"I'm a Flying Supervisor!" / Minute Rice / Replacement travel mugs and monitors
This morning, I found my travel mug was seemingly IMPOSSIBLE to open - NOT GOOD! Eric picked me up later than my parents do, which is what I was counting on. We discussed my mental faculties (which are still all right even if I refuse to refer to someone by his name :P), his week (Wednesday's lunch with Phil, BLACKADDER with Alistair, MissionsFest and Congee Noodle King with a bunch of GOOD people), Broadway Church, Grace, my week (Billie's party / Steph's get-together / Fidela), stupid slow cars in front of us, and more. He thinks I shouldn't have a problem with Mr. Creep "infiltrating" an event that I wasn't even attending (MissionsFest, if he did go), but somehow I do. Don't ask me why, besides that I'm PROTECTIVE! Yes, I know my friends are (mostly) adults and can certainly make their own decisions, but still.
Finally got to church at about 10; when I entered the sanctuary, I said hi to Karen Chan, and then hugged Danielle hello. Danielle said that my mom had given her something for me, which turned out to be the candy canes she was going on about. When I got to a seat by Eric (near Helen / Denise / her parents / Angus and Melia), worship had JUST ended - I was able to peek inside to see that it was 30 mini candy canes, NOT 100 like Mom was saying. Oh well, my intentions were to give them to the teens anyhow, minus a few for myself! At least there WAS a gigantic one, which I will also give to the teens. (at home, I put the little ones into two Ziploc bags)
After service (I was reminded that Helen is sharing about her EMAS missions trip this Friday), I said hi to Jen / Jon / Harmony / Mike T. / Tim / Joshua / Keenan / Billy / Benjamin (who was shy when Jon and Brian tried greeting him) / Christon (who I emailed about Friday snacks because I didn't want Mr. Creep knowing about it!) / Uncle Peter / Lincoln / Karen Lew / Isabel's dad. Said hi to Lily and her daughter Hannah - Lily says that her Richmond to Surrey Hospital commute is against traffic, and that she wants to do some vicarious living through either Hannah or Gavin! She never got the chance to be a drummer, so she wants her kids to be ROCKERS! Hahaha, sounds good to me! Asked Melia when her mom's birthday was: "September 17? No... September 21? I don't know - I'll have to look it up. I'm such a bad daughter! Why don't you ask her?" "Okay, sure... I'll see her in like ten minutes, anyway!" (which turned out to be twenty or more, since I was caught up in spending time with my friends as usual...)
Talked to Andrew about being tired, Brazilian / Ethiopian coffee, Starbucks being overrated and other things. Asked Hien if she'd seen my FB wall post about Minute Rice - she had, and thought it was just white rice: "I like my Chinese rice!" So do I if I have to eat rice, but they DO have brown rice. Watched carefully to make sure that Mr. Creep didn't get TOO near any stray kids - and was over near the homemade guacamole (yay for Harmony!) and such in a relative flash once a kid wandered within six inches of him! The kids were with their parents (or aunt, in Janet's case), so that was fine. Said bye to Fidela - it WAS good spending time with her, I agree! Told Eric that I would go home with my parents since there was no adult Sunday School again, as it starts next week. Somehow, I'm not surprised that my brother is teaching a class this term on food and worship! Speaking of my brother, he told me that he had to go to MissionsFest later, then corrected himself to say that he WANTED to go. Haha... "I have to go" sounds so arduous! I mistakenly said that at least there was a food court downstairs if he wanted lunch, but I forgot that it was in three different places! (as Calla told Stanford later, the whole event got moved up a couple weeks since the convention centre is CLOSED because of the Olympics!)
