Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blank Template: Questions 2301 to 2900 of 5000

2301. Who is hotter, Trent Reznor or David Bowie?

2302. Have you ever been to the following diaries on freeopendiary.com? If yes, what do you think.. if not, then based on the name, does it sound interesting to you?

#¹ Me_Mone:






~<3Starry Eyes<3~:

Angelic Kitty:

Atlas Shrugged~:






i wish i were a boy:





Orange Avenger:



Shattered Peace:

spiffy's surveys:

Survey Slut:


Can you guess the one thing that all of these diaries have in common?

2303. Do you ever get so nervous that you can't even think?

2304. Do you sing when there is no music?

2305. Is there really a difference between casting a spell and saying a prayer?

2306. Why does the US dollar bill have a pyramid on it?

2307. Who was the best president in history, and why?

2308. What would you say about PUNK?

A. I am punk.

B. Don't label me.

C. Punk is dead.

D. What the hell is punk?

E. Fructose!

2309. What would you say about the Sex Pistols?

A. I love 'em.

B. I hate 'em.

C. They're dropping like flies.

D. Who are they?

E. Hot in here, ain't it?

2310. Do you own plaid?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Yes and no.

D. I don't know.

E. F*ck.

2311. What would you rather do?

A. Piss on you.

B. Yak your ear off about anarchy.

C. Hold hands.

D. Fly a kite.

E. Be able to lick my own genitals.

2312. Best groups?

A. Sex Pistols or the Clash?

B. Avril or Blink-182?

C. Bowie, Morrison, Lennon, or Hendrix?

D. Disco, rap, or country?

E. Spice Girls.

Count up how many of each letter you answered for the last 5 questions.


B's: You are a wannabe poser... get a life, not a label

A's: You are a pretentious wannabe poser, which is worse than being a normal wannabe poser... get a life, not a label

C's: You know what's going on with punk. We are proud of you. (gold star) BUT you took this waaaay too seriously. It's a stupid online test. Relaaaax.

D's: You have been living under a rock.. which is good, because MTV hasn't fried your brain. We like that about you. Don't change.

E's: You did a GREAT job of not taking this test seriously. Good for you.

Disclaimer: I didn't write this punk quiz thingy. I just sort of borrowed it as filler.


What'd ya get?

2313. What is your favorite flavor of schnapps?

2314. There are 2 types of people in this world. People who think there are 2 types of people in this world, and people who are too smart for that. Which are you?

2315. What do you have faith in (The answers "nothing" or "I have no faith" are unacceptable, so here are some possible choices in case you get stuck: life, myself, the world, human emotion, kindness, etc.)?

2316. Do you:

Wait here or go there?

Come in or stay out?

Be yourself or be someone else?

Obey the law or break the law?

Be ambitious or be modest?

Plan ahead or be spontaneous?

Decide for yourself or listen to others?

Save money or spend money?

2317. Are you:

Good or evil?

wise or foolish?

safe or dangerous?

satisfied or envious?

honest or deceitful?

faithful or perfidious?

sane or mad?

strong or weak?

enigmatic or plain?

aggressive or peaceful?

brave or timid?

humane or cruel?

critical or appreciative?

temperamental or calm?

sad or happy?

normal or unusual?

2318. I am a black person.
I am a person who is black.

Are these two sentences saying exactly the same thing, or are they saying different things?

How about:

I am a Christian person.
I am a person who is Christian.

2319. Do you feel more connected to the sun or the moon?

2320. Do flaws make people stronger?

2321. Do you think that people should be allowed to ask for money in exchange for granting an interview to the media (say a WTC survivor, for example)?

2322. Would you think that it's inappropriate for a woman who is not married (we'll say she's in a relationship, though) to leave a note in a married man's car saying that she'll miss him when he starts working a different shift?

2323. Would you rather never have sex again, or have sex once with a walrus?

2324. Do you close your eyes when you:






Is this because the most beautiful things in the world are unseen?

2325. Are you more kinky or vanilla (sexually)?

What is the kinkiest thing you've ever done?

2326. What good is a field on a fine summer night if you sit all alone with the weeds?

2327. What is culture made of?

What things make up American culture?

2328. What will the most common Halloween costume be this year?

What was it last year?

2329. Is love a choice, or something that can't be helped?

2330. Wow. You look like you've lost weight. Have you?

2331. What is your preferred method of birth control?

2332. Is there someone you see everyday (or sometimes) that you would like to hug and talk to, but you just don't know them well enough?

2333. Are you or have you ever been in a band?

2334. Here are 4 statements about me. Only one of them is true. Which one is it?

A. I lost my mind doing drugs.

B. I've been arrested before.

C. I have 9 cats.

D. I have a children's book published.

2335. What do you think of the Smashing Pumpkins?

2336. Would you wear a thong bathing suit in public?

2337. Hello, I love you... won't you tell me your name?

2338. If you had to be surgically attached at the hip for two years to either Britney Spears, George W. Bush, or an ugly creepy nasty troublesome nice troll... who would you pick and why?

2339. Let's assume that there is a "meaning of life": a reason for humans to be here on this planet. Would you give up both of your legs and one of your arms if it would mean everyone would learn the meaning of life?

Would you give them up if it would mean the world would become a perfect utopia, and everyone would be happy and no one would fight?

2340. If you could meet God and talk to him for 5 hours, *or* find out whether or not there is intelligent life on other planets and make contact with them... which would you pick and why? (Note: If you meet God, you will never find out if there is intelligent life on other planets, so you can't ask God if aliens exist. Also, you would get no proof that you had talked to him or HER. And finally, if God doesn't exist... then you don't get to meet him or HER!)

2341. Would you rather have sex for five hours, or two minutes? If you're a virgin, would you rather have a lollipop or cotton candy?

