Septuplets, weird phone lines, Eric H.'s phone, loitering, Corey, recipes, technology, tarot cards
I wonder what it would be like having septuplets. No, I don't really intend to have 'em myself. But sometimes I wonder...
My phone lines were being weird tonight because the one by the computer worked until I punched in the wrong digits of what I thought was my brother's number. (one sib's cell phone number starts with 604, and the other with 778... darn confusing sometimes! :P) Then it refused to work for 20 minutes... I'd pick up the phone and get dead silence. While I was trying to get Eric H. on the phone later from the other room to tell him to just pick me up on the way to Riverport (Jon doesn't know what he's doing or what time he might conceivably get there as a result), it decided to work again since I could hear a voice (that wasn't the radio) from that phone. Weird. o_O
Eric H. got on MSN earlier to say that Nathan was on board with hanging out on Monday night. To make life easier for everyone, he proposed meeting at Riverport at 7:30 to eat and then see what happens. Thank goodness (if we do movies) I still have one free movie coupon, courtesy Ivan and Karen. I then called Jon to see if that was fine with him: it was. I could hear everyone in the background loitering at the church as usual, even though the cleaning crew (Eric T., Stanley, and their parents) had already arrived fifteen minutes prior to my call! (so at about 10:50-ish) Citrus was also doing / saying something funny, heh. After that, I got back to find that Eric H. had signed off... getting him on the phone didn't work because the fax machine was on, and no one answered the cell phone after six rings. Oh well, maybe I'll catch him before Monday!
Windows Media Player refuses to work for me tonight: it doesn't recognize any discs I put in. The regular CD player doesn't work since it currently has no batteries in it. (I need to look at the manual again...) I could do Winamp, but that's reserved for Corey's DVD... don't ask, I'm weird. Corey has nothing for me on that one, unfortunately. =/ (stupid technology...)
Speaking of Corey, I bugged him about sending that torrent of 300 original recipes (ingredients and all) to me. After telling me that I suck because I'm not a member of I Love Torrents (and thus can't access the torrents), he finally sent them. Good thing I have Adobe Acrobat now so I can read the files, I guess? (he was bugging me about downloading that the other night so I could read PDF files, sparked by my telling him that I couldn't read PDF transit files Eric M. tried linking me to last week) Maybe I'll post 'em here, and maybe not... knowing me, I will.
Corey also said that Jane sent him clothes, and was trying to get him to play dressup... he was not impressed when I said that it was cute, heh. Boys. :P (he also had this to say about Eric H.'s MSN name - only in the conversation because I had to show him that he did indeed sign off and it wasn't anything to do with the fax line - "Good grief. Who the hell would talk to that person with a long ass stupid "name" like that? It takes 30 seconds just to find the message at the end of all that sh*t.")
No, I don't believe in tarot or anything like that. Just thought it was interesting...
I Am

Which tarot card are you?
Manifestation through will. Imagination, concentration, action. Spirit and Matter united.
A young man raises a doubly terminated wand in his right hand. The wand is held vertically, a tool for the unification of heaven and earth. His left index finger grounds this duality into creation, drawing from the original chaos to bring into being the flowers of creation. His aura is shown as the horizontal figure eight, symbol of eternity... while about his waist is wrapped the serpen-cinture, the serpent devouring its own tail, another symbol of eternity. In front of him are the creator's / magician's tools: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles... symbolizing fire, water, air, and earth.
My phone lines were being weird tonight because the one by the computer worked until I punched in the wrong digits of what I thought was my brother's number. (one sib's cell phone number starts with 604, and the other with 778... darn confusing sometimes! :P) Then it refused to work for 20 minutes... I'd pick up the phone and get dead silence. While I was trying to get Eric H. on the phone later from the other room to tell him to just pick me up on the way to Riverport (Jon doesn't know what he's doing or what time he might conceivably get there as a result), it decided to work again since I could hear a voice (that wasn't the radio) from that phone. Weird. o_O
Eric H. got on MSN earlier to say that Nathan was on board with hanging out on Monday night. To make life easier for everyone, he proposed meeting at Riverport at 7:30 to eat and then see what happens. Thank goodness (if we do movies) I still have one free movie coupon, courtesy Ivan and Karen. I then called Jon to see if that was fine with him: it was. I could hear everyone in the background loitering at the church as usual, even though the cleaning crew (Eric T., Stanley, and their parents) had already arrived fifteen minutes prior to my call! (so at about 10:50-ish) Citrus was also doing / saying something funny, heh. After that, I got back to find that Eric H. had signed off... getting him on the phone didn't work because the fax machine was on, and no one answered the cell phone after six rings. Oh well, maybe I'll catch him before Monday!
Windows Media Player refuses to work for me tonight: it doesn't recognize any discs I put in. The regular CD player doesn't work since it currently has no batteries in it. (I need to look at the manual again...) I could do Winamp, but that's reserved for Corey's DVD... don't ask, I'm weird. Corey has nothing for me on that one, unfortunately. =/ (stupid technology...)
Speaking of Corey, I bugged him about sending that torrent of 300 original recipes (ingredients and all) to me. After telling me that I suck because I'm not a member of I Love Torrents (and thus can't access the torrents), he finally sent them. Good thing I have Adobe Acrobat now so I can read the files, I guess? (he was bugging me about downloading that the other night so I could read PDF files, sparked by my telling him that I couldn't read PDF transit files Eric M. tried linking me to last week) Maybe I'll post 'em here, and maybe not... knowing me, I will.
Corey also said that Jane sent him clothes, and was trying to get him to play dressup... he was not impressed when I said that it was cute, heh. Boys. :P (he also had this to say about Eric H.'s MSN name - only in the conversation because I had to show him that he did indeed sign off and it wasn't anything to do with the fax line - "Good grief. Who the hell would talk to that person with a long ass stupid "name" like that? It takes 30 seconds just to find the message at the end of all that sh*t.")
No, I don't believe in tarot or anything like that. Just thought it was interesting...
I Am

Which tarot card are you?
Manifestation through will. Imagination, concentration, action. Spirit and Matter united.
A young man raises a doubly terminated wand in his right hand. The wand is held vertically, a tool for the unification of heaven and earth. His left index finger grounds this duality into creation, drawing from the original chaos to bring into being the flowers of creation. His aura is shown as the horizontal figure eight, symbol of eternity... while about his waist is wrapped the serpen-cinture, the serpent devouring its own tail, another symbol of eternity. In front of him are the creator's / magician's tools: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles... symbolizing fire, water, air, and earth.
Labels: birthdays, citrus, computer, corey, eric h., eric m., ivan, jane, jon, karen choo, maxed-out tags limit, movies, msn, nathan, phone calls, postcards, recipes, septuplets, stanley, water
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