I was drawn to a conversation where Stanford said he was gypped, and I wondered what they were talking about - Calla informed me that she intended to have him go to the Wedding Fair with her, if only to see tuxedo stuff. Stanford asked Harmony how married life was, and if there was anything she had to get used to. Of course, being used to each other's habits after a long-distance relationship takes some times! He joked that she should make Jon clean the toilets for a year, and she said that Jon couldn't attend a Toronto version of the Wedding Fair. "So make him buy a plane ticket - he HAS to go! Hey Calla, maybe he married her because she was a girl who wouldn't make him go to these things!" Calla was NOT impressed, and said that she had to get used to his extraordinary neatness - she operates under "organized chaos" herself. She cannot see her desk at work currently, while Stanford will see a speck of dust on the counter and then clean the entire room while he's at it!
When I was going to finally make my way out the door, Uncle Peter reminded me that Auntie Ying was waiting for me - I remember! Asked Jeremy whether he was aware that his name was a banned password on Twitter: nope, and he asked if I had an account there. Nope, I just heard about it from someone else! Was drawn to little Allison, who apparently was giving out baby Cheerios to Mike / Julie / Emily (who smiled HI at me) - I got one just before saying bye to her and Anita. Talked to Harmony about Daiso, too. Made my way upstairs to the toddler Sunday School, where the kids were busy drawing various things.
Amanda said that she was a "Flying Supervisor," and showed me her creative drawing of a typical school day. Music time, storytime, food time, reading time, field trip time (crossing a road), library time, "going out" time, and more. David drew something which was supposed to be a train, Esther drew something which was supposed to be a swing and wheels, and Conor drew a black Formica tile sample that he had brought from home - so random! Evelyn drew something too - not sure what it was. Harrison and Amos were busy smashing toy cars together again, and trying to go under the table. I had to take Harrison's toy Transformer away when he wouldn't listen (the kid was SMELLING HIS SOCK and creating a distraction!), and didn't give it back afterwards despite multiple requests for the thing. Haha, what a punishment! (he tried to wriggle out of my firm grasp, but he couldn't)
Conor said that he had a block of wood, and showed it to me before drawing a smiley face on it with orange felt. I had to take it away because I wanted him to listen to me as I told the story; he wasn't doing anything wrong, and you bet I gave THAT back to him later! Yes, I'm aware that I treated Harrison and Conor differently, but I know Conor, and he's way too cute! I still don't know when the twins' birthday is, but I did ask Auntie Ying: turns out that it's September 23. She thanked me for being so faithful in calling every Thursday (Uncle Peter noticed it!), and I know it's not a problem if I call at 11:30 PM! (she can relate to "young people") Also says that maybe we can celebrate our birthdays together at lunch, which sounds fine to me!
Apparently, Rachel's grandma returned the Chinese language-Bible CDs to Auntie Ying since her husband doesn't want to listen - "maybe it's not time yet for him to become a Christian!" Well, aren't some people predestined to NOT become Christians? I dunno... Uncle Peter and Auntie Ying also got some marriage books at a discount at Pilgrims by getting ten at a time. I told her that I'd found out where Seraphim was for sure: right across the street from Lansdowne Station! (haven't been right outside since maybe December 2007!)
After Sunday School, I looked for David, who had run off again. His mom Linda says he's the type to do that in the store while she's shopping too - yikes! Evelyn held my hand - how cute! Saw Conor's brother Sean with their mom, so I talked to Pauline for a bit. Sean wanted to talk, too - he's seven already, and has learned about Jesus' birth. When Conor and his dad emerged from the washrooms, Conor showed me his block of wood again. His dad Minh said hi, and then mentioned that it was from a construction site he'd taken the boys to see. Cool, man!
