soar, reeling in record returns on the millions you spent blowing up those fourteen aircraft carriers. Well played, bud.
What rating would movie critics give your life?
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My life is rated PG!

Your life is rated PG!
What is your life rated? (TV Scale)
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My life is rated PG!

Your life is rated PG!
What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)
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I'm the Trix Rabbit!

Spunky, tricky, and fruity... you're the Trix Rabbit!
Which cereal mascot are you?
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I'm Kimi!

You're the charitable, friendly, outgoing newbie of the babies, Kimi Finster! Your trademarks are an affinity for adventure, and a caretaker's attitude towards Chuckie.
Which Rugrat are you?
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I'm Judy!

Judy is Doug's older sister, a self-absorbed, melodramatic wannabe actress who never steps out of the spotlight. Although she makes life difficult and embarrassing for her brother at times, she loves him, and he digs her too. Alas, to Judy, Doug will always be a part of the supporting cast. (Bio borrowed from Bluffington)
Which character from Nickelodeon's Doug are you?
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I'm Toad!

The cute little help desk of the Mario world, you're the one reason Mario and his friends know exactly where to go in their exploits. You're Toad, the ultimate little guy with a big job. Now just stop giving help for two seconds and actually do something!
Which Mario Bros. character are you?
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I'm Padme Amidala!

You're the driven, strong leader of the planet Naboo! You're also the bride of Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala! For more information, click here.
What Star Wars heroine are you?
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I'm a Follower!

One for the romance, as the case may be, you'd far rather be swept off your feet and swung around the dance floor than left to make the decisions on your own. Perhaps it's timidity, or perhaps it's romance, but for whatever reason you're far more content to let your partner lead than to lead yourself. There's a shortage of your type in the world, and though the soloists may get the attention and the leaders the recognition, you are the one who inevitably goes home with their mind at ease.
What kind of dancer are you?
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More Caffeine Nebula quizzes, since there's nothing else interesting to post:
Well, you certainly burned a lot of money to get here, didn't you? Not that it didn't pay off. Many have said that it's not possible to have a good film that incorporates everything, and your life is proof of that. It incorporates everything, but that doesn't make it exciting to watch. Amidst the confusion, there might be some plot... but one thing's for sure: everyone'll find something they want, from violence to romance. So the critics will love it, and the fans will hate it; the critics will accuse the fans of not being artistic enough, and the fans will accuse the critics of being too psychotic. And amidst all the namecalling, publicity for your movie will soar, reeling in record returns on the millions you spent blowing up those fourteen aircraft carriers. Well played, bud.
What rating would movie critics give your life?
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Your life is rated PG!
What is your life rated? (TV Scale)
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Your life is rated PG!
What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)
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Spunky, tricky, and fruity... you're the Trix Rabbit!
Which cereal mascot are you?
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You're the charitable, friendly, outgoing newbie of the babies, Kimi Finster! Your trademarks are an affinity for adventure, and a caretaker's attitude towards Chuckie.
Which Rugrat are you?
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Judy is Doug's older sister, a self-absorbed, melodramatic wannabe actress who never steps out of the spotlight. Although she makes life difficult and embarrassing for her brother at times, she loves him, and he digs her too. Alas, to Judy, Doug will always be a part of the supporting cast. (Bio borrowed from Bluffington)
Which character from Nickelodeon's Doug are you?
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The cute little help desk of the Mario world, you're the one reason Mario and his friends know exactly where to go in their exploits. You're Toad, the ultimate little guy with a big job. Now just stop giving help for two seconds and actually do something!
Which Mario Bros. character are you?
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You're the driven, strong leader of the planet Naboo! You're also the bride of Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala! For more information, click here.
What Star Wars heroine are you?
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One for the romance, as the case may be, you'd far rather be swept off your feet and swung around the dance floor than left to make the decisions on your own. Perhaps it's timidity, or perhaps it's romance, but for whatever reason you're far more content to let your partner lead than to lead yourself. There's a shortage of your type in the world, and though the soloists may get the attention and the leaders the recognition, you are the one who inevitably goes home with their mind at ease.
What kind of dancer are you?
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Labels: babies, breakfast, caffeine nebula, characters, chuck, eric h., hockey, life, mario, money, movies, msn, sex, tv shows, visitors, war
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