Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Aaron, Corey, Farrah, and fixing blog posts with Spoz

Aaron made my day yesterday with a comment he made..
I'm not telling you what it is, but it made me laugh..
Farrah said she IM'ed me with no response.. I didn't get one from her, otherwise I would have answered!
Corey gloated about handstand pushups, so I jokingly said I would go postal on him..
yes, I did indeed work at the post office in the past ;)
that's something he didn't know.. I'm so full of surprises!

today, I saw someone online.. decided not to bug him..
maybe I'll bug him tomorrow if I can be bothered..
more than likely, he'll have to buzz me first..
it's not that I don't want to talk to him.. sure I do!
heck, even I get to missing him sometimes around here ;)
but perhaps it's better this way.. less emotional crapola..
then again, he did say I could never bug him in the past..
ah well, he's not online now.. so I'll try it next time..

Geo septuple-posted something, so I commented on it..
(gotta live up to Spoz's "Doublepost Nazi" nickname ;) )
apparently, my comments to him triple / sextuple-posted..
funny thing is that it's only his journal.. LJ's screwed!
the posts apparently don't exist when he tries deleting them off his journal..
but they surely must exist somewhere on the servers, aye?

reminded me of when Spoz and I tried fixing his Blogger "on location at the Enigma Bar" post..
it said that there was only one post, yet I saw two..
eventually, he deleted it and made another one.. so the post time was screwy, but that's what happened..
memories of Spoz conversations are always an awesome thing!

I'll finish reading Corey's ghost stories soon.. not scary?
that's definitely weird, but I'll tell him that later on..
this shower's had a soporific effect on me.. "sleepy bo bo" awaits, so I guess you'll have to read more later!

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