Jose is NOT Ollie! / Got a pew all to myself today! :D
At least I had time to catch up on most things before I left for church today, unlike LAST week! Steph went with my parents to church, so at least I had a foil, heh. After hearing some interesting stories about drivers (and talking about charcuteries...), I told her that Shally and Jose are dating now. Mom's response: "Isn't he the guy that got married?!" My sister and I looked at each other in puzzlement until we figured that she meant OLLIE! Dad doesn't know that Shally's the best ever, but then he DID try to put Christian shame on me because Raymond and I still aren't really talking to each other. Hey, HE started it! Not to get all grade-school or anything, but do you honestly think I am going to talk to someone who thought I was OBSESSED with him?! HA, NO! I should have said that Christians aren't all perfect, and we have human flaws! HA HA HA! Saw baby Mattias and Chung Yan - baby looked tired!
Got to church late, but I managed to snag a pew ALL TO MYSELF - YAY! Wrote Jon a note on my bulletin to say that we were having lunch at Tsui Woo - he wasn't really impressed, haha. Spent the latter part of service transcribing information about the toddler Sunday School students on some forms for Auntie Bessy, and drinking my hot water. Briefly stopped in at the fellowship hall (avoiding Mr. Creep) since I had to see Chuck before he left! Gave him his small-group card (figures that Raymond and Randal hijacked the "this is ONLY for thoughts of how Chuck is dealing with his mom having cancer again" purpose to wish him a happy birthday when it's not till April *rolleyes*) and my own personal Christmas card... he thanked me, and wished me a Merry Christmas. Good thing I actually checked to see what people wrote in the small-group card, so I could write a note explaining its REAL purpose! (told Eric that the Committee should look to see what they wrote in it - see what happens?!) I also took a minute to give Zoe and Natalie two huge Ziploc bags of candy - yes, it's true that my mom gives me a lot of the stuff, for sure! Then I headed upstairs after Gabriel told me not to listen to Stanley about there being a McDonalds at the church - I'm sure Margaret never really believes what he says, either! Steph told me to give a BBT hangout photo to Maxine if I saw her next week - sure thing!
Then I went upstairs to the toddler room - Amanda and Esther were already there, and Amos / Conor / Arthur came a bit later. Saw Maxine, so I gave her the picture - said hi to Anita and little Allison too! I was lazy and just let the kids play and draw, while I listed a lot of crayon colors, haha. Conor had little glow-in-the-dark frogs, which he marched over EVERYTHING, including me. Rachel's grandma was there too, teaching Esther about numbers and such. I heard the kids talking about dungeons, killing people (er...), spicy bananas (NOT a good idea!), and other stuff. Amanda wanted to know if I was over in October... um, I don't know what she was talking about! Talked about frogs, eggs, stairs, houses, the sun, flowers, and more! Rachel talked to me about the sticker on the window ("please close and lock the windows"), her new Bible that the Sunday School teacher gave her ("the words are so small!"), and other things.
Went downstairs to find that Sunday School was still going on, so I had to mill around for a bit - when it was done, I talked to Jon / Harmony / Chrystal (it smelled like PIZZA!) / Christon. At least the weather cleared up for the Culture Crawl plans, woohoo! Sheets of rain would NOT be fun to walk in, and Jon confirmed this since apparently he was doing just that yesterday. I thought I heard Mr. Creep call my name (he was asking people about their lunch plans), but I ignored it and pretended I needed something in the kitchen. Went to Tsui Woo afterwards for lunch; talked about trips, Grandma staying at our places for a week each (uh, what?!), Steph's new place, pre-eating chicken wings on Tuesday evening, renovating, Mom already buying food for when I'm over in December (Steph would be at her place when she's working), trusting the food that Christon cooks, my possibly staying out all day next week, and more. I'm not going to help clean up at Steph's new place tomorrow since I wasn't invited, AND my sleepiness would NOT be helped! My mom gave me a bag of stuff containing a Christmas mug with a penguin, two light bulbs, a can of mushroom soup (as I requested, to make my can numbers even :P), two cans of chicken noodle soup, some processed cheddar cheese dip, a container of old-fashioned hard candies, a "chewy mix" of candy from Rite-Aid, a six-pack of chicken Top Ramen, Chewy Lemon Heads and Friends fruit candy from Ferrara Pan (lemon / grape / orange / cherry / apple), and some Bright Starts Energizing Body Care Revitalizing Lotion and Shampoo. Got home, and found out that Jon Hui unfriended me from Facebook - that's okay, I guess. :P
List of 24 Prang colors: black, dark blue, green, blue, yellow-green, brown, turquoise blue, gray, melon, white, yellow, red-violet, dark red, magenta, orange, blue-green, yellow-orange, blue-violet, violet, pink, dark yellow orange, red, light blue, red-orange.
List of "64 Crayons" colors: bittersweet, raw sienna, salmon, cadet blue, maize, sepia, pine green, burnt sienna, ultra blue fluorescent, navy blue, olive green, lavender, yellow, silver, gray, orange yellow, apricot, lemon yellow, mahogany, maroon, orange red, orchid, cornflower, peach, green blue, thistle, forest green, green yellow, violet red, plum, blue violet, sky blue, spring green, magenta, green, melon, cocoa brown, gold, sea green, midnight blue, rose pink, white, red orange, burnt orange, blue, turquoise blue, brick red, mulberry, goldenrod, Indian red, raw amber, red, aquamarine, blue gray, yellow orange, orange, violet blue, yellow green, black, brown, violet, blue green, red violet. (only 63 - I can't find the crayon list on the Net, as all the results are for CRAYOLA!)
