Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blank Template: Questions 2901 to 3500 of 5000

2901. Have you ever written a letter to:

a friend?

a lover?

a celebrity?

Congress / House / Reps:

the president / leader of your country:

2902. Why are cigarette companies allowed to manufacture and sell cigarettes when they are so unhealthy and dangerous?

2903. Do you chat with people in an elevator?

2904. What's your favorite Jack Nicholson movie?

2905. Who should play the part of Superman?

2906. Do you like when your friends and your mate's friends hang out?

2907. Doritos or Cheetos?

2910. Do you brush your teeth three times a day?

2911. Should I stop making questions with multiple parts and just count each actual question as a question?

2912. What gives your ego a boost?

2913. What knocks your ego down?

2914. Live and let live, or live and let die?

2915. What do you think of Damien Hirst's art piece Mother and Child, which is half a cow in formaldehyde?

2916. Why is it that 70 percent of Americans do not want to go to war with Iraq, and yet we are going to war with Iraq anyway?

Is this democracy?

2917. Imagine you have two choices of what life you can live:

One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes, and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no TV, no newspapers, and no books.


Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever, but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work, and there is no guarantee you will ever live comfortably.

Which life do you choose, and why?

2918. Why is there no "Mr. America" pageant?

Should there be?

What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like Miss America, he would have to be a role model)?

2919. If something offends you, do you feel that it has no right to exist?

2920. Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next to?

2921. What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male acquaintance and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names, and being very disrespectful?

2922. What do you represent?

2923. What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present?




diamond necklace:

gift certificate:



2924. Have you ever completed a Paint by Number?

If yes, of what?

2925. How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book?

2926. What have you been caught doing?

2927. Does temptation make you do what you love?

2928. Do you have any gadgets in the house that you don't know how to use? What are they?

2929. Do you read the instructions to things or skip them?

2930. Will you ever reach your full potential?

2931. Who is your biggest fan?

2932. Who do you take care of?

Who takes care of you?

2933. Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right?

If you were a lawyer, would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong?

2934. Is it sexy in here, or is it just me?

2935. You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note, or draw a picture too?

2936. Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)?

2937. How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating's mom to like her better?

2938. What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has?

2939. Do you like answering questions about:

your life?

your taste?









loved ones?





hypothetical situations?

things that require lots of thought?

2940. The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny?

2941. What would you think of a new reality TV game show where real-life criminals on Death Row competed in life-threatening tasks for the prize of a reduced sentence?

Did you know that they are considering making this a show?

Would you watch it?

2942. What was the last song you looked up the words to?

2943. What Saturday morning cartoons do you like?

2944. If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible?

2944. What does the T in T-Shirt really mean?

2945. Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area?

If so, how?

2946. Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders?

2947. If you are a girl, have you ever experienced penis envy?

If you are a guy, would you still want to live if you had to be castrated?

2948. Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. At the start of the year, you tell them, "If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned...." Finish the sentence.

2949. If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store, how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers?

2950. How do you stop pop-up ads?

2951. You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don't buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You cannot get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home???

2952. How long would it take you to organize your bedroom?

2953. Make up a nickname for your bedroom:

2954. What comes after:

2955. Where ARE the wild things?

2956. You get a six-CD changer for the car. The only problem is that you know that once you put in six CDs, you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 CDs do you put in?

2957. Let's play Jeopardy. (Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dooooo-) I'll give some answers.. you give the questions. Ready? Begin.

The answer is:










2958. Pick a letter.

List some great words starting with that letter:

2959. Is eight days a week enough to show you care?

2960. Have you told your parents you love them today?

2961. What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil?

2962. Have you ever cross-dressed?

2963. Are we living in a world without end?

2964. What do you think of that couple that was just on the news who kidnapped a 16-year-old girl for a week and forced her to be their sex slave?

2965. Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition?

2966. Are you singing in the rain?

2967. Should the Sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St. Patrick's Day parade?

2968. Is oral sex, anal sex, or regular sex more intimate?

2969. Is it time to switch to decaf?

2970. Why is it that the truth hurts?

2971. How do you feel about:



2972. What are you guilty of?

2973. Have you ever done any of the following in order to catch a buzz or get high?

sniffed glue:

sniffed magic markers:

ate paste:

drank Nyquil, Robitussen, or any other over-the-counter drug:

"huffed" (inhaled or sniffed) any kind of fabric softener, cooking spray or other household product:


2974. What gives you inner strength?

2975. ::eyes you suspiciously:: Where have all the COOKIES gone?

2976. What is a good gift for someone you don't like... so that it SEEMS to be nice, but really "gets" them somehow?

2977. If you don't like the service at a restaurant, would you skip the tip?

Why or why not?

2978. Apples, peaches, or pumpkin pie?

2979. What race / nationality was Jesus?

2980. What was one evening you'll never forget?

2981. Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird:

2982. Trick or Treat?

2983. If you had money to burn, what "toy" would you spend your money on (think Monopoly game with real money, luxury boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)?

2984. Are you having trouble with AOL 8.0?

Or if you don't have AOL... have you ever been to a podiatrist?

