Needing friends / Surgate Castle Library (donkeys and weight)
Chinese Eric got on MSN at about 8:30 to say that his parents had committed him to a family dinner with relatives tomorrow night, so we'd have to reschedule. Hey, it doesn't matter to me as long as I know! (I understand that pain!) We wished each other a Happy Canada Day, of course! Discussed travel being in season (I know), Calgary people heading down to BC and San Jose, the son of family friends getting married next week to someone else who also works at Microsoft, marriage and hope, workplace romances being fraught with peril if they don't work out, babysitting, disbelief, pure evilness in Korey / his "impending death," James, updating LJ / "THE BLOG," mixing people up, future phone calls to reschedule, yesterday's events, feelings, and more. Always good times... and I'd interrupt cutscenes to talk to him, anyway! Of course, I thanked him for being the awesome friend he is! If he hears from me before Wednesday, then that means I seriously need him... but things should be under control since I'm feeling better than when I sent him the trip update email! (he'll keep that in mind!) Also replied to Mandy's email while I was at it.
Two books at a time will be too heavy for our intrepid hero in the Surgate Castle Library!

Are you looking up ASSES on the A-C shelf at the library, Bartz? :P

Two books at a time will be too heavy for our intrepid hero in the Surgate Castle Library!

Are you looking up ASSES on the A-C shelf at the library, Bartz? :P

Labels: blogs, books, canada, death, dinners, emails, eric h., family, games, holidays, james, korey, lj, mandy, maxed-out tags limit, msn, parents, pictures, reading, weddings
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