Monday, October 22, 2007

Dream of grassy meridians

Apparently, today is CAPS LOCK DAY. Oh dear. BC's worst single-day mass murder happened in Surrey?! Man, I gotta look into this local news... while playing Text Twist (Internet Anagram Server might help if your vocab is deficient :P) and maybe looking into WINE. My bus pass application also arrived today, which is pretty good compared to LAST year's horrorshow. Let's hope I don't lose THIS one! I also think my lingering cough sounds better today than it has in the past - as long as I'm not uncontrollably coughing every few minutes, then it's good. Hmm, I'm finding a couple of INTERESTING things on Google... yikes, haha.

Steph said that Harmony's mom seemed to be pretty hip with her spelling of "you" in some forwarded email that Mom sent us - well, Mom once used "u" in an email she sent me as well. Still cringe-inducing, but as long as they don't descend into AOL script kiddie lingo, I suppose all is well. (if these women who are almost 60 years old type in leet speak or even the modified Netspeak I see from Andrew or Michelle, I think I'm going to have to DIE!) On another note, I think I need time with Chinese Eric - we'll see what happens, haha. Now I'm talking to Dan about things! Had an interesting dream once I finally got to sleep: kids, six inches between grassy meridians, crafts, a white woman named Barbara in a wheelchair, my parents in a car, a guy whom people didn't want me to be with, a kid with gynecomastia, George, Dorothy look-a-like, etc. So weird. Not sure what it's trying to tell me - too many flowers and symbols.

Last night, I was trying to convince Corey that chicken feet was good food. He didn't think so, and same goes for a bunch of the other food that I describe eating: intestines, uteri, pig's feet / knuckles, lion's head (although I don't think I've actually had that), etc. Jane herself doesn't eat them, but some people in Taiwan do. After a long conversation, I got into lexicon history / Text Twist / words - always interesting!

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