Thursday, February 19, 2009

He's ALLERGIC to cigarette smoke, subconscious!

LJ Aqua: Watch the words fly by, and then pick one to read a random stranger's journal!

David L. linked me to this confusing but funny Youtube video where this person answers the questions in a non-linear fashion. "Answering the question before last!" HAHAHAHA.

I had a weird dream which involved Auntie Fonda getting mad that someone left a silver toy gun out on the floor. Teunis said he'd done it, but needed to go out in the backyard for a smoke. (that's when I knew it was a dream - normally, he's seriously allergic to cigarette smoke!) Erik and Krista came over later, and they did some wedding planning. I remember Teunis wanted to be a second groom: at first, they thought he said "groomsman," so were willing to make that change. But when he clarified, they looked at each other and decided to continue wedding planning later... AWAY from the crazy man! I wondered how a wedding with two grooms and only one bride was going to appear... aiya! That's all I remember of the dream - why is my brother's wedding taking over my subconscious?!

For the record, I am not interested in polyamory for myself. I just happened to read about it recently, is all. But I did happen to come across something at Slate that struck me as humorous:

Dear Prudie:
I am a female involved in a four-year-long polyamorous relationship with a married couple. We are all happy and love one another very much. They have invited me to move into their home, and I would like to. The problem is that their two teenage children are beyond angry with the relationship. Even though they are not losing anything as a result of the relationship, they blame me for breaking the family apart and are very rude to me and their parents as a result. We don't want to break up to appease their children, who will be out of the house and on their own soon enough. But I can't imagine putting myself in the middle of such an uncomfortable living situation. Any suggestions for getting these teens to learn to accept me and the relationship?

—Three Is Not a Crowd

Dear Three,
Teenagers are just impossible these days. Mom and Dad go out and get a perfectly nice girlfriend to share, and the kids totally destroy the great erotic vibe you've all got going with their insolent remarks like, "Ewww, gross!" and "Why can't you be normal like other parents and just get a divorce or something?" They sound like complete downers who don't even understand the stimulating couplings and triplings that could take place when they have their friends sleep over (before the friends' parents hear about this, and all of you end up explaining polyamory to social services). It's too bad these rotten kids don't understand that their parents' need to fulfill their sexual appetites takes precedence over providing them a stable home. But since the teenagers are doing nothing but making life unpleasant for your happy threesome, my only suggestion for you is to find a couple who had the good judgment not to have children and leave this family alone.


Hahaha! I personally find it humorous, and don't even think it's advice! Of course, I would never say this in any community which supports polyamory, but that was my laugh for the day.

You Crave a Dynamic Life

Your dream is to live a life where you are constantly learning and evolving.

You believe that the world, people, and life are incredibly fascinating.

You want to use your mind as much as possible. You want to dare yourself to do what's difficult.

You'd like to expand your worldview and maybe even solve some of the world's problems.

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