Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corey not being home for long / Shallow sea

Corey's going to teach in Taiwan now?! OH MAN.

[22:35:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: ... and I still haven't gotten around to mailing your stuff yet
[00:05:22] mrptptpt: well, I might only be home for a couple weeks after I go home on Saturday.. they want me back here ASAP
[00:07:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: do your parents know this?
[00:08:05] mrptptpt: yes, I've been emailing them the whole time I'm here... and I called home today, too
[00:09:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: dammit.... why can't I mail this package?
[00:33:43] mrptptpt: I dunno
[00:47:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: now I want some more seaweed... I swear, I'll buy like 800 things of seaweed
[00:56:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: guess what I found in the stuff my sister gave me from Japan (almost all gone by now)
[01:08:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Apparently, the Japanese make NOTIME gum, which seems to be a substitute for brushing your teeth. HAHAHAHA!
[01:27:54] mrptptpt: no time?
[01:36:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: I assume "if you have no time to brush your teeth... you surely have time to pop this into your mouth, so it does the work for you!"
[01:36:50] mrptptpt: wow, you can read Japanese!
[01:37:34] mrptptpt: oh yeah, I also have chocolate bubble tea right now, and it's pretty good
[01:37:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, I can't.... I'm ASSUMING that's what it is from the "NOTIME" name and the picture of the toothbrush on the package
[01:38:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: I haven't had that in MONTHS! Maybe even YEARS!
[01:38:29] mrptptpt: oh well, I can read Japanese :P I have to use that to read things to Jane sometimes even, since there's a lot of Japanese products here
[01:40:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, okay
[01:44:42] mrptptpt: I don't know enough Japanese words for it to be useful, but tons of names and even descriptions are in katakana, which is usually really just English words
[01:45:00] mrptptpt: so katakana words are readable for the most part
[01:45:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, that's good... these packages just have Japanese characters on them
[01:46:38] mrptptpt: yeah, probably katakana ones :P
[01:47:45] mrptptpt: there, that will show you how to read all the katakana letters (the more squarish ones, not rounded)
[01:47:46] mrptptpt: just say it in a stereotypical Japanese accent, and it'll translate to English :P
[01:47:55] mrptptpt: sometimes saying it out loud is required to figure it out
[01:48:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha, okay... right now, is bedtime :P goodnight
[01:48:15] mrptptpt: also, since Japanese doesn't believe in using spaces between words, it can be hard to figure out which words are what
[02:05:21] mrptptpt: well, I can't fucking find information about a visa for Taiwan, and it's annoying
[02:07:09] mrptptpt: everything is different, and the US government and Taiwan government sites don't really tell me much..........
[02:07:17] mrptptpt: they said I don't need a visa, and now they say I do
[02:07:31] mrptptpt: then they said I had to pay 6% tax... now they say 20% tax
[02:07:43] mrptptpt: the girl we're dealing with doesn't seem to know what she's talking about
[02:08:04] mrptptpt: actually... first they said I need a visa, then they said I don't, now they say I do

Trivia fact for Wednesday, Mar. 10: Which sea is the shallowest in the world? The inland Sea of Azov, which is about 47 feet at its deepest. Located between Ukraine and Russia, it's linked to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait.

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