Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ridiculous! / Fresh details, crystal wedding presents, and overseas people

After I got some pads from Shoppers Drug Mart, I talked to Ryan about some stuff, which makes me feel better! Yes, someone IS ridiculous! Called Mom to see what she was doing tomorrow: the agenda involves visiting Grandma and baby Ayler on the same day, which works for me since I've had a bit of downtime. Then she said something about an RSVP for Myles and Brittney's wedding; it's not the deadline yet, haha. Rather than get embroiled in her Type A personality, I simply said I'd go on Sept. 22 - it's just easier that way. (less drama) She said they could give me a ride to Eunice and Eddie's wedding next week, and some crystal... nice, and I also have her last $40! Also, she reminded me that tomorrow is Friday; I have no idea if I'm going to BS or not, but I can't really afford to go out to eat AGAIN. Too many parties, man...

Later, I finally got to update Chinese Eric on everything (James / Ayler and snoring and the baby banquet / Grandma's deterioration and long-term care home) for half an hour! He was tired yesterday after helping his parents do some stuff, which is very understandable. We figure we'll call each other tomorrow either way if a hangout ends up happening on Saturday - he says he'll call me, but I always seem to beat him to the punch these days. Discussed dating / sex arrangements / short-term dating / the long-term dating model dying, relationships, parenthood, stages of life, writing while details are still fresh in your mind (I do this whenever possible), memory issues, and his not wanting to bore me with philosophical stuff... I wouldn't mind! Also talked about Nathan and Christon in London, arranging things for overseas family friends, Facebook communication, MSN not sending his messages or duplicating them, hesitation in using that medium to communicate something urgent, and more. Yes, we agreed it was nice to talk to each other! Dude needs to come over soon, anyway - he's got a lot of Facebook photos to catch up on! (which reminds me, I should make sure that Jeremy sees the wedding photos on Monday night during the Fried Chicken Bash...)

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