2985. If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be?











2986. When people lose weight, where does it go?

2987. Your mate / partner / wife or husband / long-term boy or girlfriend / etc. has SOMEHOW gotten his or her FAVORITE celebrity's attention. Your sweetie has always thought this celeb was so sexy, and now the celeb kinda fancies your sweetie as well (although the celeb is not interested enough to stick around for more than one night). Your sweetie wants to have a one-night-stand with the celeb. Knowing that this is your sweetie's one-and-only chance to bang (or even hang out with) a celebrity (ESPECIALLY their FAVORITE celebrity) you would say:

2988. Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film?

If yes, what one(s), and what did you think?

If no, aren't you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time?

2989. What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoes, grain, whole wheat, etc.)?

2990. Are you emotionally articulate?

2991. Does everything happen for a reason?

2992. Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever?

If yes, then aren't they still with you even when you are gone?

2993. Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent?

2994. Can you think of a door that has closed in your life?

Can you think of a window that has opened?

2995. What does "Necessity is the mother of invention" mean to you?

Do you believe that necessity is also the mother of:


survival skills?


2996. What helps you to get over a major heartache?

2997. Can you depend completely upon yourself?

Have you ever tried?

2998. How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beautiful beginning of the next part?

2999. Have you ever read any stories by Kate Chopin? If not, I suggest that you do.

3000. Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren't looking for anything (or anyone)?

3001. What is your half-birthday?

3002. When is your un-birthday?

3003. Do you like movies about:

time travel?

the 80's?


crazy people?





the meaning of life?


3004. If you said yes to any of the above, you should see Donnie Darko. If you HAVE seen it, what'd you think?

3005. If you were going to write a book, what would it be about?

3006. Is radio obsolete?

3007. Do you feel like you are entitled to have things without working for them?

3008. If yes, then why do you believe you feel this way?

3009. If no, have you noticed that a lot of people around you feel this way?

3010. If yes, then why do you believe they feel this way?

3011. "An eight track stereo, a color TV in every room, and a half a piece of dope everyday. That's the American dream, nigga!" How do you feel about that quote?

3012. What is it from?

3013. What year is it from?

3014. Do you believe that you will someday be famous?

3015. What is YOUR IDEA of success?

3016. Do you believe that you will be successful?

3017. Will you be successful without hard work?

3018. What brings you bad luck?

Is it true that you:

3019. Claim to be goth, punk, prep, emo, or any other label?

3020. Claim that your opinion is RIGHT?

3021. Claim that your religion is RIGHT?

3022. Claim to be a fan of a band when you really only like a few songs?

3023. Do ANYTHING to fit in or be accepted by ANYONE?

3024. REFUSE to listen to the ideas or thoughts of others?

3025. Tell others to shut up?

3026. Say I HATE (insert any band)?

3027. Say I HATE (insert anything)?

3028. Only appreciate certain things that you LIKE?

3029. Like only one style of music?

3030. Like only one style of clothes?

3031. Hate a style of music?

3032. Hate life?

3033. Is it true that you:

3034. Don't listen when parents, elders, or authorities talk?

3035. Do everything parents, elders, and authorities tell you?

3036. Do things or want things because it looked cool on MTV?

3037. Hate everyone?

3038. Hate everything?

3039. Hate disco?

3040. Hate rap?

3041-3045. These questions are for the guys:

You are at her home with her. Both of you have drunk a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch, and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on her. You're not sure if you are up to a night of lovemaking, or even if she's in the mood.

She goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When she returns, she is wearing an outfit that looks great on her and you notice that she has her hands tied in front of her, with a scrunchie...

She stands in front of you and giggles nervously. You search for words to express how you feel, but before you can get any words, out she gets on her knees in front of you and reaches out to hold your hand with both of hers. Your eyes find hers...

3041. How do you react to this?

3042. What message do you think she is sending?

3043. What do you do next?

3044. Is this a good way for her to approach her fantasy with you?

3045. If not, what would be a better way for her to approach you about wanting to be controlled during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for her)?

3046-3050. These questions are for the girls:

You are at his home with him. Both of you have drunk a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch, and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on him. You're not sure if you are up to a night of lovemaking, or even if he's in the mood.

He goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When he returns, he is wearing an outfit that looks great on him. He sits next to you. You kiss and kiss. You move your hands down his body to his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt, but he stops you and whispers seductively.. "A good slave unbuttons them with her teeth.. and you do want to be my slave, don't you?"

3046. What do you do?

3047. How do you react to this?

3048. What message do you think he is sending?

3049. Is this a good way for him to approach his fantasy with you?

3050. If not, what would be a better way for him to approach you about wanting to be in control during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for him)?

Is it true that you...

3051. are politically correct?

3052. are too nice to say how you feel?

3053. don't think the world government affects you?

3054. think that all people who are fat are ugly?

3055. think all people who are thin are shallow?

3056. think you are getting solid information from advertisements?

3057. don't research the products you use?

3058. believe that the lives of the people you love are somehow more important than the lives of the 6 billion other people in the world?

3059. believe that the lives of your countrymen or countrywomen are somehow more valuable than the lives of people from other countries?

3060. believe your ideas are somehow worth more than the ideas of others?

3061. repress things rather than deal with them?

3062. mindlessly self-indulge?

3063. think there is only one right way?