2342. Before you read this question, pick a person from your life, any person. (You have to be thinking about someone before you continue!) Would you rather have the ability to watch that person for one hour per day, or would you rather have that person watch you for one hour per day? Who is it, and why? (you pick the hour - they don't know that they are being watched - it's like there are invisible TV cameras following them around)?

2343. Would you rather be guaranteed to have your dream job, or never be heartbroken?

2344. Have you thought about death today?

2345. What is a continental breakfast?

2346. God help you if you are an ugly one...

Of course, too pretty is also your demise, because everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room. Which would you rather be?

2347. What's Growing in Your Rectum?

2348. Have you ever hit a stop sign or made some other dumb traffic move?

2349. Are you the life of the party?

Do you wish you were?

2350. Sdrawkcab daer uoy nac?

2351. Imagine you are in a writing class. You have been split off into groups. Each group must write an essay and read it to the class. When one group reads, you recognize their essay as being plagiarized from the Internet, but the teacher doesn't know it. Do you say something?

2352. Let's say you decide to wait until after class and tell the teacher in private. The teacher tells you he cannot change the grades of the plagiarizing group because he has already entered them into his grade book. They got the highest grade in the class on this assignment. How do you feel?

What do you do?

2353. Imagine that all of your friends at school (or work) have a mutual friend, Ash. One day Ash gets really drunk, throws on a ski mask, and robs the school club treasury (or work petty cash). The next day you hear from friends what Ash did. The principal (or boss) is trying to find out who did it because now there will not be enough money for a senior prom or trip this year (yes, you and your friends are seniors). You know you will lose all of your in-school friends if you rat out Ash. What do you do?

2354. If you ran over an animal, would you get out of the car to try and make sure it was okay?

If it was someone's cat (collared with address), would you knock on their door and apologize, for running over their cat?

2355. What places do you get energy from?

What places drain you of energy?

2356. There is a kid in high school who is horribly teased, picked on, and made fun of. If this teased person sues the people who made fun of them, who should win?

2357. Do you have an interest in:



Marilyn Manson?

trench coats?

the Mafia?




that Doom game?

2358. If some kids shoot up their school because they were made fun of, whose fault is it (the teasers, the kids who shot up the school, the shooters' parents, all, other, etc.)?

2359. Is sex an act of magic?

2360. Why do we drive on the parkway and park in the driveway?.

2361. When do you get your most peaceful and satisfying sleep?

2362. What gets you going in the morning?

2363. Are dreams messages?

2364. Do you get along better with guys or girls (as friends)?

2365. Technology or simplicity?

2366. Just because we can do something in science, does that always mean that we should do it?

Is there anything you think we should NOT do?

2367. How many points is the letter Z worth in Scrabble?

In your computer, what does RAM stand for?

In poker, which hand is better: four of a kind or a straight?

What is the official language of Australia?

On what continent would you find British Columbia?

2368. Do you trust your government?

2369. I am now going to ask one of the hardest questions in the history of the universe...

How are you?

2370. What promise could you never keep?

2371. No cat has 8 tails. Every cat has one tail more than no cat. How many tails does every cat have?

2372. How do you feel about green and purple ketchup?

2373. Why are movie plots so superficial?

Would you prefer a movie with great character and story, or great special effects (don't pick both, that's cheating)?

2374. Will you marry me?

2375. You like shopping in the antique store, don't you?

How about the used book store?

2376. Use a simile to describe yourself:

Good. Now use a metaphor:

2377. Say hello to Mr. Praying Mantis outside my window.

2378. I have to know... what is the difference between the potty and the loo (I always thought that potty was a common nickname for toilet.. and I thought that loo was the same thing)?

Also, what are fingerboards? A mini-skateboard for your fingers.

AND what is with "skirts you can't see"?

If you can't see them, then are you allowed to wear them in school?

One more thing. What does it mean when someone is "just wet"?

2379. Have you ever experienced culture shock?

2380. In one half hour from when I type this, it will be the anniversary of 9/11. Imagine you were trapped in one of those burning buildings or on a hijacked airplane. Maybe you are lucky enough to have a cell phone with you. Who would you call and what would you say to them in those last few minutes?

The people in that building were not aware that terror would strike on such an average seeming day. Anything can happen. Maybe you should tell people how you really feel now.. just in case...

2381. Do you ever go to school or work when you feel like you do not look your best?

Does doing this affect your whole day?

2382. What makes someone a patriot?

Do patriots agree with everything their government says?

2383. What's the most interesting object in the room with you?

2384. Do you believe that everyone who doesn't believe in your religion is going to hell?

2385. What is the best thing about winter?

2386. Would you ever shovel your neighbor's walk to be nice?

2387. If you don't say what you are thinking, isn't that a form of lying because you aren't showing your true self?

2388. Have you ever looked back at someone you loved and wondered, "What attracted me to THEM?"

2389. What do you think of Drew Barrymore?

2390. Is there anything you don't do?

2391. Do you think people see you who you are, or what you are?

2392. Is this survey getting outrageous?

Truly, truly, truly outrageous?

2393. Pick 3 random letters:

Now think of the first 3 things that pops into your head that starts with each letter.

2394. Do you dress more revealing, or more covered-up?

a) If you dress more revealing, why do you choose to dress like that?

b) If you dress more covered-up, what do you think of people that are more revealing?

2395. What does it take to be a "real gentleman"?

2396. Where would you go if you were going somewhere you don't usually go?

Who would you talk to if you were going to talk to someone you don't usually talk to?

What would you read if you were going to read a book that you wouldn't usually read?

Why don't you try doing SOMETHING unusual for you, just to see what comes of it?

2397. On the one-year Sept. 11th anniversary, the New York lottery's winning numbers were 9, 1 and 1. Do you believe this is fate, coincidence, or a conspiracy / plan?

