Friday, August 28, 2009

You should NOT be doing stuff for him - WE COME FIRST! / No mayonnaise!

This entry would have come earlier, but Facebook was doing maintenance on my account... blah! Talked to Erik very briefly about stuff earlier, which was cool.

Eric emailed me, saying that The Stupid Idiot is being picked up at the Greyhound bus depot after Fellowship... I say, LEAVE HIM THERE BEFORE I HAVE TO KILL YOU! Seriously! So am I even going to see Eric at ALL tomorrow?! I guess I can call him at work during the afternoon sometime and coordinate plans for Saturday, if he's even going to the housewarming. However, I can predict that The Stupid Idiot is going to demand ALL HIS TIME because I went through this myself - let's just say that he does NOT belong in the church on Sunday. I know that sounds very un-Christian of me, but really... I'm all for welcoming people, but just not him! I don't even feel that extremely about two certain others! (I'd rather see THEM at church / the housewarming, and that's saying something!)

Honestly, I don't even feel COMFORTABLE being around The Stupid Idiot - I'll need to explain that to Eric tomorrow! I think Eric should have told me that before I bought these organic crackers, but I suppose I can now eat them myself because I won't go to Fellowship now. DAMN THEM, RUINING MY PLANS! At least Eric did tell me, which is fine since it does affect my plans for transportation home IF Fellowship were now on the list of my priorities. I EVEN GOT HIM CRACKERS THAT HE COULD EAT! Corey wants to know if he's tried contacting me lately: not that I know of, but I still feel this way! At least he won't interrupt the Committee Meeting on Monday, I hope...

Facebook quiz taken from Kaili:

Leslie took the What's going to happen to you this year? quiz and got the result: You're going to die. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles! NOTE: This is for entertainment purposes only. (I hope not! Someone else needs to die, though! WHY IS IT NOT HAPPENING.... UGH!)

Poo nugget for Friday, August 28: Hold The Mayo - On this date in 1963, the March on Washington took place in Washington, DC. Impressive preparations were made for this historic rally, which included over 250,000 participants. Attendees were instructed to bring plenty of drinking water and to pack sandwiches without mayonnaise, out of concern that spoiled mayo could result in diarrheal outbreaks. Just in case, the organizers also arranged for 292 outdoor toilets. (Why not an even 300 outdoor toilets?!)

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