3064. think that this one right way could possibly be right for ALL of the 6 billion people on this planet?

3065. Decide something is UNTRUE just because you don't AGREE with it or you don't LIKE it?

3066. What do you think of the out-dated Chinese custom of foot-binding (tying a baby girl's toes under her foot, even if you have to break the bone, making her walk with her toes under her foot (or hobble) because Chinese men like small feet)?

3067. What do you think of plastic surgery?

3068. Is there a difference between foot-binding and plastic surgery?

Are there any similarities between foot-binding and plastic surgery? What?

3069. Would you be likely to continue reading a book that began: "It was a bright, defrosted, pussy-willow day at the onset of Spring, and the newlyweds were driving cross-country in a large roast turkey."?

3070. If I don't quit smoking, then I will sing a song. If I sing a song, then I either play an instrument or run a mile. I do not play an instrument or run a mile. Therefore, I quit smoking.

Is this a valid argument?

3071. What came first, the acorn or the tree?

3072. What is surrealism?

If you were putting together a surrealist work of art, what would you do?

3073. What did you do on Halloween?

3074. Some bees have made a comfortable nest for the winter inside your air conditioner. How would you remove the air conditioner from the window?

3075. Why is quiet contemplation important?

3076. Do you spend lots of time in quiet contemplation? How about any time?

If not, what distracts you?

3077. What is the lowest you have ever felt?

3078. Who has changed your life dramatically for the better?

3079. Is all your Christmas shopping done?

3080. Who is the greatest writer you can think of, and why?

3081. Are people either good or evil?

3082. Can people be BOTH good and evil?

3083. Is there good in a rapist or a murderer?

Is there evil in Mother Teresa?

3084. You are in a classroom setting. A teacher has asked for a surrealist project. One person comes in with cards. Each card has a picture. Some of the pictures are a breast, a penis, a urinal, open heart surgery, a woman sucking on a vacuum tube, etc. On the back of each picture is a phrase like "F*** you and all of your lesbian fish-eating friends" or "People who speak in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch." The artist asks each person to take a random card, go around the room, and at their turn, hold up the card with the picture side out and read the phrase on the back.

Would you do it?

How would you feel about it?

What do you think the artist's intent is?

3085. Are you satisfied?

3087. How fast can you run?

3088. What do you want that you don't need?

3089. What do you have that you wish you didn't?

3090. What does it mean when someone suggests that you don't own your possessions, but that they own you?

3091. Where do you get motivation?

3092. Did you ever wanna get with one of your teachers?

Did you ever actually get with one?

3093. Have you ever had this happen: One day, you completely believe one thing... the next day, you don't believe it anymore?

If yes, do you lie about your change of beliefs in order to appear consistent?

3094. Do you hide things about yourself from others?

If so, why?

Is it because you are afraid they will be scared?

Or because YOU are scared?

3095. Do you recognize that some part of you is evil, or do you feel like you are all good?

3096. If everyone were flying flags and putting up yellow ribbons in honor of the people who died in a war, and someone put up black bows and ribbons all over the top of their house, what would you think? That they had suffered a personal loss and wished to subtly draw attention to it.

Would you want them to take it down, and why?

3097. Is a foot massage meaningless, or does it have implications?

3098. Are you sick of technology yet?

3099. After tattoos and piercings, I believe the next big thing will be implants (horns, metal plates, etc.) and genetic alteration (wings, purple skin, etc) will come after that.

Would you have any of this done to you?

Would you let your kids have it done?

What do you think the next big thing in body modification would be?

3100. What's the most insulting thing you could come up with to say to someone?

3101. Would it bother you if your priest, rabbi, or other religious leader (teacher if you are not religious) started wearing a plain black mask all the time?

If yes, why?

3102. Where do you look for the answers?

3103. If you are driving and someone honks at you, does it ruin your whole day?

3104. If you are driving and you get angry at another driver, do you:

yell at them through their and your closed window?

open the window and yell at them?

throw things at them?

stop the car and start a fight with them?

do something else?

3105. I'm in the right lane on the parkway. There is an "exit only" lane on my right. A car pulls out from behind the pack into the "exit only" lane. When that car gets to the exit, he is right in front of me... only one lane to the right of me. Instead of exiting the parkway, he tries to creep back in in front of me. I get pissed and honk the horn. He (I keep saying "he," but I couldn't tell) throws up his hands as he slides in front of me. I think this is funny and toot again. He throws up his hands again. I do this about three more times, and each time I toot, he throws his hands in the air. Then my exit comes up, and I have to get off. From the time he got in front of me until I got off the parkway, we drove approximately 20 feet. What do you think about this situation?

3106. Do you live in reality, or in your own little world?

Which one is better?

3107. Who's your favorite Soprano?

3108. Why is there porn geared towards straight men, gay men, and lesbians... but none really geared towards straight woman?