2398. Did you know there is a lie in the middle of the word believe?

2399. When (and if) people (or animals) go to heaven... are they issued a harp and a halo? In other words, do they become angels?

2400. What is your most important body part?

2401. Does love come from the brain, the heart, or elsewhere?

2402. Have you ever given a shot?

If not, do you think you could give one to a loved one if you HAD to?

Do you think you could give one to yourself?

2403. Can you lick your elbow?

Come on, did ya try?

2404. If I was going to be talking to you for 10 minutes, what would be something really interesting we could talk about?

2405. If today was a holiday, what would it be?

2406. If you were making a mix tape, what would you HAVE to have on it?

2407. What do you think of the Sopranos?

2408. Can you name three good things about the society you live in?

How about three bad things?

2409. Have you ever had a crush on your teacher?

How about your boss?

2410. What is the difference between acting like someone in high school and acting like an adult?

2411. What is the difference between a whopper and a whopper Jr.?

2413. Do you like:


Run DMC?

the Cure?



the Pet Shop Boys?


Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Nick Cave?

The Pixies?


The Juice Crew?

2414. Have you ever seen a movie in 3-D?

2415. How difficult do you think it is for immigrants to come into your country?

How difficult is it for them to become citizens?

2416. Do you have what it takes to go live in another country, maybe for years, where you don't speak the language as your first language?

2418. Have you ever died in your dreams?

2419. Do you like:

Douglas Adams?

Kurt Vonnegut?

Tom Robbins?

Philip K. Dick?

Orson Scott Card?

2420. What clothing size are you?

What size do you wish you were?

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was a size 12, and lotsa people think she's HOT)?

2421. Does science leave room for faith?

Does faith leave room for science?

2422. What book should our political leaders read, and why?

2423. Why and under what circumstances are people more likely to buy brand names rather then their generic counterparts?

2424. What is your favorite glass object?

2425. Do you like to window shop?

2426. Have you ever loved someone so much it just turned to hate?

2427. What is arrogance?

2428. Are you more liberal or conservative?

2429. When there is a presidential election in the USA, why do we never hear anything about the third-party candidates? Do you even know who they were last time?

2430. Are you more likely to buy one really nice expensive outfit, or a couple of cheap outfits? A couple of cheap ones.

2431. If you could... would you wear everything once, throw it out, buy something new?

2432. Do you believe that people have a responsibility to be:

good to other people?

good at their job?

helpful to the earth (not litter, so recycle)?

aware consumers (not buy animal-tested products, not buy products that were made in sweatshops, etc.)?

non-wasteful (not spend their money frivolously when they could save it to help others)?

charitable (donating money, volunteering)?

Which of the above are you?

2433. How do you feel about the Internet?

Should there be laws and censorship on the Internet?

2434. Can you think of any questions that aren't already on this survey?

2435. Does sleep seem like a little death to you?

2436. Have you ever seen (and if yes, what did you think of it?):

Joy Ride?

Ghost World?

Monsters, Inc.?

Queen of the Damned?

Office Space?

2437. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?

2438. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?:

Do you like to wear the same shoes every day, or do you like a variety?:

2439. How many lovers have you had?

2440. Have you ever had surgery? For what?

2441. What puts you in the mood for sex?

2442. Have you ever been on alcohol or drugs while at school or work?

2443. What do you think of Martha Stewart?

2445. What do you think of:

British people?





French people?


2446. What do you do to cure the hiccups?

2447. What is the FIRST thing you do when you come home from school or work?

2448. Are you a slob?

2449. Do you have a good work ethic?

2450. Are you a pack-rat?

2451. Do you roll your eyes a lot?

2452. Do you prefer B-sides or remixes?

2453. What makes the world go 'round?

2454. Is Blink-182 punk or pop?

2455. Do you remember Fat Albert?

2456. Do you take things slowly, as they come?

2457. Are you laid-back or tense?

2458. Are you insecure?

2459. Imagine you are working in a soup kitchen. You are supposed to give each person on the line a half-cup of soup. When hungry people come up to you, do you just end up emptying the cabinets for them?

2460. Why can't we give ourselves one more chance?

Why can't we all just get along?

2461. What bands do you want to see live that you have never seen?

2462. Do you like raunchy songs?

2463. Do you think that the Beatles are still the Beatles without John Lennon?

Would you want to see the Sex Pistols without Sid Vicious?

Did you think that the members of Nirvana were smart to reform as the Foo Fighters instead of trying to stay Nirvana after Kurt's death?

2464. Do you like the band Squeeze?

2465. When you are angry or upset... do you know you're being irrational, but you can't really stop?

2466. Is there room in your life for one more trip to the moon?

2467. Where are they now?

Your first best friend in elementary school?

Your first crush?

your first boyfriend / girlfriend?

your first love?

your first lover?

2468. Do you have a lot of self-pity?

2469. Have you ever had something really good come out of something really bad that happened to you?

2470. Do you like magnetic poetry?

If you could make a magnetic poetry set:

What would be the theme? Music.

What would some of the words be?

2471. What is one of your secret delights?

What gives you a cheap thrill?

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

2472. Have you ever misinterpreted song lyrics in a funny way (I used to think that "wake me up before you go, go" was "wake me up and buy me cocoa")?

2473. What are the most popular / overused diary names?

2474. Are you under pressure?

2475. How well do you know yourself?

2476. Is "soul" such an old-fashioned word?

Is "love"?

2477. Name a person you love:

How do you love them?

