Hooking up and my mega vocabulary...
Ah yes, I've finished the latest mini-project: no tags with 0 uses on my tag page now! :D
Eric got on MSN to wonder who had Chinese Eric's phone number since nobody was at home, and the cell phone was either off or out of the calling area. Since I was checking my email for the first time in a day, I told him that I had 423 emails and that 396 of them were spam. He thought I hadn't checked my email in 423 DAYS, and told me that my inbox would simply stop accepting email if it was full... kinda like an overflow error, haha. (I knew that... I was joking with the "overflowing inbox" construct! :P) Then he went on to say that I wanted to hook up with Eric H., and that my vocab overflowed the boundaries of the English language...
Session Start (flamsterette_x@yahoo.com:Diven - Canucks pick 10th): Sun May 21 18:42:01 2006
[18:42:04] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: hmm... who would know Eric's phone number
[18:42:05] Diven: no answer at home.
[18:42:19] Diven: cell phone out of calling area or off
[18:42:53] Flami: Industrial Strength Bootine ;): hmm.. 423 new emails?!
[18:43:02] Diven: what?
[18:45:11] Flami: I'm checking my email for the first time since last night, and have 423 new ones..
[18:45:11] Diven: why so many
[18:45:18] Flami: I bet most of it is spam
[18:45:21] Diven: you haven't checked them in 423 days
[18:45:31] Flami: uh. no
[18:45:43] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: like my WoW characters
[18:45:43] Flami: if that were the case, my inbox would probably overflow
[18:46:35] Diven: inboxes don't overflow.. they stop accepting them. (which could be considered an overflow error, lol)
[18:47:28] Diven: dang, Mr. Ho disappeared yesterday when I wanted to talk to him.. and now he's gone again.
[18:49:07] Flami: oh darn
[18:49:38] Flami: ".... no, I do not want to hook up tonight or any other night!" .... stupid spam :P
[18:49:46] Diven: what do you mean. oh darn
[18:50:13] Diven: yes, you do... and you know it
[18:50:49] Flami: ........ who the heck would I hook up with?!
[18:51:02] Diven: Eric Ho
[18:51:18] Diven: if you could find him
[18:51:42] Diven: maybe you are just not telling me his info so you can hook up with him tonight
[18:51:59] Flami: okay, I can leave the 27 non-spam (journal comments) for later..
[18:52:03] Diven: that is the only logical conclusion that can be made.
[18:52:20] Flami: .... uh, I think YOU're the one who needs to be admitted into Riverview!
[18:52:23] Diven: you erased 396 emails already
[18:52:33] Diven: what are you talking about
[18:53:23] Flami: yeah, I deleted them already..
[18:54:11] Diven: you have Eric Ho's cell phone number, you want to hook up with him, you aren't giving me said number, conclusion provided you are acting logically is what I said
[18:54:24] Diven: do you get 423 emails per day usually?
[18:55:10] Flami: .... whatever you say, O crazy one
[18:55:25] Diven: zero crazy one
[18:55:29] Diven: ???
[18:55:32] Diven:![](http://computer-ease.com/emoticon/trihuh.jpg)
[18:55:33] Flami: probably I get about 450 a day or something
[18:55:41] Flami: that's not a zero
[18:55:53] Diven: how do you know they are all actually junk
[18:56:20] Flami: because I happen to know what spam appears as
[18:56:28] Diven: maybe your junk mail filter is filtering out emails from Eric Ho with his phone number, or a love letter or something
[18:56:37] Flami: ...........
[18:56:44] Diven: but then you have to look at all the subject lines
[18:56:50] Flami: what is with you and thinking that I want a secret tryst with Eric Ho?!
[18:56:54] Diven: you should get a different email account
[18:57:02] Diven: tryst
[18:57:04] Flami: I'm too lazy to switch :P
[18:57:11] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: I don't even know what that means
[18:57:29] Flami: I was going to say that you know what it is, since I know you're smart and all..
[18:58:12] Diven: I'm not smart and all... I don't have your vocabulary so big it overflows the bounds of the English language.