3109. Is there more to being human than chemicals and impulses? If yes, what?

3110. What if all the boys in jail could get out now together?

3111. If your shoes could talk, what would they say?

3112. How many windows are in your house?

3113. Did you walk around your house and count them all? If not, what did you do?

3114. Do you think people store memories as pictures or words?

3115. If you got sent to jail, who would your one phone call be to?

3116. Pick a movie you have seen, and give a two-sentence review about it using the word "go":

3117. Pick a song you like, and give a two-sentence review of it using the word "come":

3118. Pick a person you like, and give a two-sentence description of them using the word "lunchbox":

3119. What do these 3 words have in common: hippo, camp, us?

3120. If you could save time in a bottle, the first thing that you'd like to do is..

3121. Who is the most powerful person in the world that you can think of?

3122. If you were designing a mini-golf hole, what would it be like?

3123. Why do you think certain people become targets for teasing in school or exclusion at work?

3124. Why, in essays, is the word "I" not allowed to be used when it is our own PERSONAL thoughts being expressed?

3125. What song would you like your doorbell to play?

3126. Would you rather watch MTV or play GO FISH?

3127. What is an itch?

3128. Why did the Holocaust happen?

3129. Would you be capable of torturing another person?

3130. How did Hitler's army do this and still believe they were good people?

3131. Do you like poetry to rhyme?

3132. Does "Jewish" describe a race or a religion?

3133. How tall are you?

3134. If Hitler was capable of such cruelty to others, and he is human, does that mean that all humans are capable of this cruelty?

3135. What is the longest you have ever gone without sleep?

3136. Is a mouse a miracle?

3137. There are alcoholics, chocoholics, and shopaholics. Practically anything can be an "-oholic." What's your -oholic?

3138. Does heaven have a phone number?

If it did, would you call?

Who would you ask to speak to?

What would you say?

3139. Fortune time!!

1, 2, 3, or 4?

if 1: 5 or 6?

if 2: 7 or 8?

if 3: 9 or 10?

if 4: 11 or 12?

Now pick a letter between A and G:

if A: 13 or 14?

if B: 15 or 16?

if C or D: 17 or 18?

if E: 19 or 20?

if F: 21 or 22?

if G: 22 or 23?


You should now have two numbers. Look at both numbers below and combine the sayings to get a fortune.

5: You are a very loving person...

6: You will become very rich...

7: You are too hard on yourself...

8: Cats will bring you bad luck...

9: Gremlins will eat all your cheese...

10: You are going on a trip.

11: Someone you don't know will be watching you...

12: You will get what you want...


13. ... and your life will be filled with romance.

14. ... but you will fall in love with a baboon.

15. ... and salt is lucky for you.

16. ... or you will inherit a cough medicine factory.

17. ... and you will not come back.

18. ... and you will lose the remote.

19. ... or your favorite team will win.

20. ... and you were born under a lucky star.

21. ... but the next person who leaves you a comment is attracted to you.

22. ... and you will have a stalker soon.

23. ... or your best friend will take you to a movie.

Let's see what my two numbers give me:

3140. Do you vote?

3141. Are you always honest with yourself?

Were you honest when you answered that question?

3142. What kinds of diary names or entry titles make you specifically NOT want to read that diary?

3142. Is writing an online diary more about being honest about yourself or entertaining your readers?

3143. What are you the last of?

3144. Who do you really appreciate, and what have you done lately to show that you appreciate them?

3145. When people do good deeds... are they really doing them because they are a good person, or because they want to feel like a good person? Or both?

3146. Somewhere far back in the survey, I asked if Bill Gates or Mother Teresa were more successful. The most popular answer I have seen is "it depends on how you define success." Well, this survey is about YOU, isn't it? So how do YOU define success?

3147. Are people making up reality as they go along? I suppose.

3148. You may need a calculator for this one. Think of your weight. Divide it by 2.2, and multiply the answer by .8 ... what do you get?

That is how many grams of protein you need to eat every day to stay healthy. Do you think you eat enough?

3149. What is your feeling about Republicans?

3150. What do you need to do?

What do you need to stop doing?

3151. If you were to start a club, what club would you start?

3152. Are your hands and feet always cold? Maybe you have bad circulation.

3153. Have you ever been prank called?

If yes, what was the situation?

3154. Have you ever prank called someone?

If yes, what was the prank?

3155. Have you ever gotten into a conversation with someone when they or you have dialed a wrong number?

3156. Have you ever just sat alone with no distractions for a whole hour and thought about things?

If yes, does the universe open up when you do this?

3157. Are you a genius?

3158. If you were going to design the PERFECT significant other... what flaws would you give them?

3159. If you answered NO to 3157, why do you doubt yourself?

3160. RARRRR!!! Scared ya, didn't I?

3161. Do feelings and ideas come from inside the mind, or outside in the culture?

3162. When you have a feeling or an idea, do you trust it?

Even when people are telling you that you are wrong?

Even when people are laughing at you for it?

3163. What is your soap opera name? (Your middle name becomes your first name, and your last name is the name of the street of the house you grew up in):

3164. What is the difference between spirituality and religion?

3165. What is the speediest way you know of to get over a cold or flu?

3166. Who is your favorite comedian?

3167. What do you think of Winona Ryder's court case?

3168. What was your last nightmare about? White and gold bracelets on someone's head. Don't ask.

3169. Who are the people in your neighborhood?

3170. During what decade was popular music the most emotional?

During what decade was popular music the best?

3171. How did Frederick Douglas, escape slavery against all odds? There were thousands and thousands of slaves around him, so why did only he manage to learn to read and write?