Went downstairs and made sure that Mom knew I was going to Green Village with them, Auntie Teresa, Alan, and Polly. She didn't know Eric had already left, obviously. Gave Dad my tax documents, and he joked that I should pay him - I told Gabriel's mom and aunt: "If I can get it done for free, why not?" Grandma was looking for Auntie Kwai, but she was at service: Mom told a friend that Grandma had a bit of Alzheimer's! I think memory loss and forgetfulness is par for the course (and NOT Alzheimer's) when you're nearly 90, myself! Said hi to Amanda's sister Hannah, who told me about her Lip Smackers - her mom Catherine looked REALLY tired! (I also now know what the girls' grandma looks like, too)
At lunch, Alan told me why he had joined Awana: to share the gospel with the kids, since you can't really do that at school these days... nice! (saw Uncle Tom, Auntie Allyn, Fabian, and his mom at the restaurant!) Dad also just assumed I'd go with them to Steph's place for dinner on Saturday evening after Awana: I think I prefer downtime! Actually, he wants me to go early! Hmm... we'll see. He also said that he had a monitor for me at his place, but I had to arrange my own transport - maybe with Eric, heh. When I thanked him, he said I had to thank Uncle Eugene, and Mom wondered whether I had to pay... apparently not.
I could have gotten my parents to drop me off at London Drugs, but I prefer doing some things on my own even with Sunday bus schedules! Trust me, I need some semblance of privacy - otherwise, they might ask me questions about what I bought. No way! (if almost anyone else knows, I don't care - they're fine!) Got on-sale brown Minute Rice (which I will keep in box form to prove its existence to Hien next weekend), on-sale Nin Jiom, on-sale black cherry Strepsils (cough drops), a replacement on-sale toothbrush, a replacement travel mug (which promises an easy-to-grab-and-open lid AND no leakage - my old one leaked a LOT), and a bunch of 99ยข birthday cards for the (Sunday School) kids since I know Hannah and Amanda's are coming up in two weeks, within two days of each other! I was going to go with the ones for a specific year or the general kids' ones, but saving money is good on these overpriced items! ($2.59 and up for one card?!)
When I returned home, I took a shower. Then I emailed Christon before prepping various cards with greetings and stickers. I also tested the new travel mug's resistance to hot / boiling water... it passed the test, and I like how fuzzy-feeling it is! Noticed that Billie's friend Scott has added me to Facebook - I *did* tell her to tell him that I wasn't on the Facebook event page for her birthday party since I was too special for it, haha. Also read about transgendered people on Facebook and LJ, heh.
Finally got to church at about 10; when I entered the sanctuary, I said hi to Karen Chan, and then hugged Danielle hello. Danielle said that my mom had given her something for me, which turned out to be the candy canes she was going on about. When I got to a seat by Eric (near Helen / Denise / her parents / Angus and Melia), worship had JUST ended - I was able to peek inside to see that it was 30 mini candy canes, NOT 100 like Mom was saying. Oh well, my intentions were to give them to the teens anyhow, minus a few for myself! At least there WAS a gigantic one, which I will also give to the teens. (at home, I put the little ones into two Ziploc bags)
After service (I was reminded that Helen is sharing about her EMAS missions trip this Friday), I said hi to Jen / Jon / Harmony / Mike T. / Tim / Joshua / Keenan / Billy / Benjamin (who was shy when Jon and Brian tried greeting him) / Christon (who I emailed about Friday snacks because I didn't want Mr. Creep knowing about it!) / Uncle Peter / Lincoln / Karen Lew / Isabel's dad. Said hi to Lily and her daughter Hannah - Lily says that her Richmond to Surrey Hospital commute is against traffic, and that she wants to do some vicarious living through either Hannah or Gavin! She never got the chance to be a drummer, so she wants her kids to be ROCKERS! Hahaha, sounds good to me! Asked Melia when her mom's birthday was: "September 17? No... September 21? I don't know - I'll have to look it up. I'm such a bad daughter! Why don't you ask her?" "Okay, sure... I'll see her in like ten minutes, anyway!" (which turned out to be twenty or more, since I was caught up in spending time with my friends as usual...)
