Friday, October 09, 2009

The newcomer might be a pedophile! Okay, maybe not... but BLOGGER is not BLADDER!

Tonight's ride to church with Eric was pretty amusing. I heard a sports announcer on Team 1040 say something about a 17-8 score, so I almost said something about that. Turned out to be a football score and not a hockey one, haha. Discussed Johnny / Cindy / emails, worship team imbalance, and the service projects - I'll already be at the Halloween one in my Awana capacity! He thinks mooncake is disgusting, and it's not because of the sugar or fat content. I asked him for a contingency ride on Sunday evening for the dinner, and he wondered how much it was worth to me - hey, I found a dime on the floor of Hallmark Cards today, hahaha! He said something about "Leave my car NOW" in a weird voice, and I misheard that as "yellow compass." o_O Then I said something random about Blogger working... he thought I'd said that my BLADDER worked, and wondered why I was telling him that in his car! HAHAHAHA! NO!!!!!!

Saw Andrea and CHUCK at the church - she gave me my late birthday present (which turned out to be a blue magma lamp), and I thanked her for it. I definitely said hi to Chuck - they had to leave early, but he gave me a belated birthday wish, and said he'd be back in November. We had a good discussion about that state of the Fellowship - talked to Connie, Shally, Grace, Lesley, Christon, Jen, Annie, and a few more people. The only thing was this newcomer guy kept contributing to the discussion - YOU ARE NEW, SO STAY OUT OF IT! Accidentally on purpose bumped into a perfidious blackguard, HA! I can blame it on my precarious balance, hahaha. Eric asked what I'd done to my brother and sister-in-law... as far as I know, they were at a DINNER!

When I asked her, Jen seemed pretty interested in serving on Committee; in fact, I observed her talking to Pastor John about it. I hope she says she WILL serve since that means I won't have to deal with any potentially awkward meetings, maybe. Christon says that his parents get back at 1 AM, so Janette said that would be an excuse to stay up late and go to Dragon Ball, haha! Asked Grace if she ever used baking chips - she rarely bakes, but says that she'll use them if I give it to her. I might do that, then... if I can find two rubber bands, I'll be good. I was forced to shake hands with the newcomer dude, when all I was doing was verifying his name. I should have said I didn't shake hands, haha. Wesley, Dianne, and I talked about McDonalds, coupons, and Monopoly - we don't care if it's not a normal size Coke! JUST GIVE IT TO US!

Asked Eric if he were ready to go, since I needed to talk to him about something. Eventually, we got going - and despite the reminder on the whiteboard, I *still* forgot to pick up my membership meeting notice at the front desk! Maybe on Sunday! I got the majority of a huge bag of Munchies free, so that was a good score. Had ONE white chocolate chip cookie, and felt a sugar rush come on - what IS it with me and sugar?! Once he'd helped me put my stuff in the backseat, I got in the car and started talking about the newcomer.

He's bald (which Eric mentioned), and apparently wanted to help out with the kids during the Kids Night. I noticed that while I put my own stamp on that sign-up sheet ("I'll already be there, unlike you peons who have to be persuaded to be there! :P"), and instantly thought PEDOPHILE ALERT! Not that he's necessarily one, but he's NEW! COME ON! Eric would probably say that the parents feel uncomfortable with a brand new person helping around their kids. I told Eric NOT to be like me if he were the one delivering the "bad news" to the guy, haha. ("my friend thinks you're a pedophile!" ".....") Then he asked what I wanted to talk to him about - uh, what did I just TELL you?! It's not like I can air my concerns two feet from the guy!

Also talked about poisons, #4 / Alderbridge, FLASH FORWARD, the Child Protection Seminars, being crazy / xenophobic, getting gas, evil plans, gel and streaks (I don't wanna know about Jacksonville...), the Fellowship Christmas Dinner (Dec. 4), and more. Man, rides with Eric can be pretty interesting. Got home, opened Andrea's present, opened the glass game set finally (after almost four years?!), wrote a bunch of tag prompts, made Coquitlam sleepover plans with Billie for the 21st, and just chilled. It's going to be cool, man... I get to spend time with Great-Aunt tomorrow!

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