Phil, Corey, Bathroom Readers, a survey, and quizzes
Note: Who's who in my LJ group blogquiz, by Holly.
Spent some time reading Phil's blog, which is insightful. (I just post way too much, haha... but it's all good) I'm still kinda happy because I get to talk to Corey tomorrow... he has to wake up early to take Jane to the airport. (or that's what he said before signing off, anyhow) We'll see about him and Jane ("quite possibly I did things with her :P"), har har. :D
I was going to give someone a history Bathroom Reader, but have now decided not to. The person has certain things going on in his life that lead me to believe that it would be a BAD IDEA to do so. Ah well...
Time to restart this temperamental beast...
Here's a survey stolen from the latest posts page:
01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? Oh yes... it seems that my own shortcomings, my mom's rants, and how Stephen made me feel (badly!) did / do that to me.
02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah.
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? See #1.
05. Do you cry when you get an injury? Not usually...
06. Do certain songs make you cry? A few do, but not consistently.
01. Are you a happy person? Generally, yeah.
02. What can always make you happy? Good times with friends.
03. Do you wish you were happier? Sometimes.
04. Is being happy overrated? Uh, no.
05. Can music make you happy? Yes... bring on the Big Sugar and crazy music! :D
01. Who do you actually hate? Nobody right now.
02. Have you ever made a hate list? I don't think so.
03. Have you ever been on a hate list? I would have no idea, but probably. I can be pretty mean sometimes.
04. Are you a mean bully? Not really.
05. Do you hate George Bush? No... that's too strong a word.
[] Been to a rave.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[] Jumped a ramp with a bike.
[x] Been used.
[] Ran from the cops.
[] Been fired.
[x] Snuck into a movie. (thanks, Elizabeth and Lisa... I think it was Runaway Bride)
[x] Got hit by a car. (uh... I was in a car at the time... does that count?)
[] Fired a real gun.
[] snuck out of someone's house.
[] Been arrested.
[] Gone in a mosh pit.
[x] Stolen something from my school.
[] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.
[] Gone on a blind date.
[] Had a crush on a teacher.
[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[] Been to Europe.
[] Been to Australia.
[] Been to Hawaii.
[x] Skipped school.
[] Played Clue.
[x] Had a sleepover.
[x] Gone ice skating.
[] Been cheated on.
[] Had your tonsils out.
[] Have / had a TRUCK.
[] Driven a car. (bad idea, my sister says...)
[] Totalled a car.
[] Been flashed.
[x] Feel loved.
[x] Feel lonely.
[x] Feel happy.
[] Have a dog.
[x] Sing along with your music.
[] Listen to Hawaiian music.
[x] Listen to rock.
[x] Listen to Christian music.
[x] Have hobbies.
[] Skateboard.
[] Snowboard.
[] Get good grades (I got okay ones...)
[x] Play an instrument. (used to play the piano and the clarinet)
[] Have slippers.
[] Wear boxers.
[x] Like to read.
[] Have long hair.
[x] Have medium-length hair.
[] Have short hair.
[] Have a laptop.
[] Have a pager.
[] Have a cell phone.
[x] Bored.
[x] Happy.
[] Upset.
[] Blue.
[] Blonde.
[] Brunette.
[] Redhead.
[] Samoan.
[] Filipino.
[] Korean.
[] French.
[] American.
[] Italian.
[] Black.
[] Mexican.
[x] Asian.
[] Hawaiian.
[] Czech
[] Irish.
[] German.
[] Swedish.
[] Native American.
[] Austrian.
[] Russian.
[] Norwegian.
[] Danish.
[] Hispanic.
[] Greek.
[] Hindu.
[x] Other. (Canadian!)
[] Scientologist.
[] Agnostic.
[] Athiest.
[] Satanist.
[] Jewish.
[] Religiously Confused.
[x] Christian.
[] Catholic.
[x] Short.
[] Average.
[] Tall.
[] Realistic.
[x] Emotional person.
[x] Missing someone.
[x] Scared to die. (I guess most people would be, faith or not...)
[] Buzzed.
[] High.
[] Caffeinated.
[x] Annoyed.
[] Hungry.
[x] Thirsty.
[] On the phone.
[] In your room.
[x] Drinking something. (Guava and Raspberry Koala drink!)
[] Eating something.
[] Very ticklish.
[x] Listening to music.
[] Watching a movie.
