Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blank Template: Questions 3501 to 4200 of 5000

3501. Is "no glove, no love" your STRICT policy?

3502. What is the best epic movie (examples of epics: Ben-Hur, Gone With The Wind, Last Temptation of Christ)?

3503. Finish the sentence.

Hey, Hey we're the:

People say we:

But we're too busy:

The time to hesitate is:

You're too:

It's a nice day to:

3504. Have you ever had "missing time"?

3505. Have you ever sent an electronic greeting?

3506. If you could send anonymous tips to people you knew who would never ever find out who sent them, who would you send the following tips to?

doesn't know when to leave:

poor crotch hygiene:

talks too much:

band / art / dream is going nowhere:

most likely to get arrested:

needs to get their life together:

bad taste in clothes:

bad taste in music:

needs a hobby:

3507. Are you more likely to download porn or Disney movies?

3508. What is it with people?

3509. Do you eat too much sugar?

3510 Imagine you have a band. Let's name your band.

Animal (plural):
Your band name is (adjective) (animals)
Could be better? Maybe...
Let's try again.

Noun (plural):
Your band is (adjective) (nouns) With Puppets

3511. Are you desperate, but not serious?

3512. Was there a time when you were younger and it took less to get you excited?

What did it take then?

What does it take now?

3513. Remember learning to write in elementary school?

We spend 2 years learning to print.. then they throw that out the window and teach kids cursive. Why?

If cursive is so important and easy to read, then why aren't books printed in cursive?

Why aren't cursive computer fonts more popular?

Why do business forms always say "please print"?

Schools are so preoccupied with teaching kids the complicated but traditional skill of cursive writing that more emphasis is put on that than on teaching kids how to clearly express their ideas through writing. I move that cursive writing become a junior high school elective instead of a grammar school priority. Who's with me?

3514. Can you think of anything else (besides cursive writing) that is unhelpful, or not useful, yet traditional and unquestioned? What?

3515. Name one female celebrity who you would guess wears size ___ clothing:






3516. Have you ever been to a place where the restrooms were named in a clever way rather than just saying "mens" and "womens"?

3517. What is the "message" or "point" behind:

Fight Club?

Donnie Darko?


Minority Report?


A Walk to Remember?

You've Got Mail?

3518. Have you seen, and what are your thoughts about these movies:


The Hot Chick?

Maid in Manhattan?

Star Trek: Nemesis?

About Schmidt?


The Guys?


The Jimmy Show?

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers?

Gangs of New York?

Two Weeks Notice?

The Wild Thornberrys Movie?

Smokers Only?

Treasure Planet?

The Santa Clause 2?

3519. START this sentence: ....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world."

3520. What is:




3521. Tell us about yourself in the third person for a bit:

3522. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law?

3523. If it's so much easier to learn languages when we are very young (and it is, something to do with the developing brain), why do they wait until junior high and high school to teach them?

3524. Name a band you sort of like:

You are wearing that band's T-shirt in a store. SUDDENLY some guy you don't know comes up to you and goes, "Hey! You like (insert name of the band here)??!!" This is obviously a really stupid question because if you didn't like them, you wouldn't be wearing the T-shirt. Your witty reply is:

3525. If you were organizing CDs in a music store, what section would you put each of the following in (don't forget the "bargain bin" section!)?


Depeche Mode:


Led Zeppelin:

The Doors:

Avril Lavigne:


Manfred Mann:

Iggy Pop:

Pink Floyd:

Guns N' Roses:


Britney Spears:


Ozzy Osbourne:


The Rolling Stones:

The Beatles:

Mötley Crüe:

Bon Jovi:

3526. Does coffee stimulate your mind or body more?

3527. Can you do "six degrees of separation" to anyone famous?

3528. What's the oddest thing in your home?

3529. Do you find it odd when people who are not handicapped use the handicapped stall:

in the bathroom?

in the parking lot?

3530. Do you sometimes find yourself talking to yourself?

Do you answer yourself back?

3531. In your head, do you call yourself "I" or "you" or both?

3532. What is the best excuse for why you haven't done your homework?

3533. Someone tells you: "Well, there are black people... and then there are n*ggers." What do you think?

3534. Does culture shape behavior, or does behavior shape culture?

3535. What determines whether a person will be:





3536. What is social loafing?

What is groupthink?

3537. I have an idea. Let's change the English language by making the words fewer, shorter and more concise. What do ya think?

3538. What are the physical symptoms of:




3539. Here's the scenario: your little eight-year-old brother is hanging out in the house when you come in and catch him watching the Playboy channel! What do you do / say?

He says, "Why can't I watch this?" What is your response?

Why do you respond that way?

3540. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys?

How can you tell?

3541. Are you usually carefree?

3542. Do you generally prefer reading to meeting people?

3543. Do you often long for excitement?

3544. Are you mostly quiet when you are with others?

3545. Do you often do things on the spur of the moment?

3546. Are you slow and unhurried in the way you move?

3547. Would you do almost anything for a dare?

3548. Do you hate being in a crowd who plays jokes on one another?

3549. Do you enjoy wild parties?

3550. Have you ever paid for something priced more than $5 in only change?

3551. Is racism still a big part of our culture?

3552. A drawing was shown to a person. The drawing showed a black man in a business suit standing next to a white man holding a razor. The person who saw this drawing was white and was asked to describe it to a second white person who had not seen it, who described it to a third, and so on. By the end of six rounds, the final report often placed the razor in the hand of the black man, and it is claimed he is waving it threateningly. What do you think of this?

3553. How many famous people can you name who committed suicide?

3554. Do you have OCD?

3555. Are you more anxious or relaxed?

Insecure or secure?

Sociable or withdrawn?

Original or conventional?

3556. Are you more emotional or calm?

Self-pitying or content?

Fun-loving or sober?

Imaginative or down to earth?

3557. Are you more friendly or aloof?

Adventurous or cautious?

Broad or narrow when it comes to interests?

Receptive or closed to new ideas?

3558. Are you more good-natured or irritable?

Soft-hearted or ruthless?

Well-organized or disorganized?

Dependable or unreliable?

3559. Are you more courteous or rude?

Sympathetic or tough-minded?

Hard-working or lazy?

Ambitious or easy-going?