Talked to Andrew about being tired, Brazilian / Ethiopian coffee, Starbucks being overrated and other things. Asked Hien if she'd seen my FB wall post about Minute Rice - she had, and thought it was just white rice: "I like my Chinese rice!" So do I if I have to eat rice, but they DO have brown rice. Watched carefully to make sure that Mr. Creep didn't get TOO near any stray kids - and was over near the homemade guacamole (yay for Harmony!) and such in a relative flash once a kid wandered within six inches of him! The kids were with their parents (or aunt, in Janet's case), so that was fine. Said bye to Fidela - it WAS good spending time with her, I agree! Told Eric that I would go home with my parents since there was no adult Sunday School again, as it starts next week. Somehow, I'm not surprised that my brother is teaching a class this term on food and worship! Speaking of my brother, he told me that he had to go to MissionsFest later, then corrected himself to say that he WANTED to go. Haha... "I have to go" sounds so arduous! I mistakenly said that at least there was a food court downstairs if he wanted lunch, but I forgot that it was in three different places! (as Calla told Stanford later, the whole event got moved up a couple weeks since the convention centre is CLOSED because of the Olympics!)
I was drawn to a conversation where Stanford said he was gypped, and I wondered what they were talking about - Calla informed me that she intended to have him go to the Wedding Fair with her, if only to see tuxedo stuff. Stanford asked Harmony how married life was, and if there was anything she had to get used to. Of course, being used to each other's habits after a long-distance relationship takes some times! He joked that she should make Jon clean the toilets for a year, and she said that Jon couldn't attend a Toronto version of the Wedding Fair. "So make him buy a plane ticket - he HAS to go! Hey Calla, maybe he married her because she was a girl who wouldn't make him go to these things!" Calla was NOT impressed, and said that she had to get used to his extraordinary neatness - she operates under "organized chaos" herself. She cannot see her desk at work currently, while Stanford will see a speck of dust on the counter and then clean the entire room while he's at it!
When I was going to finally make my way out the door, Uncle Peter reminded me that Auntie Ying was waiting for me - I remember! Asked Jeremy whether he was aware that his name was a banned password on Twitter: nope, and he asked if I had an account there. Nope, I just heard about it from someone else! Was drawn to little Allison, who apparently was giving out baby Cheerios to Mike / Julie / Emily (who smiled HI at me) - I got one just before saying bye to her and Anita. Talked to Harmony about Daiso, too. Made my way upstairs to the toddler Sunday School, where the kids were busy drawing various things.
Amanda said that she was a "Flying Supervisor," and showed me her creative drawing of a typical school day. Music time, storytime, food time, reading time, field trip time (crossing a road), library time, "going out" time, and more. David drew something which was supposed to be a train, Esther drew something which was supposed to be a swing and wheels, and Conor drew a black Formica tile sample that he had brought from home - so random! Evelyn drew something too - not sure what it was. Harrison and Amos were busy smashing toy cars together again, and trying to go under the table. I had to take Harrison's toy Transformer away when he wouldn't listen (the kid was SMELLING HIS SOCK and creating a distraction!), and didn't give it back afterwards despite multiple requests for the thing. Haha, what a punishment! (he tried to wriggle out of my firm grasp, but he couldn't)
Conor said that he had a block of wood, and showed it to me before drawing a smiley face on it with orange felt. I had to take it away because I wanted him to listen to me as I told the story; he wasn't doing anything wrong, and you bet I gave THAT back to him later! Yes, I'm aware that I treated Harrison and Conor differently, but I know Conor, and he's way too cute! I still don't know when the twins' birthday is, but I did ask Auntie Ying: turns out that it's September 23. She thanked me for being so faithful in calling every Thursday (Uncle Peter noticed it!), and I know it's not a problem if I call at 11:30 PM! (she can relate to "young people") Also says that maybe we can celebrate our birthdays together at lunch, which sounds fine to me!