2478. Does your place have a lawn gnome?

2479. Do you ever wonder "Why me?"


2480. Is rap a form of poetry?

2481. What's the difference between a player and a baller?

2482. What imagery do you get from the words "woodsmoke and herbs"?

2483. How many days until your birthday?

2484. Have you ever MEANT to hurt anyone?

2485. What are 3 things you don't know?

2486. Do you usually feel physically well or unwell?

2487. Would you ever submit your picture to be "rated" on one of those "hot or not" websites?

2488. Why are there hardly ever any fat people in movies?

2489. Is there any difference between what's real and what's for sale?

2490. Are you funky?

2491. Do apologies always make things all better?

2492. Let's just say that there is a huge-ass bomb that can blow up the whole planet.. it is set to blow up in 100 years. You can push the button to stop it, but if you do, you will die. You only have this one chance to stop it. Do you stop it?

2493. Let's say someone else found the button to stop it instead of you. Do you think it is their moral obligation to save humanity at the expense of their own life?

2494. What's the silliest name you can think of?

2495. It's the middle of the night and you are home alone. Someone knocks on the door, says their car broke down, and asks to use your phone. What do you do?

2496. If a cop pulled you over and asked if he could search your car, what would you say?

2497. Are you meek or nasty around cops?

2498. If you were me and I was you, then where would we be?

2499. What has been the greatest invention so far?

2500. We are at question 2500. Do you REALIZE what this MEANS??!!!

2501. What image, scent, memory, etc. would you take with you into the dark / light, the land of the dead, heaven, infinity.....?

2502. Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER?

2503. Snow, Vanilla Ice, N'Sync, New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, or Milli Vanilli... if you HAD to go to one of the following concerts, which would it be?

2504. Do you believe in manifest destiny?

2505. Have you ever fallen for an email forwarding hoax (send this to 13 people and Old Navy will send you a $200.00 gift card)? Do you ever think: "well, maybe..." and actually forward those damn things?

2506. Let's say there are 2 schools: one for boys, and one for girls. They are both supposed to offer the same facilities so that the girls and boys get equal education. Would you take this to mean that the same courses should be offered to both girls and boys, or that the same amount of money should be spent on each school?

Imagine that in the boys' school, fifteen boys sign up for calculus. In the girls' school, only five girls sign up for calculus. Should the girls' calculus class be dissolved and replaced with an easier one?

2507. Would it bother you if you found out that the fruits, vegetables, and meat that you eat is genetically altered (in lots of cases, it is!)?

2508. What does this world need?

2509. Is there anything you do just because you want to, even though it has no redeeming social value?

2510. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you?

2511, Do you ever "conveniently" forget something you don't want to remember?

2512. If you have any cousins, are you close?

2513. Are you in love with yourself (your beautiful self)?

2514. What was the first movie you got on DVD?

2515. If you're sexy and you know it, clap your hands. Did you clap?

2516. Have you ever called a:

psychic hotline?

suicide crisis line?

sex line?

dating line?

2517. Have you ever placed a personal ad anywhere?

2518. Do guys look good in makeup?

2519. What are five things you don't care about?

2520. What are you going to do until you die?

2521. What "issue" do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?

2522. What age do you hope to live until?

2523. Do you like to tie others down during sex?

Have you ever been tied down?

2524. Do you own any "toys"?

Do you ever use them?

2525. Have you ever been spanked in that sexy way?

Have you ever spanked anyone else?

2526. Do these questions make you uncomfortable?

Do you like that feeling?

Does it turn you on?

2527. You know those ___ for dummies books (Computers For Dummies, Golf For Dummies, Surfing For Dummies, Wicca For Dummies, etc.)?

Which one do you need to read?

2528. What do your socks look like?

2529. Which of these really famous music artists started their career as a mime? Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Moby, Jewel, or Frank Zappa?

2530. Does love float away if you let go?

2531. Do you think that most people in today's society are:












having fun?

coming up with new ideas?

able to think for themselves?

able to really connect with others?

If you answered no to any of the above, why do you think that is?

2532. Do you believe that every action has a sexual motive (think Freud)?

2533. Speaking of Freud, did you know he was on drugs (think cocaine)?

2534. Do you trust psychology as a valid science?

2535. ID: In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs (sex, food, aggressive behavior, drugs, alcohol, yelling, anger, fighting).

SUPEREGO: In Freudian theory, the division of the unconscious that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and that censors and restrains the ego.

So, which one do you express more... your ID or your SUPEREGO?

2536. Do you think that people who are alone and depressed are depressed because they are alone, or alone because they are depressed?

2537. Can you complete any of the following lyrics?

I stop and I stare too much, afraid that I care too much...

You're a new and better man, he helps you to understand. He does everything he can, he's....

Took the needles from my arms and put them to the sky...

Top Gun shut down your Firm like Tom Cruise....

Don't you take it so hard now, And please don't take it so bad....

2538. How about these?

From around the way, born in '73, Hardcore B-boy named...

And this feeling shivers down your spine, Love comes in colors I can't deny....

Before he hung up the phone, he took a deep breath, stopped, and replied....

When I want you in my arms, when I want you and all your charms, whenever I want you all I have to do is...

Silly games that you were playing, empty words we both were saying...

2539. Have you ever been to see a ballet?

2540. What is the difference between Satan and Pan?

2541. What should a poem be or do if it is a successful poem?

2542. When you interpret a poem, can each line mean anything you want it to?

2543. Are you an orgasm addict?

2544. Are you a sugar junkie?

2545. WHAT are you DOING?

WHY aren't you marching in line with the rest of them?

2546. Do you only hear what you want to?

2547. Are you anal-retentive?

2548. In and Out, Over and Under, Around and ???

2549. What was the last thing you returned to the store?

2550. Why ask why?

2551. What is your favorite song or artist that is:




new wave:


2552. What are your feelings about:


Van Gogh?





2553. Who else can you think of that made a MAJOR contribution to art or science?

2554. Who can you think of that made a major contribution to modern thought?

2555. Why is it called "Coca Cola"?

2556. Would you ever buy a Ford car?

2557. Donald Duck or Daffy Duck?

2558. What is the most memorable thing about Pee-Wee Herman?

2559. Lease or buy a car?

2560. Have you met Real Talkin' Bubba?

Do you love him to death?