01. What is your current hair like? Medium-length and kinda weird.
02. Whats your natural hair color? Very dark brown, but it looks black.
03. What color are your eyes? Brown.
04. Current Piercings? None.
05. Straight Hair or Curls? Kinda curly.
01. Shirt? Dark blue, with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet on it.
02. Shorts? ... dark blue pants.
03. Shoes? None.
04. Underwear? Black.
05. Necklaces? None.
01. Rock or rap? Rock.
03. Wild Night out or Romantic Night in? Either...
04. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.
05. Hummer or Sports Car? Sports car.
06. Bracelet or Necklace? Necklace.
07. History or Science? History.
08. Sleep in or Early to rise? Sleep in.
09. Beach or Boardwalk? Beach.
10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? T-shirt.
11. Night or Day? Night.
12. High School or college? College.
13. California or Florida? Florida, because I haven't been there.
14. Love at first sight or Learn to Love? Learn to love.
01. Hugged someone? No, never in my life. *sarcasm*
02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? No.
03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? I've done this with Subwoofer songs. It drives my siblings nuts, haha.
04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? No.
01. Person you talked to in person: Eric and Steph. Last night's ride from PoCo to Richmond was a crazy one! ;)
02. Person you talked to on myspace? Nobody, really. Maybe I should look into that more... if only it didn't crash my entire browser. (maybe I'll look into it on IE, haha)
03. Person you talked to on the phone? Eric, to make plans for yesterday night. (I don't count trying to answer his cell when Steph and Jeremy called, haha)
04. Person you texted on the phone? N/A.
05. Person you talked to on IM? Corey!
01. Do you like surveys? If I didn't, would I have done a 5000-question one recently? :P
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Whatever's on sale at the time. Right now, it's some Jojoba stuff that I've had since I moved in here. o_O
03. Do you get along with your parents? Eh, most of the time? Maybe? I hope... it's been okay recently!
04. Do you have mental breakdowns? No.
05. Did you ever fake being sick? Yes.
Is your hair up? Sure, I guess.
Is your phone right beside you? Yes.
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? No.
Do you miss someone? Yes.
Do you wish you were somewhere else? Not right now.
Do you have plans for tonight? Sleeping...
Are you wearing makeup? No.
Are you wearing chapstick? Yes... strawberry and banana!
Are you cold? No, thank goodness.
Are you tired? Not really. Nyquil time it is! (I need to buy more of that stuff, yo!)
Are you excited? No, nothing to be excited about really.
Are you watching TV? No.
Are you wearing pajamas? No.
Anything you regret? Yup.
Ever lied? Yes.
Ever stuck gum under a desk? I don't think so.
Ever spit at someone? No.
Ever kick something living? Yes.
Ever had your nails done? No.
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? No.
Have you yelled at someone? No, not even over the internet! o_O
Have you gotten mad at someone? No.
Have you cried? No.
Have you called more than 3 people? No.
Have you IMed more than 3 people? No.
Have you gotten laid? No.
Have you eaten anything gross? Not really. I guess it depends on whether you think spicy seaweed and mango gummies are gross. (we all know chicken noodle soup isn't!)
01. First thing you did this morning? Went back to sleep.
02. Last thing you ate? A Men's Pocky stick. (it's bitter chocolate!!)
03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? N/A.
04.What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? My parents being out of town for a couple of weeks.
05. What's annoying you right now? A certain person who shall remain nameless.
06. What's the last movie you saw? Brokeback Mountain.
07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? I was in one. It did not work out. I don't know if I'm made for them. =/
08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? Yes.
09. Where is the last place you went? The LemonLimeOrange Dude's house.
Here are some quizzes, as well.
Yeah right... I wish! (or used to, heh heh)
Spent some time reading Phil's blog, which is insightful. (I just post way too much, haha... but it's all good) I'm still kinda happy because I get to talk to Corey tomorrow... he has to wake up early to take Jane to the airport. (or that's what he said before signing off, anyhow) We'll see about him and Jane ("quite possibly I did things with her :P"), har har. :D
I was going to give someone a history Bathroom Reader, but have now decided not to. The person has certain things going on in his life that lead me to believe that it would be a BAD IDEA to do so. Ah well...
Time to restart this temperamental beast...
Here's a survey stolen from the latest posts page:
01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? Oh yes... it seems that my own shortcomings, my mom's rants, and how Stephen made me feel (badly!) did / do that to me.