Anxiety, Insecurity, Emotionalism, and Self-Pity are traits of a neurotic personality.
Being sociable, fun-loving, friendly, and adventurous are traits of an extraverted personality.
Originality, imagination, having broad interests, and being receptive are traits of an open personality.
Good-natured, soft-hearted, courteous, and sympathetic are traits of an agreeable personality.
Well-organized, being dependable, hardworking, and ambitious are traits of a conscientious personality.

3560. Do men and women have little or a lot in common?

3561. Do you feel like any of the teachers you've ever had have REALLY cared about educating you to think for yourself?

Do you tend to try harder if they DO care?

3562. Have you ever been stereotyped?

As what?

3563. Have you ever been discriminated against?

For what?

3564. How often is your school and / or job closed due to weather?

3565. Who do you know that you believe does not masturbate?

3566. Does a cloned human being have a soul?

Why or why not?

3567. Finish the sentence: As the world turns... I only have one concern... that:

3568. What group in history has been the most oppressed?

3569. Have you read any biographies?

Whose? Too many to list:

3570. What are you obsessed with?

3571. Break out your decoder ring... no hints this time! t3ii9 8 i9f3 697 29h5 697 53ii j3 6974 hqj3?

3572. Do you crack your:





3573. Of the following powers, which two would you pick for yourself? The ability to fly, breathe under water, turn invincible, change into animals, freeze and restart time, never gain weight unless you want to, heal people with your touch, or have orgasms that last for an hour?

3574. Do you chew your pencils and pens?

3575. Can you tell the exact point where your back ends and your butt begins?

3576. When you are bored, do you picture everyone around you naked?

3577. What are some great holiday gift ideas for:



3578. Who looks better naked, men or women?

3579. Do you sit in chairs or fall into them?

3580. Has anyone ever:

screamed your name during sex?

moaned your name during sex?

3581. Hershey's kisses: mint, almond, hugs, plain, other?

3582. What's the best Slurpee flavor?

3583. What are five movies that you think someone would have to be living under a rock in Iceland to not have seen?

3584. Of these words, which ones are funny: beets, kumquat, pit, piss-capades, fuzzy?

What are some other funny words?

3585. Do you give good massages?

3586. What songs have been "stuck" in your head?

3587. What don't most people know about you?

3588. Is there anything you won't say unless someone else says it first?

3589. Do you need a little Christmas?

3590. Fake or real tree?

3591. Is your refrigerator running?

You know what to do.

3592. How can you explain when there are few words you can choose?

3593. Who can it be now?

3594. Where HAS Joe DiMaggio gone?

And why does our nation turn its eyes to him?

3595. How often do you get headaches?

3596. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes?

3597. What could you spend 24 hours in a row doing?

3598. Is it Friday yet?

3599. Do you remember there was a time (ahaha) when people on the street were walking hand in hand in hand?

3600. Do you talk to inanimate objects?

Do you try to get them to answer you?

Have they ever answered you?

3601. What brands do you like?

3602. What do you think of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of gays in the military?

3603. Why do you think that so many people have such a problem with gays?

3604. It seems like it is more accepted for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man. Why do you think that is?

3605. When a kid kisses another kid on the playground, is it sexual harassment?

3606. If you had to name yourself after an object in the room with you. what would you pick?

3607. Pick the two most important things out of these: writing deep thoughts, expressing yourself clearly, being honest, finding new novel ways to waste time, being organized, practicing what you want to do, and trying to be famous?

3608. You were only waiting for this moment to:

3609. Knowing historically that native American Indians were and are the first Americans, how do you feel about America and current Americans?

3610. Just what exactly determines whether or not one is "mental"?

3611. Is it true that people with depression CAN'T function in society?

3612. Fill in the blank: half of what I say is _____.

3613. Some people believe the Holocaust was a hoax. What do you think of this?

3614. Does EVERYONE in the world care about how they look except YOU?

3615. Do you love Italian names like Lorenzo, Gaetano, and Grazziano?

3616. Everyone does horrible things. Do you think that people are more accepting of the bad things they do themselves, or the bad things others do?

Which are you more accepting of?

3617. Is it true that NO ONE wants to date grumpy people?

3618. Bush and his henchmen have now come up with a list of people for the CIA to assassinate. What do you think of this?

3619. Why is it that in many states sodomy and oral sex are still illegal, even if they are consensual?

3620. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of:




Nobel Peace Prize winners?

Black Panthers?

Time magazine?


3621. Order these issues from "most important and needing to be dealt with" to "least important and we can put it off":

AIDS cure:
the Middle East:
putting power back in the hands of the people:
the environment:
better education:

3622. Do you feel like you are missing out because you can only know a certain number of people in this world and you can't know everyone?

3623. What do you imagine being a soldier in a war is actually like?

3624. Do you agree that woman should be allowed to enlist in the army?

3625. What is the purpose of government?

3626. Why don't people believe in free love anymore?

3627. Do you make decisions with your head or your heart?

3628. What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

3629. Can you think of any person or group you cannot empathize with?

3630. Like creme savers?

3631. Your best friend asks you to marry them out of the blue. You say:

3632. What makes you feel seriously depressed?

3633. Have you personally worked for peace?

3634. Do you suppress parts of yourself because you are afraid of judgement?

3635. Do you take in the ideas and opinions of others too often?

3636. 36 - 24 - 36?

3637. What just isn't right?

3638. What makes your blood boil?

3639. Have you ever gone to the bathroom in a place that wasn't a bathroom?

3640. Want some watermelon?

3641. What's your favorite gum?

3642. What do you imagine going to Harvard is like?

3643. What would you get rid of forever if you had to choose snow or rain?

3644. Is there a Santa Claus?

3645. Do you understand yourself?

Do you understand everyone else?

3646. Do you think there is a connection between understanding yourself and understanding others?

3647. What's good?

3648. Have you ever played dodgeball?

3649. Is there anything you feel men can do better than women?

3650. Is there anything you feel women can do better than men?

3651. What do you think of jazz?

3652. Why do you suppose Christmas has more hype than Chanukah?

3653. What is like a rock?

3654. Who do you 100% trust?

3655. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?

3656. Have you done anything nice for your neighbors this year?

3657. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?

3658. What things (not people) would you miss most if you were locked in the Big Brother house for weeks on end?

3659. Use five words to describe your life now.

3660. Use five words to describe your family.

3661. Use five words to describe your childhood.

3662. Who has seen the wind?

3663. What's the point of MLA format? Why can't students just freely write their gathered info and opinions the way they feel is best for them?