2561. Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were seducing or being seduced?

2562. Can you "pinch an inch" on your belly?

2563. Have you ever been to:

a temple?

a bar?

a massage parlor?

2564. Would you ever want to visit Thailand?

2565. What culture are you fascinated by?

2566. Have you ever worn a cape?

2567. What is the difference between "nude" and "naked"?

2568. What can you get for a dollar?

2569. What makes you who you are?

2570. How do you search for meaning in life?

2571. If your partner collected Internet porn pics of celebs she / he thought were hot, would that bother you?

2572. You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do?

2573. You read some and find out that a whhhiiillle back your lover had a crush on someone else, but you two were together. You both still hang out with this person. What do you do?

2574. Are you an old fart?

2575. What were your favorite things to do in the yard as a kid?

2576. Why don't people have more fun?

2577. Have you ever wanted to have a pet skinned and turned into an article of clothing?

What pet?

What article of clothing?

2578. Do I come off sounding normal, mildly irrational, blatantly insane, or completely certifiable?

2579. Did you ever feel that you were unable to function in society?

2580. Is it naptime yet?

2581. Do you have to have the space next to the door, or can you walk from the other end of the parking lot and still be okay with the world?

2582. Do you like trains?

2583. What's in Hungary?

2584. Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back?

Has someone ever held you back?

2585. What do you think of the term "organized religion"?

2586. What do you think of the name Orson?

2587. What frustrates you?

2588. Winkin, Blinkin and Nod, one night, sailed off in a sea of dew...

2589. Is ten dollars a good price to pay for one lipstick?

Does anyone else remember when lipstick was, like, 2 or 3 bucks?

2590. Are you ill?

2591. Where were you the night of..... oh hell, last night?

2592. Do you pronounce the 'er' sound at the end of words "lookER" or "lookA"?

2593. Do you drink only 100% juice?

2594. Do you remember the bills you have to pay... or even yesterday?

2595. What duck?

2596. Do you collect coins?

How about stamps?

2597. What's the best way to learn a new language?

2598. Is God in you?

2599. Are you in God?

2600. Do you know which fork to use at a formal table setting?

2601. Do you think cell phones cause cancer?

Are cell phone users more likely to get into car accidents?

Do cell phones really interfere with a plane's navigation equipment?

Are cell phones immune from computer viruses?

Can using a cell phone at a gas station spark a fire?

2602. What makes a guy see a chick as less of a cute little girl, and more of a woman?

2603. What is it about football that makes people want to watch it?

2604. What is the best show on TV?

2605. Are you more of a tape dispenser or a stereo speaker, and why?

2606. What do you think is overrated?

What is underrated?

2607. Can spiders ump?

Did you interpret that as "jump," "hump," "bump," or other words?

2608. What's the matter with adults today?

2609. Have you ever worked "off the books"?

2610. Have you ever worked for a mean boss?

If not, do you think you ever will?

2611. Do men or woman make better bosses?

2612. Do you believe that people should move up through a company, or that the higher up positions should be filled by people hired from outside the company?

2613. Why is it that no one seems to care about their job?

2614. When I go into a store, why doesn't anyone know anything about what they are selling?

2615. Have you ever seen those people that get that blank, lost expression when they go into a store and kinda shuffle along like zombies?

Do you wonder how they got up, dressed themselves, and made it to the store in the first place?

2616. Do you value college?

2617. When will Eminem stop whining about his bad childhood and move on??

2618. I am drug free. Are you drug free?

2619. I have no tattoos or piercings. Do you?

2620. Can you REALLY say that your way is the right way?

Maybe there is a different way for everyone?

2621. What do you think of the song Imagine?

2622. Can you think of any reason I might have written this, other than I am bored with too much time on my hands?

2623. What is the purpose of art?

How about movies?


2624. Do you think that anything has lost its value because it's become too "commercial"?

2625. Have you ever been promoted?


2626. What do you call your private area? Does it have a nickname?

2627. What parts of your body are shaved?

2628. What is a peachclam?

2629. What is the American dream?

Is it the same as your dream?

2630. Do you need to be right all the time?

2631. There was a sculpture that was supposed to be displayed for a week in the Rockefeller Center in NYC of a falling woman - designed as a memorial to those who jumped or fell to their death from the World Trade Center. It was complained about as grotesque, inappropriate, and described as "not art." What do you think?

It was taken down early because it was seen as "offensive." What do you think about that?

The artist, Fischl, said in a statement: "It was a sincere expression of deepest sympathy for the vulnerability of the human condition. Both specifically towards the victims of Sept. 11, and towards humanity in general." Are people just too sensitive? Or maybe people are NOT sensitive ENOUGH to the idea that others may have different views from them (or from the majority)?

Should these different, opposing, or offensive views be allowed to be expressed freely and openly?

Why or why not?

2632. What letter's sound do you like the best?

2633. What is the last movie you watched?

2634. Do you act the same when you are alone as you do when people are watching?

2635. Why is everyone so obsessed with superheroes?

2636. What clichés do you hear over-used the most?

2637. Do you handle inconveniences well?

2638. Are you a fan of Jackie Chan?

2639. Is a promise a big deal?

2640. What is your place in the universe?

2641. Once, some scientists dug up a woolly mammoth, frozen in ice. It was still completely whole, not rotted or fossilized. The scientists decided to have a dinner party. It was a very posh affair. They served roast woolly mammoth steaks, the rarest meat in all the world. So, if you were invited, would you have eaten it?

2642. What are 3 things you DON'T want to know?

2643. It seems to me that a lot of people don't value their lives, or life in general very highly. Why do you suppose that is?

Are you like that?

