Pirates getting seasick / ROM restarts are ANNOYING!
Had to do laundry today; bloody hell! Mom said that they could pick Eric up at about 5:10 tomorrow for the baby banquet, and then pick me up soon after - I guess that works! Now, to see if Eric is going to get on MSN tonight, haha. Had to restart FFVA yet AGAIN - this time on a different rom file altogether - because of the stupid random encounter tiles on the Big Bridge being the same as last time and NOT WORKING! If this doesn't work, I'm glad I have a complete bestiary code for my photo albums! (also got INTERESTING news from James just now, har har)
A pirate who still gets seasick!

A pirate who still gets seasick!

Labels: annoyances, crap, eric m., games, james, laundry, mom, msn, phone calls, pictures, plans, random, restarts, sick, water
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