Friday, September 23, 2011

Cindy transitions! / I'm not having your Hershey's Kisses!

Cindy emailed us to say that she's completed her transition, and will no longer be attending David Fellowship. I know this is selfish, but at least I won't ever have to wait around for Eric to finish talking to her at church! She apologized for not telling all of us in person at the BBQ a couple weeks ago, but that's fine by me - I think she told me, anyhow!

Paul called just past 11, but I missed it. Thanks to Caller ID, I knew it was him! He was surprised when I called him back, hahahaha! Said he'd bought cans of chili, bread (since he felt bad about taking mine), breakfast sausage, Hershey's Kisses (um...), and some other stuff even if he doesn't have much money. He wanted to let me know that he was heading home from the North Shore on the Canada Line - yup, it certainly sounded like it! Hey, at least I was home then, as I told him - yes, that meant I was out as well. Apparently, he got a new place near Jeremy's, and a new electrical job interview - he may not be able to move in for a couple of weeks, but appreciates the help from Deb, Dylan, and me. For some reason, this makes it a little less annoying, but I still swear every time I see things out of place! When he got home, I had to talk to him out of obligation: discussed the Seabus, chocolates, lollipops, "dear," Craigslist, walking everywhere, Connie texting him, light rye bread, pasta (which I need to get), SERVANTS, trust being a process, pasta sauce, Chunky Soup clam chowder, steak chili, raspberry jam, cat calendars, plans, and more. Of course it depends if I'm going to Fellowship!

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