02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah.
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? See #1.
05. Do you cry when you get an injury? Not usually...
06. Do certain songs make you cry? A few do, but not consistently.
01. Are you a happy person? Generally, yeah.
02. What can always make you happy? Good times with friends.
03. Do you wish you were happier? Sometimes.
04. Is being happy overrated? Uh, no.
05. Can music make you happy? Yes... bring on the Big Sugar and crazy music! :D
01. Who do you actually hate? Nobody right now.
02. Have you ever made a hate list? I don't think so.
03. Have you ever been on a hate list? I would have no idea, but probably. I can be pretty mean sometimes.
04. Are you a mean bully? Not really.
05. Do you hate George Bush? No... that's too strong a word.
[] Been to a rave.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[] Jumped a ramp with a bike.
[x] Been used.
[] Ran from the cops.
[] Been fired.
[x] Snuck into a movie. (thanks, Elizabeth and Lisa... I think it was Runaway Bride)
[x] Got hit by a car. (uh... I was in a car at the time... does that count?)
[] Fired a real gun.
[] snuck out of someone's house.
[] Been arrested.
[] Gone in a mosh pit.
[x] Stolen something from my school.
[] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.
[] Gone on a blind date.
[] Had a crush on a teacher.
[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[] Been to Europe.
[] Been to Australia.
[] Been to Hawaii.
[x] Skipped school.
[] Played Clue.
[x] Had a sleepover.
[x] Gone ice skating.
[] Been cheated on.
[] Had your tonsils out.
[] Have / had a TRUCK.
[] Driven a car. (bad idea, my sister says...)
[] Totalled a car.
[] Been flashed.
[x] Feel loved.
[x] Feel lonely.
[x] Feel happy.
[] Have a dog.
[x] Sing along with your music.
[] Listen to Hawaiian music.
[x] Listen to rock.
[x] Listen to Christian music.
[x] Have hobbies.
[] Skateboard.
[] Snowboard.
[] Get good grades (I got okay ones...)
[x] Play an instrument. (used to play the piano and the clarinet)
[] Have slippers.
[] Wear boxers.
[x] Like to read.
[] Have long hair.
[x] Have medium-length hair.
[] Have short hair.
[] Have a laptop.
[] Have a pager.
[] Have a cell phone.
[x] Bored.
[x] Happy.
[] Upset.
[] Blue.
[] Blonde.
[] Brunette.
[] Redhead.
[] Samoan.
[] Filipino.
[] Korean.
[] French.
[] American.
[] Italian.
[] Black.
[] Mexican.
[x] Asian.
[] Hawaiian.
[] Czech
[] Irish.
[] German.
[] Swedish.
[] Native American.
[] Austrian.
[] Russian.
[] Norwegian.
[] Danish.
[] Hispanic.
[] Greek.
[] Hindu.
[x] Other. (Canadian!)
[] Scientologist.
[] Agnostic.
[] Athiest.
[] Satanist.
[] Jewish.
[] Religiously Confused.
[x] Christian.
[] Catholic.
[x] Short.
[] Average.
[] Tall.
[] Realistic.
[x] Emotional person.
[x] Missing someone.
[x] Scared to die. (I guess most people would be, faith or not...)
[] Buzzed.
[] High.
[] Caffeinated.
[x] Annoyed.
[] Hungry.
[x] Thirsty.
[] On the phone.
[] In your room.
[x] Drinking something. (Guava and Raspberry Koala drink!)
[] Eating something.
[] Very ticklish.
[x] Listening to music.
[] Watching a movie.
01. What is your current hair like? Medium-length and kinda weird.
02. Whats your natural hair color? Very dark brown, but it looks black.
03. What color are your eyes? Brown.
04. Current Piercings? None.
05. Straight Hair or Curls? Kinda curly.
01. Shirt? Dark blue, with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet on it.
02. Shorts? ... dark blue pants.
03. Shoes? None.
04. Underwear? Black.
05. Necklaces? None.
01. Rock or rap? Rock.
03. Wild Night out or Romantic Night in? Either...
04. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.
05. Hummer or Sports Car? Sports car.
06. Bracelet or Necklace? Necklace.
07. History or Science? History.
08. Sleep in or Early to rise? Sleep in.
09. Beach or Boardwalk? Beach.
10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? T-shirt.