3664. What's your favorite fairy tale?

3665. How will you explain God to your children (or a child)?

3666. Is this question Satanic?

3667. Name a person that you love.

Describe how they look:

Describe how they sound:

Describe how they smell:

Describe how they feel:

Describe how they taste:

3668. What will last longer, the moon or the human race?

3669. Whose lives do you value more: those of your country, or all of humanity?

3670. If the Jehovah's Witnesses dropped by your house, what would you do?

3671. Someone you work with or go to school with is giving you a surprise gift. Would you like it better if it were a talking teddy bear or a mini tarot deck?

3672. Where does the sky begin? Just above the ground?

3673. What's the most romantic thing to do?

3674. What's your most twisted, perverted, or odd fantasy?

3675. What's wrong with lying?

3676. If you could have lunch with any _______, who would it be?

rock star?

actor / actress?

political leader?

historical figure?

dead person?

person from your past?

person in the world?



fictional character?

Disney character?

What's a samurai?

3677. Dedicate a song to someone right now.

3678. It's Christmas Eve at ten o'clock at night and YOU HAVE NO SHOPPING DONE! The only thing that's open is the grocery store and the drug store. Do you do all your Christmas shopping in the grocery and drug store?

3679. If Superman is so powerful, how does he get with Lois Lane? Wouldn't he kill her?

3680. What do you think of:

Jane Fonda?

Alan Alda?

3681. Remember Mary Poppins?

Feed the birds tuppence a bag. What is "tuppence"?

3682. What was the saddest, most tear-jerking, heart-wrenching moment of the movie Titanic?

3683. Would you like a nice hot bath?

3684. Why is Jesus always pictured as white when he came from the Middle East and was probably Middle Eastern?

3685. Which is worse: Sand in your underwear, or sand in your mouth?

3686. Has President Bush made his case for war with Iraq?

3687. Should Senator Lott resign (or have resigned) his leadership post?

3688. If you could pick Time's person of the year, who would you pick?

3689. Name all the people you know who you are attracted to, and what is attractive about them?

3690. What does RSVP actually mean?

3691. Is rhyming fun?

3692. Are your dreams violent?

3693. What 3 questions would you love to ask either your mom or your dad?

3694. What are the hardest words to say?

3695. Should I smile because we're friends, or cry because that's all we'll ever be?

3696. What do you think of this slogan? "You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you are all the same."

3697. How do you stop dry elbows?

3698. Why don't people MAKE gifts more often?

3699. Tell it to the world!

3700. Do you like those plastic couch coverings?

3701. If you HAD to do your holiday shopping for EVERYONE in only ONE store, what store would you pick?

3702. What's more annoying: the person in front of you driving ten miles under the speed limit on a regular day, OR a person who cuts you off doing 10 miles over the speed limit on a stormy day?

3703. Define the word TIME without using the word "time" in the definition:

3704. What old cartoons do you remember watching?

3705. Do you think that people care only about the people they know personally, or do most people care about all people?

Why do you think people feel that way?

3706. Are you more like Brak Zorak or Space Ghost, and why?

3707. Would you rather see the movie first and then read the book, or read the book and then see the movie?

3708. Do you own any audio books?

3709. Why are things the way they are?

3710. Do you believe that guns don't kill people, and that people kill people?


3711. What is the best way you can think of to prevent murder?

3712. Why is it that in the USA, thousands of people are murdered with a gun each year... while in Canada, only a handful of people are murdered with a gun each year?

Sure sounds like the USA is doing something wrong, but what? Laws about guns, heh.

3713. Is there a difference between really being yourself, and just being automatic and acting on whims?


3714. Have you ever strolled through a graveyard?

In the dark?

3715. What is the difference between a good poem and a bad one?

3716. Who really cares about anything?

Do you?

Do you let it show, all the time?

3717. Do you live with passion?

3718. Do you talk to squirrels?

3719. Do you kick up leaves?

3720. Which do you need more: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, sex, or sleep?

3721. What images do you get from the phrase "human subway"?

3722. Joe Strummer died. Are you sad?

Do you have a fond memory of him to share?

3723. If you are a guy, are you circumcised?

If you are a girl, which do you prefer: circumcised or not?

3724. Does it bother you that in the USA, you will be tracked based on what websites you visit / what online purchases you make... and your email will be read by the government?

3725. Have you ever checked out the online personals?

3726. What do you crave?

3727. On a scale of 1-10, how tough are you?

3728. On a scale of 1-10, how tender are you?

3729. On a scale of 1-10, how good are you?

3730. On a scale of 1-10, how evil are you?

3731. What would make a cool coffee table book?

3732. What's the most interesting conversation piece in your home?

3733. If you could get on the mall loudspeaker on Christmas Eve, you would say:

3734. What are you on the outside of looking into? Certain groups I'm ostensibly a part of.

3735. Are you more of a peculiar purple pie man, or a sour grape?

3736. Who is someone you know should deserve more respect?

3737. Does the end ever justify violence as a means?

If yes, when?

3738. Which would be worse: caring about everything, or caring about nothing?

3739. Why do so many people on the Internet pretend to be pregnant?

3740. Have you ever been to the diary Hicks or Brian (same guy, Hicks is the old diary, Brian is the current one)?

If yes, what are your thoughts?

3741. What was your New Year's like in: (answer all that you can remember)













3742. You know the Def Leppard song Love Bites?

Do they actually mean love bites as in it sucks, or lovebites as in hickies?

3743. All you want for Christmas is:

3744. If you rearrange the letters in SANTA what words can you make?

3745. Say anything:

3746. Can you feel your life ending one minute at a time?

3747. Is there something you don't want to talk about?

3748. What is the most offensive thing you can think of to type here:

Who do you think it would offend?

3749. Who would you stop the world and melt with?

3750. Is there anyone you wish you had never known?

76 trombones in the big parade...

3751. Do you prefer to drive or be driven?

massage or be massaged?

pamper or be pampered

3752. What do you think of the Sims?

3753. How about the Sims Online?

3754. Professional or home pedicure, and why?

3755. Is there a difference between overweight and over-fat?


3756. What do you think of Rush Limbaugh?

3757. Do you buy books and then never read them?

3758. What does OPP stand for?

3759. If you had to be a character from Married With Children, who would you be?

3760. What did you get for Christmas?

3761. What was your best-ever Valentine's Day?

3762. What movie would you like to see again that you haven't watched since you were a kid?

3763. Have you seen Fantastic Planet?

3764. Do feet disgust you?

3765. What pain reliever do you use?

3766. Are you an artist, a designer, or a doodler?

3767. Do you belong to a gym?

3768. Have you ever been to court?

Over what?