Got to church late, but I managed to snag a pew ALL TO MYSELF - YAY! Wrote Jon a note on my bulletin to say that we were having lunch at Tsui Woo - he wasn't really impressed, haha. Spent the latter part of service transcribing information about the toddler Sunday School students on some forms for Auntie Bessy, and drinking my hot water. Briefly stopped in at the fellowship hall (avoiding Mr. Creep) since I had to see Chuck before he left! Gave him his small-group card (figures that Raymond and Randal hijacked the "this is ONLY for thoughts of how Chuck is dealing with his mom having cancer again" purpose to wish him a happy birthday when it's not till April *rolleyes*) and my own personal Christmas card... he thanked me, and wished me a Merry Christmas. Good thing I actually checked to see what people wrote in the small-group card, so I could write a note explaining its REAL purpose! (told Eric that the Committee should look to see what they wrote in it - see what happens?!) I also took a minute to give Zoe and Natalie two huge Ziploc bags of candy - yes, it's true that my mom gives me a lot of the stuff, for sure! Then I headed upstairs after Gabriel told me not to listen to Stanley about there being a McDonalds at the church - I'm sure Margaret never really believes what he says, either! Steph told me to give a BBT hangout photo to Maxine if I saw her next week - sure thing!
Then I went upstairs to the toddler room - Amanda and Esther were already there, and Amos / Conor / Arthur came a bit later. Saw Maxine, so I gave her the picture - said hi to Anita and little Allison too! I was lazy and just let the kids play and draw, while I listed a lot of crayon colors, haha. Conor had little glow-in-the-dark frogs, which he marched over EVERYTHING, including me. Rachel's grandma was there too, teaching Esther about numbers and such. I heard the kids talking about dungeons, killing people (er...), spicy bananas (NOT a good idea!), and other stuff. Amanda wanted to know if I was over in October... um, I don't know what she was talking about! Talked about frogs, eggs, stairs, houses, the sun, flowers, and more! Rachel talked to me about the sticker on the window ("please close and lock the windows"), her new Bible that the Sunday School teacher gave her ("the words are so small!"), and other things.
Went downstairs to find that Sunday School was still going on, so I had to mill around for a bit - when it was done, I talked to Jon / Harmony / Chrystal (it smelled like PIZZA!) / Christon. At least the weather cleared up for the Culture Crawl plans, woohoo! Sheets of rain would NOT be fun to walk in, and Jon confirmed this since apparently he was doing just that yesterday. I thought I heard Mr. Creep call my name (he was asking people about their lunch plans), but I ignored it and pretended I needed something in the kitchen. Went to Tsui Woo afterwards for lunch; talked about trips, Grandma staying at our places for a week each (uh, what?!), Steph's new place, pre-eating chicken wings on Tuesday evening, renovating, Mom already buying food for when I'm over in December (Steph would be at her place when she's working), trusting the food that Christon cooks, my possibly staying out all day next week, and more. I'm not going to help clean up at Steph's new place tomorrow since I wasn't invited, AND my sleepiness would NOT be helped! My mom gave me a bag of stuff containing a Christmas mug with a penguin, two light bulbs, a can of mushroom soup (as I requested, to make my can numbers even :P), two cans of chicken noodle soup, some processed cheddar cheese dip, a container of old-fashioned hard candies, a "chewy mix" of candy from Rite-Aid, a six-pack of chicken Top Ramen, Chewy Lemon Heads and Friends fruit candy from Ferrara Pan (lemon / grape / orange / cherry / apple), and some Bright Starts Energizing Body Care Revitalizing Lotion and Shampoo. Got home, and found out that Jon Hui unfriended me from Facebook - that's okay, I guess. :P
List of 24 Prang colors: black, dark blue, green, blue, yellow-green, brown, turquoise blue, gray, melon, white, yellow, red-violet, dark red, magenta, orange, blue-green, yellow-orange, blue-violet, violet, pink, dark yellow orange, red, light blue, red-orange.
List of "64 Crayons" colors: bittersweet, raw sienna, salmon, cadet blue, maize, sepia, pine green, burnt sienna, ultra blue fluorescent, navy blue, olive green, lavender, yellow, silver, gray, orange yellow, apricot, lemon yellow, mahogany, maroon, orange red, orchid, cornflower, peach, green blue, thistle, forest green, green yellow, violet red, plum, blue violet, sky blue, spring green, magenta, green, melon, cocoa brown, gold, sea green, midnight blue, rose pink, white, red orange, burnt orange, blue, turquoise blue, brick red, mulberry, goldenrod, Indian red, raw amber, red, aquamarine, blue gray, yellow orange, orange, violet blue, yellow green, black, brown, violet, blue green, red violet. (only 63 - I can't find the crayon list on the Net, as all the results are for CRAYOLA!)
You Are the King |
![]() You may not move quickly, but you move with purpose. You take every decision in your life seriously. You don't think that most risks are worth their potential downsides. You try to protect yourself at all costs. Some people may consider you an egomaniac, but you're simply self-interested. It's perfectly natural to want to put yourself first. You have a lot of responsibility, and a lot of people depend on you. If you were taken out of commission, those that depend on you would be doomed. |
You Are a Vampire |
![]() Right? You seem like a vampire. Pale? Check. Strong? Check. Nocturnal? Check! There's a good chance you even like the taste of blood, and that's just downright creepy. The funniest part about you being a vampire is that you haven't seemed to notice it yet. You must have some pretty weird habits to let the news slip by you like that. Stay out of the sunlight, and avoid Italian restaurants (too much garlic). And if you have to feed on a human, please be gentle! |
Labels: annoyances, blogthings, candy, christon, chrystal, church, colors, crap, dungeons, family, food, games, halloween, kids, lists, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, murder, pizza, raymond
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