Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dream of custom coats, and sister crying in the shower to ANGIE / Tokyo / NO HELP

Had a weird dream where my friends and I were just sitting around our old church for some reason. It was announced that Carina and Daisy would be getting married in a double wedding ceremony at 7:05 and 7:31 that night at the white house near the church. We went for coffee first near the church before going through the house, where there was snow on the ground. Then we decided to check out my apartment, but the lights weren't working for some reason! Called the manager out on it, and then returned to the white house near the church. There were CLOSETS full of different colors and styles of coats which we could have for free, but I didn't like any of the ones available. Blue? Pink? Long? Short? White? Brown? None of them suited me for some reason, so I asked if I could make a custom one from a gumlike material - I certainly could.

Joey (who was going to Hong Kong soon after) and one of the Daniel guys (with glasses) were "party guard DJs" at the double wedding celebration, and they had bulletins for everyone; they were also getting updated on the Canucks score. When the game ended, Toronto had won 3-0. This news was so distressing to Steph that she had to cry it out in the shower as the Rolling Stones' ANGIE played over the loudspeakers. When I tried getting her to leave, she wouldn't - and the dream ended because a car horn honked outside the window in real life. I don't know about that one, man... people keep saying that it snowed in Vancouver, but there's none here in Richmond. The gumlike material must be the NOTIME gum from Tokyo! Other than that, I don't know. Daisy is already married, for one thing!

Speaking of my sister and Tokyo, I got her postcard in the mail: "Yaz is Lard! Greetings from Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. Yaz would enjoy the heated toilet seats here. What a reality!" I also got an email from her which says that Mom is willing to pay me $100 if I stay at the townhouse for two weeks while they're away in May... somehow, I don't know about that even if I don't have to see them. If she thinks I'm helping her out, she must be insane. I know Grandma's birthday dinner is coming up too, but don't know if I'll make it to that, either. I also saw a status message from Dave saying that he was in leopard print briefs... I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW! Reminds me of Korey's leopard print THONG, for one thing. "TMI" was my comment on that one, haha... he knows he rules, but really now.

Your Face is Trustworthy

There's just something about you that people find soothing. You put people at ease.

While it's true that you have a trustworthy face, it's also probably true that you're a trustworthy person.

You are honest and dependable, and it shows. By living an ethical life, you never have to worry about being "caught in the act."

You are relaxed, and smile often. Your eyes light up, and your face doesn't show much tension. People can tell a lot about you from looking at your face!

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