3172. Do you download porn? (be honest!)

3173. Why is "Go suck an egg!" or "Your grandma sucks eggs!" an insult?

3174. Life is:

I am:

I am not:

But I want to be:

And I wish I could:

3175. What is the highest achievement anyone could ever achieve in these departments?




with their humanity:

3176. Can you give step-by-step instructions on how to think deeply?

3177. Did you ever see the Wizard of Oz with the sound all the way down while listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall?

If yes, did you see what everyone says goes on when you do that?

3178. Let's say you were writing an application for potential new friends. What three questions would you ask (and what would you want the answers to be)? 1. 2. 3.

3179. Which two words of the following words goes together the best, and why? Mullet, broccoli, community, blue, phosphorus, hammer, ocean, hand

3180. Are you dyslexic?

3182. Are you overwhelmed?

By what?

3183. "My natural elasticity was crushed." What does that mean?

3184. What is humanity evolving towards, do you think?

3185. Are you going to take a shower tonight?

3186. How many holes do you have in your body (ex. mouth)?

3187. Now there are ads on taxi cab hubcaps. Is there ANY free space LEFT to put more ads onto taxis?

3188. What's the worst place to have a scab?

3189. Do you pick your scabs?

3190. Who's goin' chicken huntin'?

3191. Post "it" note... what does "it" stand for?

3192. What is a tragedy?

3193. Where is Guam?

3194. Are you bubbly?

Do you drink bubbly?

3195. Do you have caller ID?

If you do, then do you only answer the phone after looking at it?

3196. Bewitched or Jeannie?

3197. When will you be able to just do what you want to?

3198. How do people live with the fact that their time is short and priceless, yet they get paid too little to waste too much of it?

3199. OOGA! Make your best caveperson sound!

3200. Who tells better gossip, your best friend or your answering machine?

3201. What if this is as good as it gets?

3202. Have you ever dated someone mostly or completely because of their looks?

3203. What does the word "of" mean?

3204. What should you never forget?

3205. How many of the 7 Dwarves can you name for us?

3206. What animal does your mom resemble?

3207. Have you ever had a palm reading?

3208. What's a crazy thing you did that you got in trouble for as a kid?

3209. What do you battle against?

3210. Do piercings really make the pierced area dramatically more sensitive?

3211. If you had put aside some money for a trip and the travel agent said he had 2 trips available in your price range during the week you want to go, which would you choose:

A. a week in Hawaii in a luxury beach resort

B. a week in Africa helping the Red Cross distribute food and medicine

3212. Have you ever played with a dreidel?

3213. Did you know that Kraft is owned by a cigarette company?

Does that bother you?

3214. With all the information constantly rushing at you, how do you know what's important?

3215. How is your life unlike a movie?

3216. Where is the most beautiful place you have visited?

3217. What is never going in your mouth?

3218. Are there really 5,000 different facts about you?

3219. Do you like banana bread?

3220. Who are you the most gentle and tender around?

3221. If electrodes were inserted into your brain, and a button was put into your arm so that you could push the button and stimulate an immediate orgasm, would you forget about life and sit at home pushing the button until you died?

3222. Is there a difference between being scared and afraid?

3223. Are you scared and / or afraid of death?

If yes, what is it about death?

The pain?

The separation?

the unknown?

the fear of nothing?

3224. What is existentialism?

3225. SUCCESS is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed. To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple host who took the flag to-day can tell the definition, so clear, of victory, as he, defeated, dying, on whose forbidden ear the distant strains of triumph break, agonized and clear. (by Emily Dickinson)

What is Emily Dickinson trying to say here?

3226. A college girl (maybe you?) blows a tire and pulls off the road in an unfamiliar residential neighborhood. She is having trouble changing the tire when a man in his late thirties-ish comes over and asks if she needs some help. He changes her tire, and offers to let her go into his house to wash her hands. She is dirty from trying to change the tire. Should she accept?

She does accept, and he gives her a tour of the house including the upstairs. The staircase in the living room leads directly into the master bedroom. The view out the window is beautiful. What are you thinking about this situation?

3227. Are you too trusting of others?

3228. What's the difference between a den and a living room?

3229. Write a stream-of-consciousness sentence:

3230. Who is the hero of all kids?

3231. Who do you tend to show more of your best side to: your family or strangers?

3232. How do you think the Harry Potter series will end?

3233. Name three things that would make really bad ice cream flavors:

3234. Would you try a jellybean if its flavor was:

toasted marshmallow?

fried chicken?

black pepper?







Did you know that you can get these flavors of jellybeans at harrypotter.com?

