Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Surveys: being 52% mean and 50% blonde, my bedroom, miscellaneous, two words, and how you see me!

I got my mom to drop off some congee with fish in it, plus some medication. That'll probably help, since I really don't feel like going out too much this week.

A woman who was pregnant for 49 years... o_O

This is a survey dump post because I am bored. :P

Here's a survey about being mean, from Amy via Myspace bulletin:

How mean are you?

[x] I think I'm gonna have a high score on this
[] I hate / don't talk to my parents
[x] people tell me all the time that they hate me
[x] I think I have said horrible things to someone
[x] I give people disgusting looks a lot
total = 4

[] I took heads off dolls when I was little
[x] I have destroyed something valuable on purpose
[] I love to insult people
[] most people suck
[x] I have thrown total tantrums
total = 2

[x] I'm known to have an attitude
[x] I get mad easily
[x] I order people around
[] I'm known around my neighborhood as the kid everyone else doesn't want their kids hanging out with
[x] I've argued with a teacher
total = 4

[x] I can care less about school
[] I love messing with other people's stuff
[x] people tell me I'm conceited / stuck-up / self-centered
[] I lie constantly to my parents
[x] I yell daily
total = 3

[] I seem to always be in a fight with my friends
[] I would never risk my life for anyone
[] I don't like smiling
[] I know at least 3 people I would like to / have beaten up
[] I love pranking people, and nothing lame... only hardcore evil stuff
total = 0

Add up all the x's and multiply by 4. Post this as "I am ___% mean." How mean are you? (52% mean)

Here's a blonde survey from Amy via Myspace bulletin:

[] You trip more than two times a day
[] Your hair is blonde or has blonde in it
[] You LOVE pink or yellow
[x] When you don't know a word, you replace it with "thingy"
[x] It takes you forever to figure out jokes
[] You've been called a blonde at least 10 times
[] You deny being called a blonde
total = 2

[] You like to make your outfit colorful
[x] You laugh at anytime, any place... for no reason (ask Eric about this! :P)
[x]You don't even try to make people laugh, but they do
[x] You don't get a lot of things
[x] You are a slow learner
[] You feel emotional a lot
total = 4

[] You can act preppy
[] When you see a movie and it's sad, you cry
[x] You love shopping
[x] Your jokes suck
[] You feel offended when people tell blonde jokes
[] You make things colorful and creative
[x] People say "we're laughing with you, not at you" a lot
[] you wanted to be a cheerleader or are one
[x] Scary movies frighten you a lot
[] You listen to pop
total = 4

Now that you are done, add up all the X's. Multiply the number by 5 and repost this saying "I am __% Blonde." (50% here)


How many windows do you have in your room? One.

What is the color of your walls? Beige.

Hardwood floor, tile, or carpet? Carpet.

Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Bedroom.

What size bed do you have? Single.

Is your room big? Kinda.

What is your bedroom view out the window? The hospital.

Do you have the following in your room:
[x] desk
[x] chair
[x] bookshelf
[] TV
[] computer
[] bean bag
[x] pictures
[] large mirror
[x] bed
[x] stuffed animal(s)
[] drumset
[x] clothes on the floor
[] plastic flamingo
[] guitar(s)
[]lava lamp
[] smoke detector
[] piano / keyboard
[] locking door
[] can of soda
[x] bottle of water
[] a blacklight
[x] something about your own country
[x] medals / ribbons
[] trophies
[x] awards
[] water polo ball
[x] soccer ball
[] volleyball
[] basketball
[] softball / baseball stuff
[] track gear
[] frisbee
[] beach ball
[] football
[] tennis ball
[] hockey stuff
[] lacrosse stick
[x] CDs
[] sofa / futon / round chair
[] bottles of liquor
[] flag
[x] stop sign / any sign
[] caution tape
[] paintball gun
[] airsoft gun
[] real gun
[] cigarettes
[] snowboard
[] waveboard
[] skateboard
[] stereo
[] surfboard

Miscellaneous survey, also from Jamie:

How many keys are on your keychain? Four.

What curse word do you use the most? I don't know.

Do you own an iPod? No.

What time is your alarm clock set for? 8:30, on Sundays only.

How many suitcases do you own? Maybe two, I'm not sure.

Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside? Uh, no.

Where do you buy your groceries from? Save-On Foods, mostly.

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture.

What was the last movie you watched? Braindead.

Do any of your friends have children? Yep.

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy? Too much choice, so no idea.

Has anyone ever called you lazy? Yes.

Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? Nyquil.

What CD is currently in your CD player? Radiohead, Kid A.

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? I've found that chocolate milk is better for my system... go figure. :P

Has anyone told you a secret this week? Nope, don't think so.

When was the last time someone hit on you? Last year. Ewww.

What did you have for dinner? Nothing.

Do you wear hoodies often? Sometimes.

Can you whistle? No.

Have you ever participated in a protest? No.

Who was the last person to call you? My mom.

What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? Not sure.

Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Probably. :(

What area code are you in right now? 604.

Did you watch cartoons as a child? Yes.

