Saturday, August 29, 2009

Probiotics, Jimmy Buffet, and glam rock

When I got home, Corey and I discussed weight and height - he torments his Taiwan friend Jane about being short all the time, apparently. OH, THE HUMANITY! I'm not going to check out the BMI index, thanks!

Poo nugget for this weekend: Doo You Know? - Probiotic - Probiotics are fermentable fibers that stimulate the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria, essentially food for the good healthy bacteria that live in your colon. Foods that naturally contain high quantities of probiotics include oats, soybeans, and Jerusalem artichokes.

Facebook quizzes taken from Michael and Steve:

Leslie completed the quiz "What Jimmy Buffet Song Are You?" with the result Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes. You have had a great life, and you like to think about it once in a while, but let's face it – there is so much more to be done. Now where did I put that daiquiri?

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Glam Rock Star are you?" with the result Robert Smith. Congratulations! You are Robert Smith of the Cure. Okay, so you are not entirely all glam rock, but your signature style of wearing makeup in the 80's made you accepted. YEEEES!! You are one of a kind, even though you sleep in a vampire coffin. By the way, your mom told me to tell you to leave your room more than once a day, and stop playing World of Warcraft....

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