Saturday, March 13, 2010

Parallel universes, powers, principalities, and party whips

Eric picked me up, and I almost immediately started ranting about Mr. Creep and his saying hi to me. "Rough week?" he asked... not really, considering I spent four days in blissful downtime! I also said that we HAD to have lunch with him on Sunday - even Raymond or Randal wouldn't have been TOO bad, because at least I can look at them without feeling creeped out for some reason! Then Eric said that I probably wouldn't have to see him as Bible Study was off-site this week... oh good, my shower earlier was not in vain, haha! He thought that I was crazier than he was, and brought up inviting the small group to my place before curling, because then I could hang out with them. Luckily for my "I hate people!" tendencies, this was not to be! I also brought up the issue of having my mom at Grandma's 90th birthday dinner - no, I haven't talked with Jon or Harmony. This would be why an off-site Bible Study is a BAD thing!

At church, we wondered why the parkade was CRAMMED - we found out that it was a district conference! (nothing to do with the Awana sleepover, which happened later in the evening) We went upstairs to find Cindy, Kevin, Vanessa, Albert, and Carmen standing around trying to decide what to do. Luckily, our usual big room was open, so we took that. Lesley, Dylan, Deb, and Dave came later on... and we wondered where Johnny was because he was supposed to lead. Poor Cindy had to totally wing it from the article on the armor of God / the evil powers and principalities of this world! Talked about good stories, God, technology, the environment, spiritual battles, supernatural beings, not being able to say "Jesus," Lesley going to counsel Daniel Fellowship (YAY! LESS NAME CONFUSION!), Billy, Hannah, Cindy's new job at Vancouver Christian School, Dave's job search, my grandma's birthday, and other things. I sat by Dave, and noted that his leg bumped mine a few times, but it was okay. He had to move his shoe off my knapsack strap when I was looking for Kleenex in there, too. Ah well, it's all good!

Later, Eric wanted to see if anyone was up for getting together before curling, but nobody wanted to. Dave said that he'd had lunch with Wes and Dianne, and curling is harder than it looks! I'm not surprised! It was pretty cold outside - when I was able to get DOWN the stairs because I froze on the last step - stupid darkness around! Dave had a bandanna around his mouth and nose - that's a good idea if you're cycling at night! My joke about his being the TMI King / Overshare King this week didn't work because he thought I said that I was Strawberry Shortcake! After last week where he thought I said something other than "I'm not stalking you on Facebook," I don't think I can be understood that much! I actually said "WHAT?!" with a squeak at the end - yup, it was the NG shrillness! (which Eric had to hear a couple more times, but I think it's Dave's first time with that, hahaha)

On the way home, Eric said that he might not be home for most of tomorrow (it matters not to me what he's doing!), but he should be there during the hockey game. Good thing, then. He joked about a parallel universe in which I was Mr. Creep's wife, because he didn't sign that paper to help out with Kids Night.... good thing this isn't REALITY, man! Then I said that I had my own version, where I could ask Dave to lunch without making it look weird because of the guy-girl thing. Eric said that I'd be doing that while married to Mr. Creep - NO! THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT ONE! Discussed the Smoke Monster, LOST, Claire, characters, age, being old, the age formula for dating, and more.

Trivia fact for Saturday, Mar. 13: What sport does the U.S. Congress have to thank for the term "party whip"? Fox hunting. During the chase, a rider (known as a whipper) rides behind the pack of hounds, and cracks a whip to keep the dogs from straying. The British Parliament borrowed the term, shortening it to "whip," to describe party functionaries charged with mobilizing party members for crucial votes. The U.S. Congress later adopted the term.

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