3235. What's at the center of the earth?

3236. Have you ever wondered where holidays come from?

3237. Do you think there should be more movies shown in 3D?

3238. Are you just another brick in the wall?

3239. Write a haiku (a poem with 3 lines, 1st line is 5 syllables, second line is 7 syllables, 3rd line is five syllables):

3240. Are you cautious and tame?

3241. Do you like to eat at Subway?

3242. Is 42 the meaning of life?

3243. Would you agree that a blade of grass is nothing less than the journeywork of stars?

3244. Do you want to die?

3245. If someone was studying "the humanities," what the hell are they studying?

3246. Is this question REALLY question 3246?

3247. Do you want to diet?

3248. What is colder: your feet, or the floor?

3249. What is older: your mouth, or the door?

3250. Are you more beauty or more beast?

3251. Are we there yet?

3252. Scantron or handwritten tests?

3253. What's that sound?

3254. True / false: To the maggots on the cheese, the cheese is the universe.

3255. What's the best treat to bring with you to elementary school for your birthday?

3256. What would you expect to learn from self-interrogation?

3257. When you feel cold, does eating warm food help you feel warm?

3258. Does being true to yourself mean saying: "screw everybody else, my crap is more important"?

3259. Have you reckoned a thousand acres much?

3260. Have you reckoned the earth much?

3261. Have you ever had a vision?

3262. If you have a vision or belief and someone else has a conflicting vision or belief, how do you tell which one is valid?

Are they both valid?

3263. Why is everything based around proof and facts instead of intuition?

3264. What is the grass?

3265. Have you ever supposed it is lucky to be born?

Is it just as lucky to die?

3266. What is it that you express in your eyes?

3267. What is man anyhow?

What am I?

and what are you?

3268. You understand enough. Why don't you let it out?

3269. What is less or more than a touch?

3270. Why should anyone wish to see God more than they wish to see this day?

3271. Have you guessed that after death you yourself would not continue?

3272. Have you dreaded the earth beetles?

3273. Have you feared the future would be nothing to you?

3274. Is today nothing?

3275. Is the beginingless past nothing?

3276. Do you believe in a collective unconscious?

3277. Jung or Freud?

3278. What is a "fate worse than death"?

3279. What are the 5 main things you think about?

3280. Name someone you know.

What is the biggest thing you have in common with them?

3281. Do you think that laws should be passed to regulate human breeding?

3282. Do you think they already exist in a subtle way?

3283. Why is it that so many people are demanding the death penalty as punishment for a wider and wider range of crimes?

3284. Is it partially to weed the non-conformists out of the gene pool?

3285. What does it mean to be free?

3286. What does it mean to be tamed or domesticated?

3287. Is the human animal becoming more and more tame and domestic?

If yes, what is causing this?

Are we becoming more or less free?

3288. Are you embarrassed about your naked body?

If yes, is that freedom?

3289. Are you the result of all of evolution up to this point?

3290. The murderous person... how does he sleep?

3291. Your mother... is she living?

Have you been much with her?

And has she been much with you?

3292. Are these questions disturbing you?

If yes, why?

3293. What are you focused on?

3294. Have you ever admired wickedness? Not really.

3295. Is the accomplishment of one person the accomplishment of all humanity?

Why or why not?

3296. Is the imprisonment of one person the imprisonment of all humanity?
Why or why not?

3297. We're just following ancient history. If I strip for you, will you strip for me?

3298. Have you ever wished you had not so many clothes?

3299. What is the balance between conformity and individual freedom?

3300. What do these things have in common: nakedness, sex, killing, fighting, pooping, and death?

3301. When someone is "crazy," why do we call them "nuts" or "fruitcakes"?

3302. What's the dealio?

3303. Where did the slang term "dealio" come from?

3304. How many even whole numbers are there between -5 and 5?

3305. What words can you make using only these letters: E N O?

3306. What's the difference between foods that are low-fat and foods that are lite?

3307. White or brown rice?

3308. Can you be content if you are physically uncomfortable?

3309. What is the difference between discomfort and pain?

3310. What is the most uncomfortable thing you can think of?

3311. What do these names make you think of:

Britney Spears?

Walt Whitman?


William Shakespeare?

Pablo Picasso?

Adam Ant?

Franz Kafka?



Orson Scott Card?

Frida Kahlo? Original answer:


Salvador DalĂ­?

David Bowie?


Lars Ulrich?

Jim Henson?

3312. What are your favorite games to play?

3313. Are you quick to judge something as stupid just because you don't understand it?

3314. Are you obnoxious to others?

3315. Do you feel superior to anyone?

3316. Shouldn't people take a good look at themselves before they criticize others?

3317. Which is better, and why: writing or saying obnoxious things about someone who isn't around to defend themselves, or saying it straight to them?

Which do YOU do more often?

3318. Do you apologize too often?

3319. Does your mind play tricks on you?

3320. Have you read (any of):

the Bible?

the Koran?

the Torah?

the Kama Sutra?

the Satanic Bible?

Are these mystical texts or historical ones?

3321. Do you own any possessions that you hide from parents / friends / visitors?


3322. Why does the cheese stand alone?

3323. Do you watch any soaps?

3324. Have you learned something new today?

3325. Do you believe in an "oversoul" of all humanity?

3326. Have you invented your own style, just for you?

3327. Have you invented your own religion, just for you?

3328. What files have you recently downloaded?

3329. Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard, but I think:

3330. Do you dance around a lot? No.

3331. Is the unexamined life worth living or not?

3332. What are you like when you're at your most beautiful?

3333. What are you like when you are at your worst?

3334. Why do you hide things about yourself?

3335. Why is anything "too personal" to talk to others about?

3336. Why should we be embarrassed / afraid / apologetic for ANYTHING we think, say, or do?

3337. Can true freedom exist in this world of doubt and guilt?

3338. What do you have no control over?

3339. Do you own a vibrating pillow?

How about a vibrating back massager?