Did you win?

3769. Would you ever take a case to court TV (Judge Judy and such)?

3770. You are given a million dollars, only you MUST spend it (or as much as possible) in one month. Any leftover money will just go away. What do you spend it on?

3771. What are your PJ's like?

3772. Is there a fabric you love above all other fabrics?

3773. Can you think of any words (besides Mom, Dad, and Bob) that spell the same thing backwards and forwards?

3774. Who would enter an ugly foot contest?

3775. Would you rather see a movie with someone who screams during the movie, cries through the movie, or talks through the movie? What's the least annoying?

3776. Do you have any grey hair? No!

3777. Are all the Jennifers you know psychotic?

3778. Do you want to join a country club?

3779. "I felt a funeral in my brain." - Emily Dickinson

What do you feel in your brain?

3780. What is the best Atari game you can remember?

3781. Hulk Hogan, Alf, or Mr. T?

3782. Did you dance today?

3783. Are birds happy in cages?

Are pets happy indoors?

3784. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever been stuffed in a locker?

3785. Critique this poem.

Last night, death signed my yearbook
Have a good summer
he said
see ya next year
and then I realized it wasn't my yearbook
it was my tombstone

3786. Red or white wine?

3787. Hula hoops or jump ropes?

3788. Do you like Tiffany lights?

3789. Do you like fights?

3790. What do YOU want to pin the tail on?

3791. Wasn't last night fun?

3792. Have you ever met a group of more interesting people?

3793. Would you eat spaghetti with waffles to keep from offending someone?

3794. Do you play with Mr. Potato Head?

3795. Would you rather live in an attic or a basement?

3796. Can you understand sign language?

3797. Do you wear ridiculous hats?

Does Elton John?

3798. What music is wild and crazy?

3799. How does one live their life like a candle in the wind?

3800. Ziggy and the Spiders, or Benny and the Jets?

LOTR: The Two Towers

3801. Who is your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why?

3802. In the Lord of the Rings, how do the characters go on when the forces against them are so powerful?

How can they go on when so many awful things have happened?

3803. What is it that makes Middle Earth worth saving?

3804. Is Frodo making a personal sacrifice by taking the ring to be destroyed?

3805. What would you do in Frodo's place?

3806. When you saw The Two Towers, did you really want the Ents (Treebeard, etc.) to get involved in the war?

3807. Why didn't Merry and Pippin just allow the Ents to take them home to the shire?

What could two tiny hobbits do in a great war?

3808. Why did the elves go to Helm's Deep? They had a dusty old alliance, but they could have escaped and made a new and better life, without risking their lives.

3809. Who is the most heroic LOTR character and what makes them a hero?

3810. What characters in LOTR put their own interests before the interests of all?

What characters put the interests of all above their own interests?

3811. Aragorn left the elvish girl he loved. How could he leave someone he loved?

Isn't love the highest thing that there is?

What could he possibly have valued higher than love that he left her for?

Do you agree with him?

3812. What LOTR character displays the most humanity?

3813. What did you notice that was different between the Two Towers book and movie?

3814. Why is Frodo so kind to Gollum?

3815. You are in Helm's Deep on the eve of battle. Do you put on a suit of armor and fight, or crawl into the caves and hope to be protected?

3816. What have you risked your life for?

What would you risk it for?

3817. With the constant threat of violence / war / nukes / terror / chemical weapons / other such things, aren't we all in a similar position to those in the Lord of the Rings?

3818. How can we go on when the evil in this world is so powerful?

How can we go on when so many awful things have happened?

3819. What is it that makes our Earth worth saving?

3820. Whose responsibility is it to save our world?

3821. Who was more technologically advanced in LOTR, the "good guys" or the "bad guys"?

3821. What was Tolkien saying by causing the Ents (trees) to come together with the river (by breaking the dam) and overthrow Saruman?

3822. Should Wormtongue have been killed?

Should Gollum?

Why or why not?

3823. In the battle for Middle Earth, which LOTR character would you most hope to be like, and why?

3824. Which character do you think you actually WOULD be the most like?

3825. What is the overall ___ that you took away with you from this movie?

lesson or message?


**End LOTR**

3826. Why do most people associate being spiritual or connected to the world as being a hippy?

3827. Why is passion and honest emotion equated with Hallmark cards?

3828. What words set off alarms in your brain (for me, it's anarchy / pagan / other such stuff)?

3829. Are you dancing in the dark?

3830. Name 2 things you have never done in public:

3831. If you had to choose out of what you just named, which one WOULD you do in public?

3832. Challenge yourself. Do whatever it is in public.

Why not?
What are you so terrified of?

3832. Is hell REALLY other people?

3833. Or would it be more hellish to live totally without other people?

3834. Legos or Lincoln Logs?

3835. What books have you read more than once?

3836. Do you get different things out of reading a book a second time, or more after reading it the first time?

Is it because you are a different person after time passes?

3837. The person who goes to ____ is not the same person who comes back. Fill in the blank with anything you think fits:

3838. Quick! Empty your brain here!

3839. What's the best movie soundtrack?

3840. Tissues with or without aloe?

3841. Are you on any medication?

3842. Does any part of your own body disgust you?

If yes, isn't that odd? What could have caused that feeling of disgust with your own body?

3843. Want some popcorn?

3844. What if Atlas shrugged?

3845. Who has led the most interesting life?

3846. What movies are coming out next year that you are looking forward to?

3847. If someone is half-man and half-dog, is he his own best friend?

3848. Paper or plastic?

3849. Why did things make sense in childhood, but they don't now?

3850. Is it crazy time?

3851. If there is a lotto with 50 numbers, and a player picks 6 numbers without repeating any, what are their chances of getting all 6 winning numbers?

3852. If there were no laws and no rules, name 3 things you would do that you don't / wouldn't / can't do now?

3853. It's a costume party. What will your costume be if the theme is:

the 70's?
under the sea?