11. Night or Day? Night.
12. High School or college? College.
13. California or Florida? Florida, because I haven't been there.
14. Love at first sight or Learn to Love? Learn to love.
01. Hugged someone? No, never in my life. *sarcasm*
02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? No.
03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? I've done this with Subwoofer songs. It drives my siblings nuts, haha.
04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? No.
01. Person you talked to in person: Eric and Steph. Last night's ride from PoCo to Richmond was a crazy one! ;)
02. Person you talked to on myspace? Nobody, really. Maybe I should look into that more... if only it didn't crash my entire browser. (maybe I'll look into it on IE, haha)
03. Person you talked to on the phone? Eric, to make plans for yesterday night. (I don't count trying to answer his cell when Steph and Jeremy called, haha)
04. Person you texted on the phone? N/A.
05. Person you talked to on IM? Corey!
01. Do you like surveys? If I didn't, would I have done a 5000-question one recently? :P
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Whatever's on sale at the time. Right now, it's some Jojoba stuff that I've had since I moved in here. o_O
03. Do you get along with your parents? Eh, most of the time? Maybe? I hope... it's been okay recently!
04. Do you have mental breakdowns? No.
05. Did you ever fake being sick? Yes.
Is your hair up? Sure, I guess.
Is your phone right beside you? Yes.
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? No.
Do you miss someone? Yes.
Do you wish you were somewhere else? Not right now.
Do you have plans for tonight? Sleeping...
Are you wearing makeup? No.
Are you wearing chapstick? Yes... strawberry and banana!
Are you cold? No, thank goodness.
Are you tired? Not really. Nyquil time it is! (I need to buy more of that stuff, yo!)
Are you excited? No, nothing to be excited about really.
Are you watching TV? No.
Are you wearing pajamas? No.
Anything you regret? Yup.
Ever lied? Yes.
Ever stuck gum under a desk? I don't think so.
Ever spit at someone? No.
Ever kick something living? Yes.
Ever had your nails done? No.
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? No.
Have you yelled at someone? No, not even over the internet! o_O
Have you gotten mad at someone? No.
Have you cried? No.
Have you called more than 3 people? No.
Have you IMed more than 3 people? No.
Have you gotten laid? No.
Have you eaten anything gross? Not really. I guess it depends on whether you think spicy seaweed and mango gummies are gross. (we all know chicken noodle soup isn't!)
01. First thing you did this morning? Went back to sleep.
02. Last thing you ate? A Men's Pocky stick. (it's bitter chocolate!!)
03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? N/A.
04.What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? My parents being out of town for a couple of weeks.
05. What's annoying you right now? A certain person who shall remain nameless.
06. What's the last movie you saw? Brokeback Mountain.
07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? I was in one. It did not work out. I don't know if I'm made for them. =/
08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? Yes.
09. Where is the last place you went? The LemonLimeOrange Dude's house.
Here are some quizzes, as well.
Yeah right... I wish! (or used to, heh heh)
Scholar You scored 71% spellworthiness! |
You've scored well. There's very little chance of you just getting lucky with a load of answers to get into this category, I'm impressed. You have a solid grasp of English, and were probably able to deduce a lot of the correct answers for the words you haven't come across before (there are bound to be a few). Congratulations, not many people will score higher than you. Try my other tests, you'll probably make a mockery of those as well. |
![]() |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The ULTIMATE Spelling Test written by poolkris1 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
From this tiny and obscure sample field, you have 79% profanability! |
Well... This test was never about your slang knowledge anyway, just a laugh. If you scored high, congratulations! You either have a broad knowledge of slang from a range of cultures, or good intuition, or you just got plain lucky! If you didn't, not to worry... most of the stuff in this test is fairly uncommon. Slang is a strange animal... most people have a micro-vocabulary from which to pluck a limited number of slang words for various scenarios, otherwise they don't know anything relevant. Funnier people tend to have wider slang vocabularies, but not exclusively, obviously! Thanks for taking this test, and don't bother rating it. The fact I couldn't be arsed to make it anything special should tell you I don't really care. |
![]() |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Definitive Slang Terminology Test written by PoolKris1 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Labels: amanda, australia, bathroom readers, blogquiz, caffeine, corey, george, jane, jeremy, latest posts page, lisa, maxed-out tags limit, myspace, ok cupid, phil, randal, restarts, spelling, stephen, surveys
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