3340. Can you dance away your emotional pain?

3341. When you dance, is it a celebration of life?

3342. When do you feel the most immortal?

3343. Are you more of a painting, a poem, or a song?

3344. Is loneliness a crowded room full of open hearts turned to stone?

3345. Is YOUR heart ever stone?

3346. Are we altogether all alone?

3347. Does life end in a happily ever after way?

3348. What's the warmest part of your body?

3349. Are you more verbal or visual?

3350. What do you long for?

3351. True or false: When someone hates you, it is because:

they're jealous of you?

the things you say are frightening to them because what you say makes them think about things they would rather avoid thinking about?

they don't understand you?

3352. True or false: When you hate someone, it is because:

you're jealous of them?

the things they say are frightening to you because what they say makes them think about things you would rather avoid thinking about?

you don't understand them?

3353. Have you ever been fascinated by someone who hated you?

3354. Since the human brain has defense mechanisms against feeling bad (meaning the brain lies to itself to avoid feeling bad about something it said or did), how can we ever know if we are truly being honest?

How do we know our brains are not tricking us into believing we are good people when we aren't all good?

3355. How highly do you value innovation?

3356. Is there a name where all the people you've ever met having that name had something in common with each other (example: all the Jens you've ever met had blue eyes)?

3357. Are you focused more outward or inward?

3358. What is the most affectionate nickname you ever came up with for someone?

3359. Are the questions STILL interesting this deep into the survey?

3360. If someone else makes their decisions based on their intuition instead of on facts and proofs, what do you think of that person?

3361. Do you trust your own intuition?

3362. Finish the phrase...

danger is the:

just keep:

never trust:

the way I live my life:

don't change:

maybe someday:

3363. Would you rather live in Frodo's world or Harry Potter's?

3364. Do you believe that the dead are with us?

If yes in what form?

3365. Do you believe that those who haven't been born are with us?

If yes, in what form?

3366. Are you made of timid stuff?

3367. Is there anyone in this world who is not CRAZY?

3368. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

3369. Can you mashed potato?

Can you do the twist?

3370. What does your family do for Thanksgiving.. or if you don't celebrate it, what do you picture when you think of Thanksgiving?

3371. What is your earliest memory?

3372. Have you ever taken an IQ test?

What'd you get?

What do you think of those things?

3373. How do you make "fishcakes"?

Put the potato in the fish...

3374. Which is the better band.. The Offspring or The Damned?

3375. Do you ever think about world destruction?

3376. Do you think humans are becoming more robotic?

3377. Do you think we'll ever be replaced by robots?

3378. What do you feel a part of?

3379. Does it freak you out to know that yogurt is alive??

3380. What current band do you think is doing something particularly interesting or innovative?

3381. Golf course, do you remember?

3382. Which is more important: books and cleverness, or friendship and bravery?

3383. If I promise to miss you, will you go away?

3384. Stool, ball, powder... Can you think of a fourth word that connects these three?

3385. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

3386. Why are blondes considered "dumb"?

3387. What's more important.. intuitiveness / creativity, or factual knowledge and practicality?

3388. Who are the two worst terrorists you can think of?

3389. What is jello made of?

3390. Pick a country:

What do you believe is wrong with that country?

3391. Do you have strong opinions?

3392. Do you do what it takes to stand up for those opinions?

3393. Have you ever been to a rally, protest, or demonstration?

If yes, was it effective and in what ways?

3394. When people say: "Yeah it sucks, but there's nothing I can do"... do you believe them?

3395. Do you know what you can do to make this world a better place?

Do you care?

3396. Why is peace so important anyway?

Why is freedom important?

3397. As long as you have your house and your family, and you can go to the movies and the mall, who cares about peace and freedom.... right?

3398. Do you try to avoid anything involving work?

3399. If you are not actively working to stop the horrors and injustices of the world (war, hunger, poverty), then aren't you partially responsible for them?

3400. Are you in denial?

3401. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking?

3402. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice?

3403. Where does peace begin?

3404. Does America practice the ideals it preaches?

If yes, when and where?

If not, why not?

3405. In conversations, do you assume that you know what will be said?

If yes, isn't this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas?

3406. In what ways are you closed-minded?

3407. Do you prefer beans or rice?

3408. Who's a better TV dad: Dr. Huxtable (Bill Cosby) or Danny Tanner?

3409. Detroit or New York?

3410. What's your favorite Star Wars movie?

3411. What's your favorite Star Trek movie?

3412. How about Batman?

Indiana Jones?

Lord of the Rings?

Harry Potter?

3413. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be?

Saddam Hussein?

George W. Bush?

John Lennon?

an alien?


Someone you knew who has died?

Steven Spielberg?

J.D. Salinger?

3414. Have you seen AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie?

Do you see this as a possible future for humanity?

What'd you think in general?

3415. If a-l-k-a-s-e-l-t-z-e-r spells "relief," how do you spell:






3416. Have you ever been to a Broadway show?

What one?