3854. Have you ever wanted to release the lobsters from those tanks in restaurants and put them back in the sea?

3855. How funky is your chicken?
How loose is your goose?

3856. What's your favorite animal out of these: emu, otter, duck billed platypus, moose, skunk?

3857. Priest, rabbi, or other religious leader, a judge, or a sea captain to perform your wedding?

3858. Do you think that it's okay for people to write their own wedding vows?

3859. Rank these as places to be married. 1 = best.

Your House or Yard
The Beach
A Park
A Forest
A Catering Hall
Las Vegas
A church or temple
A Courthouse
On a Boat
On a Space Station

3860. The Earth is doomed. A giant asteroid is headed our way. It will decimate the planet in 3.2 days. You and your family own a space pod and you have room for 7 people from the list below. Everyone else dies. Who do you pick?

Orlando Bloom, Justin Timberlake, Joan Jett, John Denver, Baby Eve (the first human clone), Jennifer Lopez, Johnny Depp, George W. Bush, David Bowie, Charlton Heston, Ralph Nader, Moby, Jeff Bridges, Kelly Osbourne, Frank Zappa, Bill Clinton, Britney Spears, Osama Bin Laden, The Pope, Eminem, Madonna

Um, let's see...

3861. Rank the following dead people in order of who you would like to spend the day with. 1 = you'd like to hang out with them the most.

Joan of Arc
Groucho Marx
John Lennon
Joey Ramone
Anton Levay
Jack Kerouac
John F. Kennedy
Lucille Ball
Jim Morrison

3862. If you could grant immortality to one person you know (can't be yourself) who would you give it to? You're going to make me choose?!

3863. If you could grant immortality to one person who you do not know personally, but know of (writer, politician, etc.)... who would you give it to?

3864. Name a person you love:
Name a person you admire:
Name a friend:
Name a relative:

If you had to condemn one of them to death to save the lives of the others, who would it be and why? That's so unfair!

3865. Would you rather be one of Santa's elves or a dentist?

3866. When you first meet people, what do you talk to them about?

3867. You have been invited to a party with any sports team in the world. Which one?

3868. Finish the sentences.

In a world where:
He was:
She was:
Together, they were:

Why do so many movie trailers start off by saying "In a world.."?

3869. Make up a superhero with really unhelpful powers:

3870. A couple of days ago, this guy won 14 million dollars and tried to donate 1 million to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army turned the money down, saying they didn't want dirty gambling money. Did they do the right thing?

3871. If you had a spare million for charity work, who would you donate it to?

3872. What's the craziest most shocking moment of rock and roll history that you can think of?

3873. Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic... but if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?

3874. What kind of punishment do you feel the following crimes deserve:

premeditated murder?
date rape?
drug sales?
drug use?

3875. If you could kiss anyone in the world on midnight at New Year's Eve, who would be the lucky one?

3876. You have just taken two sexy people prisoner because they found your hideout and you think they are spies. What do you do: kill them, hump them, or have crumpets and tea?

3877. What is your New Year's Resolution?

3878. Should the U.S. focus more on the threat from N. Korea or Iraq?

3879. Would you ever have plastic surgery?

3880. How can George Bush be considered a Christian when he's a war-monger and the Ten Commandments say do not kill?

3881. What is the most interesting premise for a reality TV show that you can think of?

3882. Who is the Hollywood star next to die of a drug overdose?

3883. Do you find yourself caring a lot about online people, even if you haven't met or spoken to them off of the computer?

3884. When you hear the song Puff The Magic Dragon, what do you think?

3885. Let's give you a tarot reading. Go on, ask any question:

first card: the reversed high priestess.

You may be expecting things to come too easily. You should be careful not to give up if they don't go your way. You're feeling a desire to escape, to withdraw into yourself. Shrug off your current lack of focus, and work diligently to achieve the goals you want.

second card: the reversed hanged man.

You shouldn't be close-minded with your situation. There are many alternatives and possible solutions to your problems. Try something new.

The last card: Justice.

What goes around comes around. Seek advice on the matters at hand from elders. Do healthy things, spiritually and physically.

3886. What does "boo" mean, and how did it become a slang word of affection?

3887. How often do you stretch?

3888. Have you ever wished that you didn't have to be yourself?

3889. Would you rather wear shoes full of earthworms, or a hat full of spiders?

3890. What are some things that for most people go unsaid?

3891. I said, "Play me the best song in the world." You put on:

3892. What happened last year that you would like to forget?

3893. What are you not able to do alone?

3894. Do you feel more connected to earth / air / fire / water, and why?

3895. Which two words belong together, and why? Life, seawater, chocolate, blood, hairpiece.

3896. If con is the opposite of pro, what's the opposite of progress?

3897. Have you ever wanted to meet the inspectors with the numbers for names (i.e. inspected by 36)?

3898. Who is the most thought-provoking person you know, and why?

3899. If you could change 1 thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?

3900. What is the most bizarre thing you've ever done?

3901. What is the most annoying TV ad?

3902. If you died, how would you hope others would remember you?

3903. Name 2 questions that you will most likely never say "no" to:


3904. What is the softest part of your body?

3905. What family do you want to see in place of the Osbournes when they finally stop doing their show?

3906. If you could pick 3 bands to go on tour together, who would they be?

3907. What is a main difference between western and eastern philosophy?

3908. Would you be fooled by Joe / Josephine Millionaire?

3909. Do you believe Michael Jackson does inappropriate things at his Neverland Ranch? Like what?

3910. What do you think of Governor Ryan who cleared out Illinois' death row?

3911. Would you want a $500 gift certificate to:

Kmart or Target?
Macy's or Hot Topic?
Border's Books or Spencer Gifts?
Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood?

3912. What do you think of Black People Love Us?

3913. Man vs Elephant. A zookeeper was treating a constipated elephant. He gave her too much laxative. Suddenly everything exploded out onto the zookeeper. He was knocked to the ground where he hit his head on a rock and got knocked out. There he suffocated under a pile of elephant dung. True story. Is it a funny story?

If yes, what is funny about it? Why is it so taboo to laugh at death?

3914. What are your favorite five things from this list? Alternate realities, animals, astronomy, birds, Camus, cats, Cheap Trick, cocaine, cooking, costumes, dancing, Elvis, gambling, Greta Garbo, James Dean, Jeff Buckley, Joy Division, Marilyn Monroe, mixed drinks, Moody Blues, Morrissey, Mozart, My Bloody Valentine, Orbital, pizza, playing flute, Prince, Radiohead, Rummy 500, Scrabble, table tennis, Talk Talk, Van Morrison, writing.

