Sunday, April 09, 2006

I will NOT be made to look foolish!

Someone on a message board I frequent just got me with the "you are an idiot" webpage. She will have to be taught a lesson. I do not take easily to being made a fool of. (in case you're interested, it was something about free beer) This is when I'm glad I don't have Chris S. on my friends list anymore, or else he'd comment with something like how I *wanted* to be made fun of. Still, I hate people like that! Yes, I know it's just a joke, but I don't feel like "chilling" now. Some people need to learn that not everyone's like them. :P Corey asked me if that was still around since it was apparently created in 1997: unfortunately, yes. Apparently, there's no specific page for that thing, which means that people can put it wherever they want! He got me with that in the past, along with myriad other tricks... aiyoh. I guess for it to be a prank, it would work better like that... but it would also be good if there were a few specific pages to watch for! *shakes head and sings Barney Bentall's Don't Do Me Like That* Then he showed me the code (which I'll put elsewhere) and tricked me with it on his school account... aiyoh!

Any ideas on how to get her back?

Note: LJ Concert / LJ Matthew MacFadyen Film / LJ Radioactive Squirrel blogquizzes. (by ravyn, Karen, and Eve)

do you sleep wearing clothes?
what is your favourite animal?
darn it, shmarn it! I LIKE PIE!
chances of you being an idiot:
You've been smelling a Sharpie for an hour. Youcry for no reason at all.
After this, you decide to eat this many Cheez-Its:148
which unfortunately costs you:$363
yet, still hungry, you spend this much on cookies:$6,370
which causes you to have a huge tummyache andstart crying like a baby.
after that, you get hungry again and start eatingflowers from your neighbour's prize garden. She spots you and comes after you with a rake.
This is unfortunate becauseyour complexion turns a sickly green colour and you sprout a tail, horns, leathery wings, and your skin turns to scales. Come to think of it, this isn't unfortunate at all! You've just turned into a dragon! Now you can burn that evil biatch you've hated since junior high!
This Fun Quiz created by Jen at BlogQuiz.Net
Libra Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

YAY! Turning into a dragon = coolness! :D

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