3417. Nighttime shows or matinees?

3418. How are your family get-togethers? Loud and rambunctious, or quiet and formal?

3419. Would you be able to survive shipwrecked alone on a desert island?

3420. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan EVER get off his?

3421. What movie has the BEST soundtrack?

3422. Do you ever go into chat rooms?

If yes, what ones?

3423. Is English your first language?

If not... How do you say "hello" in your language?

Another word in your language + English translation:

"Boob" in your language:

3424. Make up a religion (make it up):

What would it believe:

3425. Create your own country.

Name of country:

Ethnic background:

Language (make it up):

Other details:

3426. How would you celebrate these holidays?

Dogs in Politics Day:

Magic Circles Day:

Be Bald and Free Day:

National Mole Day:

Sylvia Plath Day:

Increase Your Psychic Powers Day:

Waiting For The Barbarians Day:

Air Day:

3427. Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue's Clues?

3428. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics?

3429. Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said: "Hey, that's a good idea!"

3430. Have you ever covered yourself in blood and laid down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident?

You don't know what you're missing.

3431. Can you flare your nostrils?

3432. Do you want to swim in a vast lake of Gatorade? Or any other beverage, for that matter?

3433. Have you ever sneezed at the same time every day consecutively for over 3 months?

3434. How did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy?

3435. Why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them?

3436. Do you like the idea of "like father, like son"?

3437. Put the following musical acts in order from best to worst by numbering them. (1 for best, 2 for 2nd best, etc. 20 for worst)

Joan Jett:
David Bowie:
the Bee Gees:
The Doors:
Iggy Pop:
Adam Ant:
the Clash:
Led Zeppelin:
Tom Waits:

3438. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member?

3439. What is the wave of the future?

3440. What's your favorite old movie (before 1990)?

3441. When someone tells you that their significant other lives really far away, do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up?

3442. Alaska or Hawaiii?

3443. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC?

3444. Where is there no place to hide from?

3445. Which makes you happier, giving presents or getting them?

3446. What can you never have just one of?

3447. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan?

3448. What would you be the patron saint of?

3449. Do you still look at the world with wonder like you did when you were a kid?

3450. Clear your mind for five seconds. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of!:

3451. When was the last time you ate too much?

3452. Describe the sexiest person you can imagine:

3453. What have you seen that's... bizarre? A lot of things.

3454. Are there any stores or brands or products that you boycott?

What and why?

3455. Do you want things to REALLY get out of control?

3456. Are you too tense?

3457. Where would you be without love and bubblegum?

3458. Why aren't comic books popular anymore?

3459. Think of one friend (who?):

When is the last time you saw each other?

Do they smoke?

Do they believe in God?

When you first saw this friend, what was your impression?

Their age?

The top five things you think they think about?

3460. Do you say what you mean?

Do you mean what you say?

3461. Could you eat meat if you had to hunt it yourself?

3462. Order from greatest to least importance: spirituality, creativity, intellect, great body, open-mindedness, magical, great dancer, interesting dresser, wit and cleverness, niceness, stability

3463. Complete the sentence. When a problem comes along, you must:

3464. Pick the two most important attributes for food -- fast, cheap, tasty, healthy.

3465. What do you think is the best metaphor for romantic relationships? (e.g. a car wreck, a cruise):

3466. Kittens or no kittens, that is the question.

3467. Is gaining 15 lbs. in a night possible?

3468. Do you get emotional watching movies?

3469. What makes you feel nostalgic?

3470. Do you feel like you've been misplaced?

3471. Have you ever fought someone, just for fun?

3472. What gives you an adrenaline rush?

3473. What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else, and you could never have them?

3474. Rank these events in order of best / most exciting to boring:

drinking and dancing to your favorite music at a club:
taking a walk in the woods and a bath in a stream:
having great sex:
winning the lottery (one mil):
getting followed home by a stray animal:
meeting someone interesting to talk to:
seeing your favorite band in concert:
seeing a Broadway show:

3475. Can you keep a secret?

3476. Where is the tenderness?

3477. What's one song you REALLY like from the:









3478. Would you rather have a video phone, an electric scooter, or a digital camera? Digistal camera.

3479. If a ban on all violent video games was put into effect, would you be outraged by this decision?

3480. In your opinion, is violence in society inescapable?

Why or why not?

3481. Have you ever mimicked a violent "action" from a video game you've played towards another person, whether it was to harm or just for play?

3482. Do you believe the violent content in video games influences aggressive and / or violent behavior in younger children?

3483. What makes life a bittersweet symphony?

3484. Name four things that are AWESOME:

3485. What's the most creative / funny answer you can come up with for this question: What are you doing?

3486. Can you imagine this world going on without you?

3487. Are you the only person who really exists?

3488. Is everyone else a figment of your imagination?

3489. Or are YOU a figment of my imagination?

3490. Can you prove you exist?


3491. What do you HAVE to get off your chest?

3492. If you cheated on someone, would you confess to them?

3493. Is it true that at least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you?


3494. Are you in therapy?

3495. Do you go shopping on Black Friday?

3496. What is the bane of your existence?

3497. Better movie: Weird Science or Caddy Shack?

3498. Who's the big winner?

3499. What are the 3 funniest:

music videos?



3500. Guess what?

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