I'd have to say

3915. Do you have to read lots to be able to write well?

3916. Vanilla Ice. Everyone loved him, suddenly everyone hated him. What was the deal?

3917. If you could kick one person out of the Grammys, who would it be (Avril, Eminem, etc.)?

3918. Studies have revealed that when sending out a resume, a person has a 50% higher chance of getting a response if their name is white-sounding than if it is black-sounding. What do you think about this?

Why do companies respond this way

3919. Should Big Fat Greek Wedding really be a Big Fat Greek sitcom?

3920. What are you addicted to?

3921. What fascinates you?

3922. What is fascinating about you?

3923. Personality wise, is anything the same for all human beings... and if so, what?

3924. What kind of a contest would you have a shot at winning?

3925. You see a dirty punk kid who has a giant cowboy hat on who is rolling his own cigarettes. Your impression?

3926. What would you never want to have more than two of?

3927. Is there a movie you just could not finish watching? What and why?

3928. Is there anyone that you love and want to be around for no explainable reason?

3929. Would you go to Times Square for New Years?

3930. Do you think that there are too many signs blocking the scenery?

3931. Did video really kill the radio star?

3932. What was your favorite Atari game?

3933. What is your favorite neon color?

3934. Do you get depressed every time it rains?

3935. "The more you admit that all your actions are robotic, the less robotic you are." What does Tim Leary mean by this?

Do you agree or disagree and why?

How much of your actions do you admit are robotic?

3936. Are we not men?

3937. Is it easy to be you? Would being someone else make it any easier?

3938. Why are sex, religion, and politics such taboo subjects?

3939. Is there really a difference between Republicans and Democrats?

3940. Imagine someone has a great personality, sense of humor, family, and job. They also really, really like you a lot. Would you consider dating them if they:

were fat? Yes.


were a midget?

had HIV?

were paralyzed in one arm?

had a glass eye?

had only 6 months to live?

3941. What makes you experience nostalgia?

3942. What do you remember about these historical figures:

Woodrow Wilson?

Helen Keller?

Christopher Columbus?

3943. Out of the above three figures, one is a huge racist, one is a socialist, and one is a slave trader. Can you guess which is which?



slave trader:

3944. Betcha they didn't tell you that in American history. Wilson, Keller and Columbus are painted as heroes, impossibly good, ideal people. Why are so many things omitted from and lied about in American history textbooks?

3945. Do you drink super-caffeinated energy drinks?

3946. Eminem or Moby?

3947. Spongebob or the Animaniacs?

3948. Why do people rush to grow up only to wish they were a child again?

3949. Why do people sacrifice their health to obtain money, and then use the money to restore their health?

3950. Jetsons or Flintstones?

3951. What are you saving up for?

3952. Would you rather improve your cooking, creativity, body, logic, or charisma?

3953. Is it more important to have strength or speed?

3954. What is your favorite thing to do each day?

3955. When you are driving, do you ever feel like turning the car towards someplace unfamiliar and not coming back?

3956. Have you ever gone to lunch at a job and never gone back to the job?

3957. What kind of dining room set defines you as a person?

3958. Kiss: with or without the makeup?

3959. Madonna or Courtney Love?

3960. Are you down with James Brown?

3961. Do you believe in miracles?

3962. Are you living a lie?

3963. If you had to give up one, would it be Caller ID or Call Waiting?

3964. Are you ready to switch to an electric or solar powered car?

3965. What is the greatest band of the 90's?

3966. What's the appeal of Ally McBeal?

3967. Fill in the blank.

___ ain't the kind of place to raise a kid.

3968. What song goes: Starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise, we're gonna dance all night to this DJ, and who is it by?

3969. What ever happened to the MTV VJ Kennedy?

3970. If you could sing with one band for a day, what band and what song would you want it to be?

3971. Josie and the Pussycats or Jem?

3972. Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?

3973. Britney Spears: schoolgirl or sexy?

3974. Would you get married on TV?

3975. Where do you go looking for the secrets of life?

3976. What is the fuel for your soul?

3977. Why do people watch American Idol (I think it's for Simon)?

3978. What makes life sweet?

3979. What does it take to make a great band? Music and charm, heh. Plus a great backstory.

3980. What do you think of when you hear the word "devo"?

3981. What song or movie represents the 80's for you?

3982. What song, poem, or other piece of writing would you want read when you died?

3983. Is a stable job / home / family pretty much your goal, or do you want more than that... and WHAT?

3984. What TV show that is no longer on TV do you miss?

3985. Remember when Kris from Nirvana threw his bass in the air and hit himself in the head with it?

3986. What commercial is really annoying you (almonds, want some almonds, you're a big fellow aren't you)?

3987. Nominate a rock star for president:

3988. Who amazes you?

3989. What's the best musical act to come outta your own country?

another country? ... too many to choose from...

3990. Is your life glamorous and exciting?

3991. Greatest old-school rap artist:

Greatest new-school rap artist:

3992. Which persona: DJ Jazzy Jeff or Will Smith?

39993. Ever try yoga?

3994. Are you a brick shit house?

3995. What products do you use?

3996. How good do you look?

3997. Tonight, you're going to party like_________.

3998. Have you ever written a song?

If yes, did you record it?

3999. What would you like to have 999 of?

4000. Do you own a metal detector?

4001. If you're dating someone, does that mean you're single?

4002. You are sitting alone with a stack of videos and a VCR. Of the following, which are you most likely to put on (1 is most, 10 is least)

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:
SLC Punk:
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me:
Jerry Springer: Too Hot For TV:
Singing in the Rain:
Flash Gordon:
The Matrix:
Blade Runner:
The Muppet Movie:

4003. Are you more likely to get or send random instant messages?

4004. If you were writing an ad telling people to come to your town, what would you say about it?

4005. What part of your body can you not stand to get an itch on?

4006. How many people do you suppose have stolen that System of a Down album called Steal This Album?

4007. Name a band you like:

What are / were this band's roots and influences?

4008. Would you rather have a poster of John Lennon or a cute fuzzy black cat?

4009. Make a Public Service Announcement:

4010. What makes you feel the need to escape?

4011. You and your significant other, crush, interest, etc. ... who is the Ernie and who is the Bert?

4012. When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself whether you did the right thing?

4013. What do you find it hard to say goodbye to?

4014. What is your fantasy Valentine's Day like?

4015. If you had to have a color for a name, what color would it be?

4016. Should preference be given to minority students during the college admission process?

4017. Sweet wine, fresh crisp apples, bagels with creme cheese and lox... what is the most incredibly luxurious food?

4018. Is there really anything to fear in Communism?

4019. Best Sesame Street character: Big Bird.

most annoying Sesame Street character:

4020. Feast or famine?

4021. Write a poem right here in five minutes or less:

4022. Do you stay and help clean up after a party?

4023. Why was the teddy bear named after Teddy Roosevelt?

4024. What are you the prince or princess of?

4025. Some people think that Christmas should be taken off public school calendars because it is politically incorrect. What would you say to this?

