I got up earlier than usual, found a message from Corey about how you shouldn't ever buy movie theatre popcorn in Taiwan, and already had four missed calls on my phone. Wonder if I'll set some crazy record for missed calls this week, haha. Got to the townhouse, to find my parents STILL there! Had lunch, and now they've finally left as of 1:30. Ah, blissful peace with just my grandma!
Hey, someone changed the settings on my mom's IE so popups ARE allowed! Very nice for replying to comments via Gmail, since popups are probably blocked on all other computers in the house (dad's desktop, bro's laptop, sister's laptop) which makes the process more difficult! That, and I'm lazy. :P I should note that any typos on my part during the next few days aren't my fault since IE 6 doesn't have a spellchecker that I know of. Eh well, maybe I'll just open Word instead and leave it till I go. (same with all these IE browser windows, haha... I don't want to forget to log out and have certain things exposed!)
Heh, my sister just forwarded me an email which my mom sent her. Mom meant "FOUND a hotel" in the subject line, but put "FIND a hotel" instead! As far as I know, my sister doesn't need a hotel for anything! o_O
Should definitely check
this out after the show and such! (if you have to ask WHICH SHOW, you are officially clueless!) Googling my various screen names now... what the HECK is one of my old entries doing on a DVD burner news site?! *thunk*
You scored 69 The Teacher, 50 The Student, 81 The Supple, and 10 The Ridged!
Finally, The End.
If you scored high in "The Teacher," you are very aware of The Tao even if you do not realize it. If you scored high in "The Student," you are very open to learning new things and have great things awaiting you further up the road. If you scored high in "The Supple," you are a natural. You do not need anyone's guidance, you listen to what your soul, body, and mind tell you. If you scored high in "The Ridged," you need to take a vacation or just a meditation session. Calm down, open your eyes. Everything isn't as bad as you think it to be. If you scored just about the same in every aspect, good job. You are balanced in the sense of today's society. Unlike the rest of us, you are indifferent to change. You readily show your emotions, but do not become irrational. You realize everything is nothing, and nothing is as it seems. Keep it up. |
This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 53% on The Teacher |
Higher than 1% on The Student |
Higher than 33% on The Supple |
Higher than 64% on The Ridged |
Labels: 24, comments, computer, corey, emails, food, gmail, google, grammar, grandma, internet, jon, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, news, ok cupid, parents, phone calls, steph, taiwan
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