[18:58:23] Flami: Tryst
[18:59:31] Diven: wouldn't the word "date," or "night out," or "meeting," or "encounter" suffice. No, you have to use your mega-vocabulary
[19:00:05] Diven: k well, I'm going to go SiN
[19:01:06] Flami: you know me and my vocab
[19:01:09] Flami: heh, okay
[19:01:11] Flami: later
[19:01:21] Diven: you're just going to let me SiN
[19:01:41] Flami: are you talking about actual sinning, or something else?
[19:03:37] Diven: I think that is obvious
[19:03:40] Diven: and you are letting me do it
[19:04:00] Flami: well, I would hope you wouldn't
[19:04:11] Flami: in fact, I'd probably pray you wouldn't
[19:04:18] Diven: why don't you want me to play a game.
[19:04:32] Flami: but since I know you're talking about something else, then go right ahead
[19:04:49] Diven: so go right ahead and sin is your message to me... hehe
[19:04:50] Diven: ciao
Session Close (Diven - Canucks pick 10th): Sun May 21 19:05:19 2006
Now both Eric and I have changed our MSN names to hopefully get Eric H. to call him. Heck, you'd be more likely to do so if your name was right there! ;)
The "mega vocab" comment reminds me of a few years ago, when Eric was questioning my use of "capacious" (which he applied to my booty, and not to my mind :P), "castigation" (he thought I'd said "Calvinistic".. not used outside the context of Sunday School / baptism / membership classes!), and other words. Then there was the time when I used the word "euphonious"... he thought I'd said "euthanaisiouus." (um, no!) But yes, he DID know what "euphonious" meant... since he IS a good musician, I'd very much hope so! In late February 2005, I told him that I wouldn't defenestrate his water bottle since he warned me that it would try to escape out the car window. To him, "defenestrate" is a word that only my "vocabulary buddies" would understand.. haha!
Spoz lets my big fluffy vocabulary words just float by him, and he had this great reaction to the word "interrobang" once: "What the FUCK is an interrobang? Should I go defenestrate myself?!" No need to throw your bad self out of a window for THAT one, hah!
Eric got on MSN to wonder who had Chinese Eric's phone number since nobody was at home, and the cell phone was either off or out of the calling area. Since I was checking my email for the first time in a day, I told him that I had 423 emails and that 396 of them were spam. He thought I hadn't checked my email in 423 DAYS, and told me that my inbox would simply stop accepting email if it was full... kinda like an overflow error, haha. (I knew that... I was joking with the "overflowing inbox" construct! :P) Then he went on to say that I wanted to hook up with Eric H., and that my vocab overflowed the boundaries of the English language...
Session Start (flamsterette_x@yahoo.com:Diven - Canucks pick 10th): Sun May 21 18:42:01 2006
[18:42:04] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: hmm... who would know Eric's phone number
[18:42:05] Diven: no answer at home.
[18:42:19] Diven: cell phone out of calling area or off
[18:42:53] Flami: Industrial Strength Bootine ;): hmm.. 423 new emails?!
[18:43:02] Diven: what?
[18:45:11] Flami: I'm checking my email for the first time since last night, and have 423 new ones..
[18:45:11] Diven: why so many
[18:45:18] Flami: I bet most of it is spam
[18:45:21] Diven: you haven't checked them in 423 days
[18:45:31] Flami: uh. no
[18:45:43] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: like my WoW characters
[18:45:43] Flami: if that were the case, my inbox would probably overflow
[18:46:35] Diven: inboxes don't overflow.. they stop accepting them. (which could be considered an overflow error, lol)
[18:47:28] Diven: dang, Mr. Ho disappeared yesterday when I wanted to talk to him.. and now he's gone again.
[18:49:07] Flami: oh darn
[18:49:38] Flami: ".... no, I do not want to hook up tonight or any other night!" .... stupid spam :P
[18:49:46] Diven: what do you mean. oh darn
[18:50:13] Diven: yes, you do... and you know it
[18:50:49] Flami: ........ who the heck would I hook up with?!
[18:51:02] Diven: Eric Ho
[18:51:18] Diven: if you could find him
[18:51:42] Diven: maybe you are just not telling me his info so you can hook up with him tonight
[18:51:59] Flami: okay, I can leave the 27 non-spam (journal comments) for later..