4026. Would you rather go to an exorcism or a step aerobics class?

4027. Do you believe in spells and curses?

4028. What TV show does your family watch together?

4029. What's on your calendar this year? No clue.

4030. Is anything ruining your life? What is it?

4031. How was life meant to be lived?

4032. What is your usual breakfast?

4033. If you had kids, would you worry about what they did online?

4034. Will you be maxin' and relaxin' this weekend?

If not, what are your weekend plans?

4035. Who has the most interesting story to tell: someone who used to fly to Asia as a drug trader, the CEO of Nike, a NYC homeless person, or a preacher's wife?

4036. What do you have a bad feeling about?

4037. Do you have a lot to say?

4038. If a smallpox vaccine was offered to you, would you take it?

4039. Would you ever work at a kissing booth?

How about a dunking booth?

4040. There is a woman who paints by stripping naked, rolling around in paint and then pressing her body against the canvas. What do you think of her art?

4041. Have you ever bought something you saw on TV?

4042. Name a relative:

That relative dies unexpectedly. On the same day, 9/11 happens. You can either bring back your relative or bring back half the people who died on 9/11. What do you do?

4043. Have you gone mental?

4044. What do you think of Jews for Jesus?

4045. Has anyone ever tried to "save" you?

4046. Quick! Picture Santa Claus in your head. Was he black or white when you pictured him?

4047. Would you ever buy a black Santa Claus?

4048. Would you take your kids to visit a black Santa Claus?

Why or why not?

4049. What do you smell like?

4050. What kind of soup do you eat?

4051. What have you heard about the next Harry Potter book?

Will you pre-order it?

4052. Would you rather go out or stay in?

4053. What's your favorite song to hear on Halloween?

4054. What song makes you feel all tingly like you want to laugh and scream and cry?

4055. If you were starting a website that was not about you, what would it be about?

4056. Do you ever take the long way just for fun?

4057. "... and God said let there be ____, and there I was." Fill in the blank as if you were talking about yourself.

4058. What do you think of when you hear the word "mill"?

4059. What do you think of when you hear the name:

Weird Al?

Bob Dylan?

Michael Jackson?

Henry Rollins?

Billy Idol?

Gary Numan?

Will Smith?

Paul McCartney?

Alice Cooper?

J. Lo?

4060. What is one social disaster you have had?

4061. Can you moonwalk?

4062. If a presidential candidate went on late night TV, picked up a guitar and rocked out on it and could really play, would that influence you to like / respect them more?

4063. Have you ever seen fish poop?

4064. If it was possible for people to instantly change from one sex to another, would everyone be straight in the end?

Would you change your sex?

4065. Finish the sentence: nobody broke your heart...

4066. Would you rather have a best friend OR a boyfriend / girlfriend on a Friday night?

4067. Would a woman rather be complimented about her intelligence OR her looks?

4068. Do you tend to think of the right thing to say after the moment is gone?

4069. Would you rather a potential mate have nice hair OR nice legs?

4070. Okay... nice hair OR a nice rack / bulge?

4071. What is one thing you thought you would enjoy, but actually didn't?

4072. Be in the spotlight OR in the shadows?

4073. What is your favorite part of the newspaper?

4074. What in your life has been an "acquired taste" for you?

4075. Do you find sunlight makes you happier?

4076. If you could conquer one fear, it would be...?

4077. What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen someone do or heard anyone has done?

4078. How do you feel about the fact that J-Lo earns 37 million dollars a year?

Do you buy anything that contributes to her salary?

Is J-Lo the ultimate ideal of what a woman should be?

4079. What is unforgettable beauty?

4080. Worst fashion mistake EVER:

4081. What is your advice to someone on their first date?

4082. Is there a musical performer more ridiculous than Avril Lavigne (I don't think there is)?

4083. What is the best:

daytime talk show?
late night talk show?

4084. Are you afraid of total freedom?

4085. Do you live in an invisible prison?

4086. Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to?

4087. Rate the following song lyrics (1 = you like it the most, 9 = you like it the least).

Maybe you shouldn't care / throw away those dreams / and dare

Eden lets me in / I find the seeds of love / And climb upon the high wire / I kiss and tell all my fears

I know the pressure is on / In a race for the life of endless love / If it seems to much / Remember / All these things are endless

I see the wind, oh I see the trees / Everything is clear in my heart / I see the clouds, oh I see the sky / Everything is clear in our world

Inflatable doll / Lover ungrateful / I blew up your body / But you blew my mind

Well I jumped into the river / too many times to make it home / I'm out here on my own / drifting all alone / and if it doesn't show / give it time / to read between the lines

The very thought of you makes / My heart sing / Like an April breeze / On the wings of spring / And you appear in all your splendor / My one and only love

Now I've had lots of girls / most of them from other worlds / but lookin' through the galaxy / the valley girls are the ones for me

I'm the dandy highwayman so sick of easy fashion / the clumsy boots, peek-a-boo roots that people think so dashing / so what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking? / it's kind of tough to tell a scruff the big mistake he's making

4088. Can you name any of the nine bands / songs above?

4089. What would your reaction be if a total stranger called to say (s)he loved you and told you that you were to pass the message on to others in a telephone call you make yourself?

4090. Would you like to take a journey to Jupiter?

4091. Can you crack nuts in your bare hands?

4092. Do you take walks at night?

4093. Beavis and Butthead or Daria?

4094. Cow or chicken?

4095. Do you think you will visit China in this life?

4096. Are you having a happy day?

4097. When was or will be your "golden birthday" (when your age is the same as your birthdate, like turning 17 on the 17th)?

4098. Enlighten everyone with something profound:

4099. When has the third time been the charm for you?

4100. What is kinda sick, but fun?

4101. What is the most difficult thing you have ever overcome?

4102. What is more important: how much someone has achieved, or how far they have come to achieve it?

4103. Have you ever had anything published?

4104. Of the following, what kind of person would you be more attracted to (1 is highest, 3 lowest):

less good-looking than you?
about as good-looking as you?
more good-looking than you?

