Liven things up with a flippant hatting! / Drugs and monorails
RIP, Bo Diddley. :(
Bingos of the day so far:
UNHATTED (62 points) - against Guy M.
TACTION (83 points) - against Guy M. [different game than above; hooked off HIP]
FLIPPANT (66 points) - against Carrie D.
LIVENER (62 points) - against Jason Y.
Katie V. also played QI twice, hooking off the I in FIX. 42 points, baby!
Man, that 3OT game last night was EPIC! I bet Pastor John watched it all since he likes the Red Wings, haha. Pittsburgh managed to win, forcing a Game 6.
I've been reminded of the time a bunch of us basically took over a Denny's, grabbing chairs from other tables and making our own big one. Didn't Erin do that once near Thurlow, near the fireworks? Haha, that was cool too! Also, my St. Ives Exfoliating Apricot body wash reminds me of the discussion we were having at Jeremy's about how Nathan pronounced "apricot" the wrong way! :P
Had a weird dream last night:
* A bunch of us were going to a camp somewhere in the woods, so my mom said she'd meet me at the bus station. I was at the bus station (clutching my pink bus pass) just in time to hear my mom get on the monorail and scream "Leslie! Are you on this bus?!" (I was thinking "Of course not - thank goodness I lost myself in the immense crowd!")
* Once that monorail departed, I got on another one with a bunch of friends. The bus ride into the woods with a clear blue lake reminded me of the Camp Sasamat trips I used to take as a child.
* This trip into the forest took forever, but we were "rewarded" with a plume of red smoke in the distance. We couldn't tell where it was coming from, and it was eventually established that something was amiss there. So we went to investigate, and found a church almost in flames!
* Dylan put it out, and then we were invited into the church for some hymn-singing as part of a funeral. Nancy [one of the two friends with the same name at my church in real life] was one of the ushers - Grandma wanted to sit next to Auntie Eva and others, so I let her while I sought out my own group. There were pads of paper with foreign-language greetings on them, from Facebook Scrabulous: Hi, Hello, Aloha, Boutye, Jambo, G'Day, Ciao, Salam, Svayks, Kia ora, Howdy, Bonjour, etc.
* After that was done, we got back on the bus. It took us to a glade with picnic tables, where we all disembarked. Sam, Mike, Nathan, and others were concerned about someone else. He had apparently gone 61 days without a regular cocaine dose, and they were only now worried about possible withdrawal effects. We were going to set up some sort of intervention, but the phone rang and woke me up.
No clue why I had that one, as usual...

more graph humor and song chart memes
Bingos of the day so far:
UNHATTED (62 points) - against Guy M.
TACTION (83 points) - against Guy M. [different game than above; hooked off HIP]
FLIPPANT (66 points) - against Carrie D.
LIVENER (62 points) - against Jason Y.
Katie V. also played QI twice, hooking off the I in FIX. 42 points, baby!
Man, that 3OT game last night was EPIC! I bet Pastor John watched it all since he likes the Red Wings, haha. Pittsburgh managed to win, forcing a Game 6.
I've been reminded of the time a bunch of us basically took over a Denny's, grabbing chairs from other tables and making our own big one. Didn't Erin do that once near Thurlow, near the fireworks? Haha, that was cool too! Also, my St. Ives Exfoliating Apricot body wash reminds me of the discussion we were having at Jeremy's about how Nathan pronounced "apricot" the wrong way! :P
Had a weird dream last night:
* A bunch of us were going to a camp somewhere in the woods, so my mom said she'd meet me at the bus station. I was at the bus station (clutching my pink bus pass) just in time to hear my mom get on the monorail and scream "Leslie! Are you on this bus?!" (I was thinking "Of course not - thank goodness I lost myself in the immense crowd!")
* Once that monorail departed, I got on another one with a bunch of friends. The bus ride into the woods with a clear blue lake reminded me of the Camp Sasamat trips I used to take as a child.
* This trip into the forest took forever, but we were "rewarded" with a plume of red smoke in the distance. We couldn't tell where it was coming from, and it was eventually established that something was amiss there. So we went to investigate, and found a church almost in flames!
* Dylan put it out, and then we were invited into the church for some hymn-singing as part of a funeral. Nancy [one of the two friends with the same name at my church in real life] was one of the ushers - Grandma wanted to sit next to Auntie Eva and others, so I let her while I sought out my own group. There were pads of paper with foreign-language greetings on them, from Facebook Scrabulous: Hi, Hello, Aloha, Boutye, Jambo, G'Day, Ciao, Salam, Svayks, Kia ora, Howdy, Bonjour, etc.
* After that was done, we got back on the bus. It took us to a glade with picnic tables, where we all disembarked. Sam, Mike, Nathan, and others were concerned about someone else. He had apparently gone 61 days without a regular cocaine dose, and they were only now worried about possible withdrawal effects. We were going to set up some sort of intervention, but the phone rang and woke me up.
No clue why I had that one, as usual...

more graph humor and song chart memes
Labels: bingo, body wash, carrie, coincidences, death, dreams, drugs, dylan, graph jam, hockey, jason, jeremy, john, katie, korey, maxed-out tags limit, music, scrabble, visitors, words
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