Sunday, July 11, 2004

Aspirin works for me!

finally took some aspirin this morning, which is working..
didn't go to church since it was still killing me..
tired of people telling me what I should do and how I should feel about certain things..
had some hilarity last night with Snoopy's script..
despite what certain people thought, I wasn't irritated..
talked a little while to Michael today.. very good ;)
I'm debating pizza orders with Corey before restarting..
discussing things with those two really makes my day!

let's hope messaging someone else goes as well this week..
if not, we'll all have learned something.. no breaks wanted this time, believe me.. just understanding..
maybe I'll call Yazmine later on, depending on things..
right now, I'm just getting pretty hungry considering we all talked about food for a long while ;)
it'll probably be pizza and / or something else..
guess I'll catch you people on the flipside of this!

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