Melia and Angus now make me feel OLD...
Melia and Angus' wedding seemed to go by quickly! Danielle, Vania, Jason, Auntie Esther, Irene, and others complimented me on my green dress and overall look. While we were talking about weddings in that church / reading / Atlanta, Fidela said that she liked what I did with my hair - that's sweet. At least it was a nice day, if VERY HOT: poor Angus and the groomsmen in their tuxes! (unlike Chung and Karen's wedding in the same church - DOWNPOUR!) Talked to Ben about the summer, the age gap between me and my siblings, Grouse Grind, family dinners, and more... then I said hi to Benny and Anthony. It's been some time since I've seen them! Said hi to Chris - I heard later that Sandra didn't recognize him! ("Who's the kid with the fro?" haha)
Joe did a great job officiating his first wedding (Angus loved racing, and has transferred passion to his new bride!), and Jon deliberately made Erin laugh when she did translation - BAD UGFART! Song of Songs was an interesting passage choice, for sure!Angus and Melia used traditional vows ("to have and to hold"), and all the female wedding party members had gold shoes - I've just seen a picture of Michelle's poor feet from the wedding rehearsal, and that looks PAINFUL! Waved hi to a bunch of people like Ryan and Karen Grace, too. I was going to say hi to Melia's double cousins Emily and Chrystal, but they were obviously busy! Little Hannah was collecting the flowers, heh.
Talked to Becky, Jackie, Larry, Sandra, their kids Joshua ("I've had too much sugar!") and Elizabeth, Tim, Maxine, their kids Joshua ("don't put your arm through your shirt for the reaction!") and Keenan, Sarah, Vernon, Kenny, Winnie, their kids Megan (cute flower girl!) and Connor, Auntie Ena, Daniel, and others. It's so nice to see some of these people at least once a year! Saw Mike H. and Amanda, then met Joe's girlfriend. We knew Dylan is dating Sharon's sister! It was good to see Megan C.'s boyfriend Andy, as well. According to Joey, Pastor John didn't come in a tie - and his kids came in shorts! Chris borrowed Joey's dress shirt and tie: Winnie the Pooh ties are NOT proper for weddings OR graduations!
Right now, Joey and Steph are planning their wedding MC games - let's feel everyone's calves, haha! You've got to be careful when planning kissing games, since you don't want the people to be embarrassed in front of their parents! Belts, wrestling, games, corners, many cousins, family dinners, ball and chain, losers, and more - this promises to be an interesting dinner! Then Joey and Steph are going to the 7-11 on their way to Kirin, to get Life Savers and balloons - they'll be the most overdressed people in the store, with purple shiny dress and purple dress shirt! Must return wedding MC book to Vancouver library on Monday - a little late, but Steph gave me more than enough money to cover the fine!
Here is a pictorial representation of the painful shoes, and a picture of the girls that Fidela took a while back at the farewell dinner for Steph at Emily and Chrystal's:
Painful shoes... poor Michelle with those gold heels at the wedding rehearsal!


Joe did a great job officiating his first wedding (Angus loved racing, and has transferred passion to his new bride!), and Jon deliberately made Erin laugh when she did translation - BAD UGFART! Song of Songs was an interesting passage choice, for sure!Angus and Melia used traditional vows ("to have and to hold"), and all the female wedding party members had gold shoes - I've just seen a picture of Michelle's poor feet from the wedding rehearsal, and that looks PAINFUL! Waved hi to a bunch of people like Ryan and Karen Grace, too. I was going to say hi to Melia's double cousins Emily and Chrystal, but they were obviously busy! Little Hannah was collecting the flowers, heh.
Talked to Becky, Jackie, Larry, Sandra, their kids Joshua ("I've had too much sugar!") and Elizabeth, Tim, Maxine, their kids Joshua ("don't put your arm through your shirt for the reaction!") and Keenan, Sarah, Vernon, Kenny, Winnie, their kids Megan (cute flower girl!) and Connor, Auntie Ena, Daniel, and others. It's so nice to see some of these people at least once a year! Saw Mike H. and Amanda, then met Joe's girlfriend. We knew Dylan is dating Sharon's sister! It was good to see Megan C.'s boyfriend Andy, as well. According to Joey, Pastor John didn't come in a tie - and his kids came in shorts! Chris borrowed Joey's dress shirt and tie: Winnie the Pooh ties are NOT proper for weddings OR graduations!
Right now, Joey and Steph are planning their wedding MC games - let's feel everyone's calves, haha! You've got to be careful when planning kissing games, since you don't want the people to be embarrassed in front of their parents! Belts, wrestling, games, corners, many cousins, family dinners, ball and chain, losers, and more - this promises to be an interesting dinner! Then Joey and Steph are going to the 7-11 on their way to Kirin, to get Life Savers and balloons - they'll be the most overdressed people in the store, with purple shiny dress and purple dress shirt! Must return wedding MC book to Vancouver library on Monday - a little late, but Steph gave me more than enough money to cover the fine!
Here is a pictorial representation of the painful shoes, and a picture of the girls that Fidela took a while back at the farewell dinner for Steph at Emily and Chrystal's:
Painful shoes... poor Michelle with those gold heels at the wedding rehearsal!


Labels: amanda, angus, anthony, benny, elizabeth, fidela, friends, jason, joe, kids, korey, larry, maxed-out tags limit, maxine, megan, melia, ryan, vania, visitors, weddings
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