[18:52:03] Diven: that is the only logical conclusion that can be made.
[18:52:20] Flami: .... uh, I think YOU're the one who needs to be admitted into Riverview!
[18:52:23] Diven: you erased 396 emails already
[18:52:33] Diven: what are you talking about
[18:53:23] Flami: yeah, I deleted them already..
[18:54:11] Diven: you have Eric Ho's cell phone number, you want to hook up with him, you aren't giving me said number, conclusion provided you are acting logically is what I said
[18:54:24] Diven: do you get 423 emails per day usually?
[18:55:10] Flami: .... whatever you say, O crazy one
[18:55:25] Diven: zero crazy one
[18:55:29] Diven: ???
[18:55:32] Diven:
[18:55:33] Flami: probably I get about 450 a day or something
[18:55:41] Flami: that's not a zero
[18:55:53] Diven: how do you know they are all actually junk
[18:56:20] Flami: because I happen to know what spam appears as
[18:56:28] Diven: maybe your junk mail filter is filtering out emails from Eric Ho with his phone number, or a love letter or something
[18:56:37] Flami: ...........
[18:56:44] Diven: but then you have to look at all the subject lines
[18:56:50] Flami: what is with you and thinking that I want a secret tryst with Eric Ho?!
[18:56:54] Diven: you should get a different email account
[18:57:02] Diven: tryst
[18:57:04] Flami: I'm too lazy to switch :P
[18:57:11] Diven - Canucks pick 10th: I don't even know what that means
[18:57:29] Flami: I was going to say that you know what it is, since I know you're smart and all..
[18:58:12] Diven: I'm not smart and all... I don't have your vocabulary so big it overflows the bounds of the English language.
[18:58:23] Flami: Tryst
[18:59:31] Diven: wouldn't the word "date," or "night out," or "meeting," or "encounter" suffice. No, you have to use your mega-vocabulary
[19:00:05] Diven: k well, I'm going to go SiN
[19:01:06] Flami: you know me and my vocab
[19:01:09] Flami: heh, okay
[19:01:11] Flami: later
[19:01:21] Diven: you're just going to let me SiN
[19:01:41] Flami: are you talking about actual sinning, or something else?
[19:03:37] Diven: I think that is obvious
[19:03:40] Diven: and you are letting me do it
[19:04:00] Flami: well, I would hope you wouldn't
[19:04:11] Flami: in fact, I'd probably pray you wouldn't
[19:04:18] Diven: why don't you want me to play a game.
[19:04:32] Flami: but since I know you're talking about something else, then go right ahead
[19:04:49] Diven: so go right ahead and sin is your message to me... hehe
[19:04:50] Diven: ciao
Session Close (Diven - Canucks pick 10th): Sun May 21 19:05:19 2006
Now both Eric and I have changed our MSN names to hopefully get Eric H. to call him. Heck, you'd be more likely to do so if your name was right there! ;)
The "mega vocab" comment reminds me of a few years ago, when Eric was questioning my use of "capacious" (which he applied to my booty, and not to my mind :P), "castigation" (he thought I'd said "Calvinistic".. not used outside the context of Sunday School / baptism / membership classes!), and other words. Then there was the time when I used the word "euphonious"... he thought I'd said "euthanaisiouus." (um, no!) But yes, he DID know what "euphonious" meant... since he IS a good musician, I'd very much hope so! In late February 2005, I told him that I wouldn't defenestrate his water bottle since he warned me that it would try to escape out the car window. To him, "defenestrate" is a word that only my "vocabulary buddies" would understand.. haha!
Spoz lets my big fluffy vocabulary words just float by him, and he had this great reaction to the word "interrobang" once: "What the FUCK is an interrobang? Should I go defenestrate myself?!" No need to throw your bad self out of a window for THAT one, hah!
Labels: 2005, 2006, bootybase, characters, comments, conversations, emails, eric h., eric m., fay, games, languages, maxed-out tags limit, messages, msn, names, sex, smileys, spoz, words
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