How good-looking are you?

4105. less intelligent than you?
about as intelligent as you?
more intelligent than you?

How intelligent are you?

4106. has less money than you?
has about as much money as you?
has more money than you?

How wealthy are you?

4107. less wild and crazy than you?
about as wild and crazy as you?
more wild and crazy than you?

How wild and crazy are you?

4108. Is your bathroom shelf stacked with numerous bottles of lotions and creams?

4109. How do you maintain your body?

4110. Did you ever imagine that objects have a life of their own?

4111. What is it like to be an object, do ya think?

4112. Do stones, rocks, trees, lamps, water, couches, etc. all have some sort of life energy running through them?

4113. Would you ever consider getting romantically involved with:

your teacher?
your doctor?

4114. If ____ asked me for sex, I could NOT refuse. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking.

4115. What is "nothing"?

4116. Would you rather read about how to get better abs or about how thousands of people across the globe are marching for peace?

4117. Should America make love, not war?

4118. If you could nominate anyone for sainthood, who would you and why?

4119. Can you name one person who is purely good?

4120. How about one person who is completely evil?

4121. Is there a book inside of you?

If yes, what about?

4122. Do you call people more often, or get calls more often?

4123. What do you wake up to?

4124. If you could get a free subscription to any magazine, what would it be?

4125. When you wrote letters to Santa, did you ever ask for stuff that didn't exist?

4126. Make up a new slogan for McDonald's:

4127. What kind of people do you like to be associated with (business, writers, dark, antisocial, spiritual, happy)?

4128. How are you like a toaster?

4129. Do you believe we are really in the Matrix?

4130. There are 2 dolls: a G.W. Bush doll and a Saddam Hussein doll. You can only afford one. Which do you buy?

4131. What is a jabberwocky?

4132. Finish the sentences:

I'm a speed racer and I drive real fast, I drive real fast:

I'm a big bird and I like to steal, I like to steal and I like to:

I'm a Barbie doll and I've got grace, I've got grace but:

4133. What do you think aliens would think of life on earth?

4134. What image do you get from the words "urban decay"?

4135. Have a ___ day. Fill in the blank with anything but "nice."

4136. Do you own anything with a:

South Park character or logo on it?
Grateful Dead bear or logo on it?

4137. What is your impression of beatniks?

4138. What was the last thing you ordered (or watched) on pay-per-view?

4139. Nails: long or short?

4140. Do you prefer touch lamps, the clapper, or the old-fashioned light switch?

4141. Can you "berry talk"?

4142. Do you like vines on old buildings?

How about graffiti on old buildings?

4143. When someone says "it's been one of those days," what do they mean by "those days"?

4144. Have you ever owned those magic markers that could change colors?

4145. It's not easy bein' ____. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking.

4146. Is there a song that has been stuck in your head since you were a child?

4147. Do you own anything plaid?

4148. Do you recycle?

4149. What is your strongest point?

4150. What is your weakest point?

What are you doing to work on that weakness?

4151. Paraphrase (rewrite) this sentence without using any of the words currently in it that are more than 2 letters long (except THE... you can use THE). If anyone should steal this survey from you, they should paraphrase YOUR sentence and so on.

Deep in the heart of turn-of-the-century India, a young mongoose is adopted by a British family.

Far into the bloody thing in your body of the long time far away place, a little bird is re-owned by a cool accented couple.

4152. A baby is born with a terminal disease. She will suffer agonizing pain for 5 years, and then die. The mother gives the baby a sleeping medicine and it dies. Mom claims it was a mercy killing. Prosecution claims it was murder. You are on the jury. What is your vote?

4153. Why doesn't poetry say outright what it means?

4154. Read this sentence:

Now delete it. Done? Yeppers.

Now write any sentence you want there instead.

4155. What is your opinion of Orson Welles?

4156. If you were a lotion, what would your label say?

4157. What side is your good side?

4158. Rewrite that sentence you deleted up there as best you can. Try to get the idea across even if you don't get the exact words right:

4159. What is your favorite work by Edgar Allen Poe?

4160. Of the following short stories, which would you be most likely to read (based on titles alone if you aren't familiar with them: 1 is most likely, 9 is least likely)? (I've read most of them!)

Young Goodman Brown:
The Cask of Amontillado:
The Story of an Hour:
The Metamorphosis:
Barn Burning:
The Lottery:
A & P:
The Sandkings:
Minority Report:

4161. What is the difference between a norm and a value?

4162. Can you think of a norm in your own culture that is different from a value in your culture?

4163. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?

4164. Why haven't we begun to colonize the moon? No idea.

4165. What did you think of the shuttle Columbia blowing up?

4166. What do you remember about the Challenger?

4167. Is the force with you?

4168. What is your favorite spoof movie?

4169. Would you ever own a(n):

human slave?

robotic slave (where the robot is conscious of itself)?

trained ape slave?

human clone slave?

4170. What can no one stop you from doing?

4171. Who would you be bored without?

4172. What is your only hope?

4173. Would you rather visit France or Puerto Rico, and why?

4174. Have you ever corrupted someone or dragged them down?

4175. If you could say / teach one thing to all the youth of America, what would it be?

4176. Does any part of your body get in your way?

4177. Leia or Amidala?

4178. Do you trust your feelings?

4179. Do you feel empty or passionate most of the time?

4180. What was your moment of triumph?

4181. Explain what piety is:

4182. In what ways are you a rebel? I'm not.

4183. In what ways are you a conformist?

4184. Do you like movie endings that leave you wondering or tie up all the loose ends?

4185. What movie has the best soundtrack?

4186. What adventure would you like to undertake?

4187. Do you tip gas station attendants when you get full service?

4188. Do you own any souvenirs? What are they, and where are they from?

4189. Does your age make you embarrassed?

4190. Are you the strong and silent type?

4191. What do your shoes look like?

4192. Do you ever admire yourself while naked?

4193. If you could make someone's clothes magically disappear, who would you do it to and where would you put their clothes?

4194. Who is more foolish: the fool, or the fool that follows the first fool?

4195. A good website for the bored (not a diary one):

4196. Did people REALLY land on the moon?

4197. Would you rather live for a month in India or Alaska?

4198. What is one country you could NEVER visit, and why?

4199. Who is the busiest person you can think of?

4200. What is the average length of your relationships?

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