Apparently, Rachel's grandma returned the Chinese language-Bible CDs to Auntie Ying since her husband doesn't want to listen - "maybe it's not time yet for him to become a Christian!" Well, aren't some people predestined to NOT become Christians? I dunno... Uncle Peter and Auntie Ying also got some marriage books at a discount at Pilgrims by getting ten at a time. I told her that I'd found out where Seraphim was for sure: right across the street from Lansdowne Station! (haven't been right outside since maybe December 2007!)
After Sunday School, I looked for David, who had run off again. His mom Linda says he's the type to do that in the store while she's shopping too - yikes! Evelyn held my hand - how cute! Saw Conor's brother Sean with their mom, so I talked to Pauline for a bit. Sean wanted to talk, too - he's seven already, and has learned about Jesus' birth. When Conor and his dad emerged from the washrooms, Conor showed me his block of wood again. His dad Minh said hi, and then mentioned that it was from a construction site he'd taken the boys to see. Cool, man!
Went downstairs and made sure that Mom knew I was going to Green Village with them, Auntie Teresa, Alan, and Polly. She didn't know Eric had already left, obviously. Gave Dad my tax documents, and he joked that I should pay him - I told Gabriel's mom and aunt: "If I can get it done for free, why not?" Grandma was looking for Auntie Kwai, but she was at service: Mom told a friend that Grandma had a bit of Alzheimer's! I think memory loss and forgetfulness is par for the course (and NOT Alzheimer's) when you're nearly 90, myself! Said hi to Amanda's sister Hannah, who told me about her Lip Smackers - her mom Catherine looked REALLY tired! (I also now know what the girls' grandma looks like, too)
At lunch, Alan told me why he had joined Awana: to share the gospel with the kids, since you can't really do that at school these days... nice! (saw Uncle Tom, Auntie Allyn, Fabian, and his mom at the restaurant!) Dad also just assumed I'd go with them to Steph's place for dinner on Saturday evening after Awana: I think I prefer downtime! Actually, he wants me to go early! Hmm... we'll see. He also said that he had a monitor for me at his place, but I had to arrange my own transport - maybe with Eric, heh. When I thanked him, he said I had to thank Uncle Eugene, and Mom wondered whether I had to pay... apparently not.
I could have gotten my parents to drop me off at London Drugs, but I prefer doing some things on my own even with Sunday bus schedules! Trust me, I need some semblance of privacy - otherwise, they might ask me questions about what I bought. No way! (if almost anyone else knows, I don't care - they're fine!) Got on-sale brown Minute Rice (which I will keep in box form to prove its existence to Hien next weekend), on-sale Nin Jiom, on-sale black cherry Strepsils (cough drops), a replacement on-sale toothbrush, a replacement travel mug (which promises an easy-to-grab-and-open lid AND no leakage - my old one leaked a LOT), and a bunch of 99ยข birthday cards for the (Sunday School) kids since I know Hannah and Amanda's are coming up in two weeks, within two days of each other! I was going to go with the ones for a specific year or the general kids' ones, but saving money is good on these overpriced items! ($2.59 and up for one card?!)
When I returned home, I took a shower. Then I emailed Christon before prepping various cards with greetings and stickers. I also tested the new travel mug's resistance to hot / boiling water... it passed the test, and I like how fuzzy-feeling it is! Noticed that Billie's friend Scott has added me to Facebook - I *did* tell her to tell him that I wasn't on the Facebook event page for her birthday party since I was too special for it, haha. Also read about transgendered people on Facebook and LJ, heh.
Your Focus is Inward |
![]() You prefer to spend most of your time alone. Other people tax your reserves. You appreciate and enjoy your own company. You can always find a way to entertain yourself. You don't believe in being bored. In fact, you don't think it's even possible. With so many ideas, books, and places to explore, you are never lonely - even if you're all by yourself. |
Labels: bannings, billie, blogthings, books, calla, candy, church, crap, danielle, eric m., food, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, noodles, parents, phil, raymond, sick, sports, stanford
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