How big is your local mall? At least 250 stores over one floor.

How many siblings do you have? Two.

Are you shy around the opposite sex? Generally not.

What is your biggest regret? You don't want to know.

Have you ever had Jamba Juice? Yeah. It was okay.

When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? Probably the other day when Eric was telling me some weird stuff. :D

What movie do you know every line to? Probably none, haha.

Do you own any band T-shirts? No, I should get Corey to send me one. Or not.

When was your last plane ride? Last year, enroute to Alaska.

How many chairs are at your dining room table? 2.

What is your favorite salad dressing? Vinaigrette.

Do you read for fun? Of course!

Can you speak any languages other than English? Yes.

Do you do your own dishes? Yeah, pretty much.

What color is your bedroom painted? Beige.

Have you ever cried in public? Yes.

Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Desktop.

Which do you make, wishes or plans? Both.

Are you always trying to learn new things? Sure.

Do you shower on a daily basis? Kind of...

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? No.

Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date? If he asked me out, then hell yes.

Can you skip rocks? No.

Have you ever been to Jamaica? No.

What to snack on at the movie theaters? Smuggle in candy. Or get a popcorn and soda if I really feel the need.

Who was your favorite teacher? Fromager.

Have you ever dated someone out of your race? Not really...

What is the weather like? Sunny.

Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Probably not.

Do you have an online journal? ... NO, I NEVER WILL CONSIDER THOSE THINGS!

What was your favorite class in high school? Band.

Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes? It's all right.

What personality trait is a must-have in your preferred gender? Humor.

Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes.

When was the last time you slept on the floor? No clue.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Margarita.

Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru? No.

Do you like your living arrangement? Sure.

What is your mother's hometown? Hong Kong.

How many hours of sleep do you need to function? At least 7.

Do you eat breakfast daily? I eat when I get hungry.

What was the last thing to scare you? Not sure.

Are your days full and fast-paced? Not really.

Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? Not really..

What is your favorite fruit? I can't choose.

Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? Sometimes.

How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 30. Yes, the age of no return.

Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Yes.

Do you believe in life on other planets? I'm not sure.

Have you ever been to Six Flags? No, Corey thinks I should go there though!

Who was the last person to piss you off? I'm not sure. Probably my mom.

Do you believe that God has a gender? Yes.

What was the last thing you ate? Apple.

Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? Depends on the individual.

What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? A ghost?

How did your parents pick your name? Mom liked the name for some reason, and would have named me that if I were a boy as well. No creativity or imagination there! :P

Do you like mustard? Sure.

What do you tell yourself when times get hard? It's all my / their fault!

Would you ever sky dive? No.

Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? It changes.

What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? I dunno.

Have you ever bid for something on ebay? Nope.

What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant? ... she already had the baby...

Do you enjoy giving hugs? Depends.

Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? Not really.

Do you own a digital camera? No.

If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Eh, I dunno.

What celebrities have you been compared to? None that I can think of.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Don't have one.

Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call, but never do? Yeah.

What books, if any, have made you cry? I know some have, but I can't recall which ones.

Do you think you're attractive? No.

What are you allergic to? Nothing.

Are you a jealous person? Yes.

What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? It's not the best path for anyone to take.

Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat? No.

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Same thing it is now.

Did you ever celebrate "Pi Day" in school? No.

Two-word survey, from Tim:

1. Yourself: Quirky freak.

2. Your car: Doesn't exist.

3. Your Hair: Is messy.

4. Your mother: Eating congee.

5. Your Father: Watching TV.

6. Your Favorite Item: Good book.

7. Your Dream Last Night: About kids.

8. Your Favorite Drink: Root beer.

9. Your Dream Home: In Australia.

10. The Room You Are In: Living room.

11. Your Pet: Doesn't exist.

12. Your fear: Rejection, escalators.

13. Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Somewhere else.

14. Who you hung out with last night: Just me.

15. What You're Not: Love interest.

16. Your Best Friends: Eric, Andrea.

17. One of Your Wish list Items: Music books.

18. Your Gender: Girl person.

19. The Last Thing You Did: Drank water.

20. What You Are Wearing: T-shirt, pants.

21. Your Favorite Weather: Warm, breezy.

22. Your Favorite Book: Too many.

23. The Last Thing You Ate: Some apple.

24. Your Life: Not great.

25. Your Mood: Apathetic, blah.

26. The last person you talked to on the phone: My mom.

27. What are you looking forward to? Nothing, really.

28. Your Crush: Doesn't exist.

"Pick an option so I know how you see me!" survey, from Jade:

Pick one word from each pair that you think describes me the best and comment with your answers. Then, copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.

* dominant or submissive
* logical or intuitive
* social or loner
* kinky or reserved
* cute or sophisticated
* kitten or puppy
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
* leader or follower
* quiet or talkative
* spontaneous or planned
* teddy bear or porcelain doll
* hiking or window shopping
* tequila or vodka
* top or bottom
* bare foot or shoes
* jeans or slacks
* tender or rough
* aware or dreamy
* nerd or jock
* brains or brawns
* common sense or book smarts
* pretty or sexy

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