Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Flushing a pillow down the toilet... all 5W Wordscraper!

High-scoring words of the night so far:

CAVIE (250 points) - against Lea P. [two 5W]
RECTO (145 points) - against Jenna G. [4W, 5W]
COPY (6875 points) - against Raymond C. [four 5W]
ZOOTY (53,125 points) - against Billie E. [five 5W]
JEES (6875 points) - against Shelley R.-B. [four 5W]
RADIX (40,625 points) - against Angela V. [five 5W]

I've decided to play the ULTIMATE WORDSCRAPER GAME with Raymond and Billie... I hope boards full of 5W circles don't give them heart attacks!

Earlier tonight, Corey and I were discussing random things as usual. He made a Sandy Chapin reference, and this is how the conversation went:

[21:26:18] Corey: it's like how Sandy Chapin gets to make up the rules and run the show. me too!
[21:27:06] Flami: That name sounds familiar
[21:28:57] Corey: prank calls
[21:32:03] Flami: don't you DARE prank call ME, mister! I can see you coming a MILE away!
[21:32:41] Corey: Sandy Chapin is the name of someone that does prank calls.............. you should have about three albums worth of "her" stuff (it's a guy really :P)
[21:44:12] Flami: haha, I know who you're talking about... very amusing stuff!
[21:45:47] Corey: supposedly there's newer stuff... "she" posted links to get what I have on the PLA forums, and said the new stuff includes things like calling a hotel and somehow convincing a guy to try to flush a pillow down the toilet.. but I haven't found those :P
[21:59:48] Flami: .... hahaha! How the heck do you do that?!
[22:00:15] Corey: I'd like to find out!
[22:03:39] Flami: the hamsterette: so would I!
[22:03:56] Corey: well, look it up and see if you can find something :P I'm going to take a shower
[22:13:01] Flami: Here... the Ebaumsworld forum!
[22:34:42] Corey: where'd you find that?
[22:34:55] Corey: and if that's him, his voice has really gone downhill :P
[22:38:49] Corey: well, the Myspace page has a link to a new album... but that's Mega Upload, not Z-Share :P I've seen the Myspace page before, but there wasn't any info about getting the new stuff
[22:46:32] Corey: holy crap, that call is crazy.. the fake lady voice sounds awful and this guy just agrees to flush everything in his room down the toilet :P
[22:49:49] Flami: the hamsterette: I found it on a Google search for "Sandy Chapin toilet" :P
[22:50:22] Corey: uh... what? maplinks? I copied a Mega Upload url...
[22:50:47] Corey: oh, that was some Myspace redirect stuff
[22:51:03] Corey: they probably both work, but the second one is for the whole album from the Sandy Chapin Myspace page
[23:04:19] Corey: well, excellent work! I didn't know you could get it online :P I don't know how old it is, but I got the first albums when that guy posted on the PLA forums, promoting this new album, and giving away the old ones to generate interest... but everything says 2008 for this thing, and I'm pretty sure I've had those earlier than that...
[23:04:39] Corey: maybe the new one wasn't out yet back then.. I don't know
[23:08:53] Flami: thank you - I try my best!
[23:09:27] Corey: his voice sucks on these new ones :P
[23:13:36] Flami: so much so that you can TELL it's an impersonation?
[23:14:47] Corey: well, the voice is pretty different between the other two :P
[23:15:22] Corey: maybe old lady voices are hard after a while.. Blackout did something not long ago with his Gladys character, and it wasn't even close to what she sounded like in the other ones
[23:19:33] Flami: maybe so... I wouldn't be surprised
[23:21:57] Corey: how's your old lady voice?
[23:22:24] Flami: I don't have one
[23:22:49] Corey: well, try! :P
[23:24:56] Flami: nobody here to hear me :P
[23:25:35] Corey: well, you have to work on it first before you perform :P
[23:28:08] Flami: and no, I am NOT practicing via webcam mike... you complained the last time I did that :P
[23:45:45] Corey: practice by just talking to the air! :P then you can show me when you get good
[23:46:12] Flami: talking to the air?! YIKES
[23:47:03] Corey: that's not hard for you... you tell me you talk to your computer all the time :P
[23:48:43] Flami: I do not... I just YELL at it - that's different! :D
[23:49:21] Corey: well, practice a LOUD old lady :P
[23:50:11] Flami: yikes :P
[00:02:43] Corey: well, that would work :P
[00:16:22] Flami: suppose so

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