Friday, June 06, 2008

There can only be one Dilys!

(Jeremy's Firefox dictionary doesn't even recognize the word "movies" - how exceedingly strange!)

Eric picked me up for Fellowship, and we were off on the usual car ride! Got to church, and decided to eat Pho even if it was 7:30. My excuse was that I hadn't eaten yet, whoops. Saw Chuck, Andrea, and her friend Vicky there - also saw an uncle whom I hadn't seen for some time. I keep wanting to say that his name is George, but I know he has a kid named Tait. Uncle recognized me: his kid is THIRTEEN now, and goes to Pacific Grace! Chuck, Andrea, Vicky, and I talked about weddings / Awana / weekend plans / birthday cards / Andrea's brother Sherman being surprised every year that I remember birthdays. Later, Chuck advised me to do other people a favor and dump the unused lime and bean sprouts into the Pho broth: good idea, since we suspect they get reused! (eww!)

Talked about weddings and games with Raymond: imagine having to re-enact a proposal, oh my! Reminds me of the roast that Jon and Mike did for Emily at last year's grad banquet: now THAT was funny! ("Jon, you be Emily with this wig... we'll re-enact the day she and I first met!") Later, we discovered that Vicky is Jon's friend Dilys' sister - WOW! Cindy had struck up an acquaintanceship with Dilys some years ago at UBC. Then they discovered some coincidences regarding Sexsmith by Langara... they moved on to Vicky's work in China, her wanting to adopt / have beautiful kids with a white guy, and other things. I asked Cindy whether Dianne had left: she had, but Cindy could ask her whether she can do Alan's roast next week! Drifted over to Dylan, Calla, Connie, and Johnny - they were discussing ALEXANDER, LARS AND THE REAL GIRL, and other movies. Discovered that Dylan's girlfriend Debbie is John Law's wife's sister - we didn't know that about Sharon!

After Stanley got us to leave, Eric and I said hi to Tony / Esther (Guatemala was AMAZING!) / Mike / Tony / Ivan / others outside. I playfully punched Mike to represent my brother, even though HE'D do a chest chop, and even if girls CAN hit guys in the chest! Noticed high gas prices: 143.8, and the widest intersection discrepancy ever! (136.4 and 142.6?!) Good thing Eric filled up at the second-lowest price in town! Got home and called Jon to find out where Jeremy was - he'd been at a Starfield concert, which he (Jeremy) assured me was pretty good. Sweet!

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