Friday, December 07, 2007

October-November 2007 BBT Tally / Dream of rainy festivals and naked men


red plum-longan @ Dragon Ball (Friday, October 5)


mango @ Big Orange (Friday, November 30)

Right. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I can tell you that Marilynn (decaying_zombie) got my Christmas card - WHEE! I also did some laundry, which was actually pretty needed. *blush* I had a dream last night which featured naked men, meat, and guns. Oh my!

* A bunch of people were at Jeremy's for a fun party time. We danced, listened to weird music, had fun, and looked at the beer kegs until two Chinese gangster men showed up at the door holding a gun to someone's head. They demanded Karen Gee, but we said she wasn't there. Then they told us that they'd heard she WAS, and they wanted her NOW. She'd actually gone out to the store (Donald's Market?) to get some veggies, and it was her bad luck to show up at the door just then. Karen explained that the front door had been wedged open, so that was why she didn't use the buzzer system. Upon learning that the men were there for her, she promptly fainted. We managed to rescue the vegetables before the men dragged her away for depradations.

* After banging on some pipes, we all went down to the beer cellar before going to a local childrens' festival. It was extremely rainy, and the colorful slides provided some contrast to the dreary day. The concession stands were doing a brisk business, and kids were running around everywhere. (it was fenced in for security reasons, so no problem with that!) I got a glimpse into a bus which stopped right in front of the proceedings - Amos was on there, surrounded by naked men and boys. Definitely not the type of people you'd want to have at your average kiddy festival - good thing the security guards at the gate made the bus move on after Amos had gotten off. Amos knew that he wanted to help with the festival, and had all his credentials ready. He'd been horrified when his fellow passengers had boarded the bus, he told us. We all hugged him and let him join us as we walked around, of course!

* After the festival, we all went to the church to pick up our cars and other people. I saw Megan T. precariously placed in a baby carseat on a car trunk. Luckily, Winnie and Kenny had a buckle for that. While they were talking to Chung, I entertained Megan while asking her if she were excited about having a baby brother or sister soon. She gurgled and made happy noises, so I assumed she understood what I was asking. Ivan, Stanley, and others passed by in a group. When they saw us, Ivan (in his white coat) told me that they wanted me to join them - I said bye to everyone else and went with the new group. Ivan said that he wasn't allowed to go to a nearby building with everyone else, so had to leave us at Nanaimo / Grandview Highway. He said that he was learning about the Creator God, so I yelled: "Let me know what you learned!" With a wave, he said that he would.

* Stanley led us into this huge building, which housed a Superstore among other things. He led us into the Superstore's cafeteria - we could tell the store was very busy because of the meat special going on! There were lots of yellow / red signs indicating the store's meat sale, even over the checkout / cash registers / customer service / other aisles! We walked around the aisles for a bit, selecting meat / candy / veggies / desserts / fruit / drinks / other such stuff. After that, we went to the cafeteria. Milk / cakes / yogurt was on special there, and the stacked green / brown / yellow / orange trays were very orderly. We saw Anita there, dressed in a black wool jacket and looking VERY pregnant! She tried to get by two interlocking wheelchairs, but was having no luck. Everyone tried helping her, but it turned out that the wheelchairs were inextricable. The dream ended while we were guiding her around the tables to get away from the wheelchairs!

I'm confused as to why I had the dream. I know Anita's been pregnant, but she's probably had the baby by NOW. As for Winnie, she is pregnant with a baby sibling for Megan. But everything else? No real clue... o_O

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