2644. Do you celebrate the harvest moon?

2645. Do you believe in out-of-body experiences?

2646. Why does so much depend upon a red wheel barrel glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens?

2647. Why do so many people get jobs that they dislike?

2648. Do you think that in THIS world, being creative is a handicap?

Why or why not?

2649. Do you ever get chills or shivers during movies? What movies?

2650. Do you believe in the collective unconsciousness (that people are like onions.. the outer layers are individualistic, and the deeper you go, the more similar we all are)?

2651. Do you think that most people have the qualities you look for in friends / intimate relationships, or do you feel alienated?

2652. Are you very critical:

of others?

of yourself?

2653. Is there such a thing as expecting too much?

2654. Would you rather take an hour lunch break, or skip lunch and get out of work early?

2655. Do you believe that happiness is equal to:




something good that happens?

an attitude you have inside no matter what happens?

2656. Can you control your emotions?

Have you ever tried?

2657. Imagine you are 34 weeks pregnant. You are healthy and you didn't have any major problems in your pregnancy. Would you consider flying from the UK to Germany, which takes one hour, without a bad feeling that something could go wrong or the baby decides to come out earlier?

2658. How long do you think it would take you to jog a mile?

2659. Word association:










2660. Picture a triangle:

Quick! What color is it?

Picture a square.

Quick! What color is it?

Picture a circle.

Quick! What color is it?

Why do you think you saw these shapes as these colors?

2661. What things are endless?

2662. Are you ever subtle?

2663. Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood... some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't conceive of your life without it?

How many more times will you watch the full moon rise?

How can you fully appreciate these moments, every moment, when it all seems limitless?

2664. Do you never have an ordinary day?

2665. Do you embrace every single thing you've never known?

2666. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a Satanist?

2667. Can stress sometimes be good?

2668. Write something random, just whatever flows out of your head without thinking. Forget punctuation just try to type as fast as you think:

2669. Are you a musical snob?

How about a film snob?

2670. When you were in school, did you learn to think or repeat?

2671. Do you have everything you need to be happy?

If not, what is missing?

2672. Would you take a very casually dropped "maybe I should just kill myself" as a warning sign?

2673. What does the word "ironic" mean? Can you give an example of an ironic situation?

2674. What did you see today that was beautiful in an ordinary way?

2675. Have you ever been on the edge of the night?

2676. Do you feel oppressed in some way?

2677. Who do you think shot JFK?

Who do you think shot Martin Luther King?

Why do you think they got shot?

2679. Are you aware that although only about 14 percent of the American total population is black, that about 70 percent of the people in jail in America are black?

Why do you think that is?

What conclusion can you draw based on this?

2678. Do you think that the culture you live in is completely open to all ideas and forms of expression? No.

2680. What do you think of the character (Muppet) on Sesame Street that has AIDS, and should this kind of a theme be explored in children's television?

2681. Are you dyslexic? No, thank goodness.

2682. Can you construct a bong out of:

household objects?

an apple?

your cat?

2683. Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate?

2684. Windows or Mac?

2685. Do you start conversations, or wait for other people to start them?

2686. How many phallic symbols can you think of?

2687. Would you buy tickets to see the top ten American Idols sing live?

2688. A bird may love a fish... but where would they live?

2689. Are you a hologram or a misfit?

2690. How are you oriented sexually?

Do you agree with the people who say that everyone is bi-sexual even if they don't want to admit it?

2691. If you are the only human on the planet of the apes, do you have sex with an ape?

2692. If you are making out with someone and you reach down and find they have a fish tail instead of legs, do you still fool around with them?

2693. Does Superman wear kryptonite condoms?

2694. Do you know exactly where you are?

Do you know the meaning of it all?

Do you know the distance to the sun?

Do you know the echo that is love?

2694. Do you believe you are:





2695. What are you doing this weekend?

2696. Do you believe that black people should get money to make up for their previous enslavement?

Do you believe that all oppressed people should get money to make up for their oppression?

2697. What's a quagmire?

2698. Is philosophy a science, or can everyone have their own philosophy?

2699. Are you a big fish in a small pond?

2700. Would you like to read an entire novel written in stream-of-consciousness form?

2701. What does "equal" mean?

2702. Do you believe in the phrase "all men are created equal"?

What about women?

2703. Have all persons been specifically "created"?

2704. Are all persons exactly equal?

2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)?

2706. Does art reflect society, or does society reflect art?

2707. Are you living under a little black raincloud or a ray of sunshine?

2708. What do you wonder about?

2709. What is better.. being single and free, or being in love and responsible to another person?

2710. What vitamins do you take?

2711. In checkers.. red or black?

2712. Is The Crow a great movie?

2713. Do you wear all black frequently?

2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician?

Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery, or your band been signed?

Does it matter?

2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them... or catch them and take them outside... or leave them alone and let them live with you?

2716. Name at least one person whose birthday is in:

January -

February -

March -

April -

May -

June -

July -

August -

September -

October -

November -

December -

2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrophile?

What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile, and a murderer?

2718. Do we start to die the day we are born, or start to live the day we die?

2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four-letter-word?

2720. Do you believe America should go to war with Iraq?

2721. Agree or disagree?

"There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals."

"Abortion should be legal."

"The death penalty should be abolished."

"Marijuana should be legalized."

"It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships."

"The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns."

"Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America."

"Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now."

"Colleges should prohibit racist / sexist speech on campus."

"Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status."

"Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished."

"The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family."

"People should not obey laws which violate their personal values."

"Federal military spending should be increased."

"Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society."

Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement?

2722. Let's say that after you die, you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to Earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you about the three things on Earth they should be sure not to miss. You say...

2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)?

2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone?

Is there something beautiful and special about Hitler?

How about Bin Laden?

What is it?

2725. Have you ever moshed?

If yes, to what bands?

If no, then would you ever?

