Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Weird college essays, blog catch-up, and various quizzes

Okay, I'm back to a more normal style of updating. I bet you're all relieved. :P

Dawn sent me a link overnight that she thought I'd like: The most idiotic (yet funny) college essay ever! Thanks... it's so hilarious! :D

I caught up on the adventures of Dawn, Dave, Steph, Spoz, Jon, and Vivian today too. Nostalgic moments, 99% chocolate bars, weird chip flavors (Canadian bacon and cheese, English lamb and mint), lots of France / Beijing pictures, and a bunch of other stuff. Always good. :D

Hmm. I got a March 26 message on OKCupid from some guy named Nick who has this to say: "I liked your profile, and I'll be in Vancouver around April 20-23." No more information. Looking at the profile, I also note that he's 52 years old. That might be for some people, but not me! Deep-six that one, haha.

Note: LJ Godfather / LJ Annual Red Sox Cookie Off / LJ Cartoon Characters / LJ Murder Mystery / LJ Escaflowne Cast / LJ Friends Stranded on an Island blogquizzes. (by Georgie, Lauren, Piney, and Nancy)

Do you play an instrument?
If so, what instrument do you play?
Are you in a band?
If so, what type of band are you in?
you are a band geekTrue
This Fun Quiz created by Kate at BlogQuiz.Net
Check out Technology News updated every minute at NewsDump

Karaoke funster
You scored 80% lyric knowledge!

You get most of the words right, but when you don't... you probably only do so in the shower, or very drunk at karaoke. You're at about average.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 27% on lyric knowledge
Link: The Commonly Misheard Lyrics Test written by chatchis_girl on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

You scored 28 nervousness!

You are a rabbit, and though you seem cuddly, I'm willing to bet you can be a big fat jerk. I bet you hate it when people make jokes about your silly-looking ears.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 53% on nervousness
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You scored higher than 1% on smallness
Link: The Small Nervous Animal Test written by zombieface on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


YOU ARE GWAR. YOU'VE GOT GUITARS. YOU WILL EAT A CAR. Congratulations. You scored in the highest of 6 categories. Either you are a super GWAR fan or perhaps a member of GWAR. You feel right at home with bodily fluids, destruction, loudness, binging, and purging. You have almost all of GWAR's merch and can name all of the members / songs / lyrics. Hell, you've probably even made (or tried) to make your own GWAR costumes. You are definitely above Slave Status. See you at the show!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 80% on GWARness
Link: The How GWAR are you Test written by ultra7 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

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