Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dream featuring the Simpsons and food / Jamming with Christine / Recital memories

I had an interesting dream which featured my parents inviting us younger folk (me, Vania, Megan, etc.) to a dinner in what looked like Justin's huge basement. There was BBQ duck, jellyfish, chicken, and all sorts of Chinese food available. But first, we younger folk had to do certain things before we went to the house. For some reason, this involved seeing a SIMPSONS episode where Homer went back in time to when he was a child. He received a letter from his future self which said that he had to complete certain tasks to ensure his happiness in the future. His grandfather put him to work on a bobbin machine, and scolded him roundly when he fell asleep and missed two cents in the tray. Then he somehow managed to get the right answer of "Clara" when he was on (not a typo!) a mural featuring a giant squid and a black ink cloud, and his teacher was interrogating him about Children of Bodom. o_O

After that, we met Alan and at least four other people we knew on the way to dinner. They were jumping rope in a parking lot and having fun playing marbles. We talked to them for a bit before going to Justin's. There was a pastor guy there who looked almost exactly like Hunter / Andrew / Kazuya (big curly black hair and chains), who we had to thank for his contribution to the dinner right then as he was leaving early. So we called out: "Thank you, Wayland B.!" in chorus. (as opposed to Megan's brother, Wayland C., who wasn't there) Then my sister and Vania asked what I'd like to eat since they were going to serve food to me. Somehow, my dad and Auntie Christina / Susanna disliked that idea... but there was nothing they could do about it since they'd just come downstairs to have corporate prayer with us and grab their food before going back upstairs to eat!

I woke up soon afterwards, and phoned my brother to see what was up. He and Christine Magee (no, not the Sleep Country Canada person :P) are jamming at the townhouse (they're not where she lives!), and will MSN me later when they're ready to leave. Steph gets home at around 4: she wasn't originally going to go, but she is now. Hope she brings her digicam today, too! (pictures!) I remember the last time I saw Christine: it was at that recital in April 2004 right after Awana... her first bubble tea experience involved Jon stuffing a bunch of pearls into his mouth! We were all wanting to know what the score of the Canucks-Calgary hockey game was: we were scared to turn on the radio after the recital, but Jon verified our win with Ty (who's apparently now on a special diet) after hearing all these car horns outside Pho 99! (we were there with Jeremy having something to eat) Ah, good times... I remember being home afterwards at like 1:30 AM trying to type up an entry before sleeping, and then Stephen got online. *sigh* I ignored him for a bit (as I do to anyone while working hardcore), then chatted for like 5 minutes. Guess I'll see what happens later, but I do need to take a shower and eat pepper crab noodles! (they rock!)

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