2726. Do you like sushi?

2727. What mood are you in?

What does your mood depend on?

What depends on your mood?

2728. What is faith?

What is common sense?

Do you have either or both of them?

2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful?

2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity?

gives the finger while driving?

tells their life story to people they just met?

walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion?

says blah?

2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry, and why or why not? "Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nutsack"

2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music?

2733. In cases of rape, which do you think is more of a crime:

a stranger rapes a girl


a girl's boyfriend rapes her?

2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is "less of a crime," the rapist gets a less severe punishment)?

Do you agree or disagree, and why?

2735. In the USA, a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty and got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? He had a steady job. That's right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. How does this make you feel?

2736. Does the character limit of comments or entries annoy you more?

2737. Who's your favorite wrestler?

2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?

2739. What is more important, tact or honesty?

2740. Do you have a mentor? Who?

2741. If you like guys:

Would you rather have a "bad" guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc.) or a "good" guy (family, domesticated, nice guy, etc.)?

Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy?

If you like girls:

Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl?

Would you rather have a "bad" girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc.) or a "good" girl (family, domesticated, nice girl, etc.)?

2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds?

2743. Did you write a real entry today?

What about?

Was it your best writing?

2744. If you were making a "best of" entry about your BEST entries ever, what would be your top 5 best entries?

2745. Do you like to play the lottery?

2746. Guess what?

2747. Why did you choose to live one more day?

2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read / heard?

2749. Have you ever been stood up?

2750. Finish the following sentences any way you want.

It's always darkest before..

Never underestimate the power of..

Don't bite the hand that..

A miss is as good as a..

If you lie down with dogs, you..

Love all, trust..

The pen is mightier than..

An idle mind is..

Where there is smoke, there's..

Happy is the bride who..

Two is company, three's..

None are so blind as..

You get out of something what you..

When the blind lead the blind..

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and..

2751. What's the most interesting assignment you ever had in school?

2752. What's the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work?

2753. Do you feel:


unable to evoke change?

like one person can't change the world?

like one life and one person's suffering doesn't mean very much?

If you answered yes to any of those, can you describe why in detail?

2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has?

Albert Einstein:

Abe Lincoln:

Franz Kafka:

Jesus Christ:

2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein's brain?

Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln?

Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing literature during his lunch breaks at work?

Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of?

Do you still believe that you couldn't contribute as much to society as they did?

If yes, then WHY?

2756. Is your mind in the gutter?

2757. What do you have to complain about?

2758. Do you remember rock n' roll radio?

2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it?

2760. Hey, if you've gotten this far... then you and I go way back. We've been hanging out for a while now, and I gotta know.. do you like me?

2761. What are you doing, Dave?

2762. As far as love goes... do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone, or find someone who completes you?

2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)?

2764. Do you need people, or do you not need anyone?

2765. Is selfishness always bad?

Is selflessness always good?

2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure?

2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what's within is a good thing?

2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing?

2769. What is more important: a picture or its frame?
What is more important: spirituality or religion?

2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the F-word?

2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it?

Why or why not?

2772. Do you rationalize often?

2773. Do you believe that America is an imperialist nation?

2774. Would you agree that:

Hot Topic is the new Abercrombie?

pink is the new black:

you are the new you?

2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends?

2776. What IS the feeding of 5000?

2777. What's an easy way to make money?

2778. What's your favorite slang word, and what does it mean?

2779. Are you uncomfortable?

2780. Is anything definite besides death and taxes?

2781. Would you rather live fast and die young, or live slow and die old?

2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity?

How do you think they live with themselves? I have no idea.

2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could conceive, how would you want God to be?

2784. Do you think the Smashing Pumpkins have a strong Christian theme?

2785. Do you think this survey has a strong Christian theme?

2786. Fill in the blank for yourself: Give me ____ or give me death!

2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE'S home. They don't have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think?

2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right?

2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure a free society there. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What's your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not?

2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Story?

Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations, or mental lying?

Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror?

2791. What is soylent green?

2792. What are you proud that you have never done?

2793. What things are hopeless?

2794. What are people for?

2795. What book do you feel could change someone's life?

2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, "What the hell?"

2797. How do you take your coffee?

2798. Have you ever played:


lazer tag?

Which is better?

2799. In what ways are you lucky?

2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don't have equal opportunities in this country, then why does he drive a Jaguar?

2801. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. But what was the question?

2802. Who is the newest person you've met?

2803. Buttons or Knobs?

2804. What is a gigolo?

2805. Are you a fan of Crass?

2806. If you were going to write a short note to yourself and then put it away and read it in ten years, what would it say?

2807. When someone does something that is wrong, do you believe that they know in their hearts that they are wrong... but they push it down into their subconscious, and rationalize away their guilt?

When have you done this (if you say "never," then you are doing it right now)?

2808. How can a person have sex with someone they don't love?

Have YOU ever?

2809. What are the paradoxes in your head (that is when you believe two conflicting things to be true)?

2810. What does each set of two words suggest to you?

pale gravity:

little mornings:

spiritual machines:

eccentric being:

pray attention:

yellow lectures:

2811. What movie would be AWESOME in 3D?

2812. Why is it important to write and think clearly?

2813. A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another guy schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the girl. The boyfriend tells this guy to back off. The guy just keeps bothering the girl. Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive guy?

A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another GIRL (lesbian) schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the first girl. The boyfriend tells this girl to back off. The girl just keeps bothering the first girl. Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive girl?

If you answered yes to one situation and no to the other one, why the double standard?

2814. What do you think of the name Prue?

2815. What would you spend your last dollar on?

2816. Have you ever won an eBay auction?

If yes, for what?

2817. Would you like it if Blockbuster had a drive-through?

2819. When was the last time you taught someone something, and what was it?

2820. Why do adults and teens not understand each other?

2821. Are you afraid?

2822. Do you trust large drug corporations?

Do you trust the Food and Drug administration?

