Saturday, August 29, 2009

Canada Line, housewarming, Judy Jetson, and horses

Slept in later today, which is good - next Saturday, I'll have to get up early for the Awana orientation! Speaking of which, I need to make sure I talk to either Ada or Henry about it tomorrow - hopefully, I see them. Eric had called, so I returned it; says I'll have to take the Canada Line to the housewarming. After looking it up on Translink and writing down the directions (I'll leave after 4:15), I called Harmony to let her know what was going on. She says her high school reunion at the Alibi Room last night was pretty good - hanging out later than you thought you would is probably a good thing, haha! I'll definitely give her that piece of mail that ended up at the townhouse, for sure. Now it's time for some chicken noodles!

Facebook quizzes taken from Sharlene and Kitty:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which TOTALLY AWESOME 80's female cartoon character are you?" with the result Judy Jetson. You are fun and always up-to-date on all the latest fads! You love to shop, and have been known to splurge. Just be careful not to fall too much into debt. When a problem arises, you usually complain and mope, hoping someone will fix it for you, or it will just go away altogether. A lot of your socializing is done through means of technology, which explains your big cell phone bill. Friends come to you for fashion and boy advice all the time, because you give good advice and love to dish. Not everyone can keep up with you; you're always into the latest new thing, whatever it may be. An ideal vacation spot for you would be a futuristic city like Tokyo. A place like that could keep up with your up-to-the-minute demands. You can be a little boy-crazy. Just protect your heart, because when it comes to the boys, you usually like the bad ones. Overall, you're ahead of your time, girly girl!

Leslie just took the "What horse suits you?" quiz and the result is Trusty Steed. You like a forward going but safe horse! Something that has a ping when you want it to! NOT the other way round.

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