2823. If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?

Do you define sound as sound waves, or as the reaction between the soundwaves and your ears?

2824. Who is full of crap?

2825. Four of the five senses are routed through a special area to the brain. One sense goes right to the brain and so is a powerful sense involved with memory and emotion. Which sense do you feel this is?

2826. Are you on a ship of fools, or a carousel?

2827. What is your bathing suit like?

2828. Whose line is it, anyway?

2829. Are you more likely to answer a comment with name attached, or an anonymous comment?

2830. To be or not to be. That is the question. What is the answer?

2831. Does beauty exist as a definable standard, or is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?

Why do you think it is that so many people have the same idea of who and what is beautiful?

Where do your standards for judging beauty come from?

2832. Would a war with Iraq help or harm American economy?

2833. What is the first thing you would do if you saw a nuclear explosion in the distance?

2834. Would you like to be cryogenically frozen?

2835. Think of the person you love the most. Would you be willing to murder a stranger in order to save that person's life? Why or why not?

2836. Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can?

2837. How messed up is:

your hair?

your room?

your car?

your life?

2838. What are you running out of?

2839. What do you live for?

2840. How did you decide it was worth living for?

2841. Do you consider some people to be too:















2842. By what criteria do you judge others?

2843. Do you look at people's words and actions, or the underlying reasons for those words and actions?

2844. Which would you rather collect... Simpsons action figures, KISS gear, anything with a smiley, or horror movies?

2845. Do you fight for your rights?

2846. Would you rather be a construction worker or a crossing guard?

2847. What is enough to satisfy you in life?

2848. Do you think you have more, less, or average life experience for your age?

2849. Why go to college?

Have you considered joining a cult instead?

2850. What's the last lie you told?

2851. What celebrity has the sexiest voice of:



2852. You are having a party and can invite three celebrities of your choice. They WILL come. Who do you invite?

2853. Where did you come from?

Where are you now?

Where are you going?

2854. What would you imagine the Playboy mansion is like?

2855. Do you blow your nose loudly in public?

2856. Do you help others every day?

2857. Bono or Chris Tucker?

2858. Is it lonely being alone in your head?

2859. What is the worst poverty you have ever seen?

2860. Has anyone ever told you that more than 2 billion people live on less than two dollars a day?

What do you think of that?

2861. Add a sentence to the story:

Once upon a time there was a man named Arthur and he was brushing his teeth. He suddenly saw a bright rainbow outside. So he went out the back door to take a look, and he found an elf who said:

2862. Be honest.. do you generally listen or wait for your turn to talk?

2863. How many fingers do you type with?

2864. What does "you think you know, but you have no idea" mean? Where did it come from as a common phrase?

2865. Do you think it's important to give up liberties in order to protect freedom?

2866. Do you think George Bush was elected in a legal way?

2867. Imagine you were dying of a disease... you only had a certain amount of time left with your mate, parents or children. What would you leave behind for them to remember you by?

How would you feel if there were drugs to help you live, only you couldn't afford them?

How would you feel if people were trying to sell you the drugs at a lower cost, but the drug companies made sure they couldn't because that would cut their profits?

This scenario is going on Right Now. The country is Africa. The disease is AIDS. The drug is AZP (and others). The people are Africans who are very poor and have AIDS. The large drug corporations won't sell the drugs at a price they can afford, or allow smaller companies to either. Is this acceptable?

What are you going to do about it?

2868. Would you ever BUY a new ring for your cell phone that plays a couple of notes of your favorite song?

2869. What has completely moved you?

2870. If, for your next birthday you had a novelty kids birthday party, what games would you play at it?

2871. How can you keep open-toed sandals from rubbing against your toes and making them blistered and raw?

2872. What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

2873. What is the quality of humanity all about?

2874. True or false: All homophobes are inherently evil.

2875. Is there anything, besides love, that money can't buy?

2876. How is your soul?

2877. What are you committed to?

2879. Are you photogenic?

2880. Can you define these words off the top of your head as if you were talking to someone who didn't know what they were?





2881. Why aren't you naked (or are you)?

2882. Do you think anyone is all good or all evil?

2883. Go outside a sec. How many animals are in your yard?

Did you count yourself?

Why or why not?

2884. What household appliance drags you down?

2885. Try this.. write a list of six possibilities of things you could do after you are off the computer. Make sure that at lease ONE thing is something you would be unlikely to ever do:

Now grab a dice (if you have none, ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 6) and decide what you will do by shaking it. Then do it!

2886. Which of the following doesn't belong with the others, and why?

2887. How old are you?

What age do you feel mentally?



2888. Who do you think is more wise: your mailman, or a person who has been living on the streets for 12 years?

2889. Do you kiss on the first date?

2890. Would you ever want to be on:

a dating show (which)?

a game show (which)?

the news (why)?

2891. How much money would it take to get you to:

strip to nothing but a bright orange thong (for guys, orange thongs... and string bikini top for girls) and wrestle another person of the same sex in a thong in a pool of Jello?

participate in a contest where you drink alcohol as fast as you can until you puke?

sit absolutely still for 2 hours, in nothing but a towel, covered in plaster of Paris?

Walk around at your school in bondage gear asking people to spank you on the ass with a huge dead octopus tentacle?

pick your nose and eat it?

smash potatoes with your head?

2892. Who deserves an apology?

2893. What wins the award as stupidest lyric you can think of?

2894. Where do you most like to be massaged?

2895. Is your face clear?

2896. Finish this phrase in a humorous way: Friends don't let friends...

2897. What present would you bring to the birthday party of an acquaintance?
2898. Is your game on?

2899. What would a song for the deaf be like?

How about a painting for the blind?

2900. What is a surefire way to get noticed?

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