Sunday, June 18, 2006

Talking to the white dudes and seeing Terrence again: durian shakes smell / taste NASTY!

Good thing my sister called me this morning to tell me that she was on her way to pick me up, because I'd thought I'd set my alarm but really had not. (luckily the parents aren't here this week, otherwise my dad would be MAD!) She was mock-horrified at Eric's theory that I'd murdered her, Nina and her son Dylan, and Vivian... then threw the bodies off Grouse Mountain while doing the Grouse Grind. We agreed that I should wait to freak Mom out with Stickicide 2 later in the week when she's had time to de-stress, haha.

We went to service, and Jeremy and I laughed again over the typo in the bulletin: June 35th, indeed! Rich actually pointed it out to everyone during the announcement time, saying that Dylan had taken over bulletin duties from Phil, so at least I know whom to blame! Daniel can't do everything himself, but he promoted Resonate / Floodlight / Sunday worship teams again... I can imagine that they need one more drummer since Chris can't do it all even though he's good! (burnout?) We saw a presentation on VBS... Jeremy told me that he wished he were a kid again since they looked like they were having fun, haha. ("Timezone Travellers, looking for adventure...")

Outside, I heard Christon saying that the Powerpoint today was terrible: I agree, since they seemed to have more mistakes / technical issues than usual! I asked Eric if he could give me a ride home after Sunday School. He was leaving fairly soon afterwards for some reason (my sister and I later figured that it had to do with Father's Day, heh)... so since Steph was also leaving at that time, I opted to go with her and have lunch with Terrence and his dad at Tsim Chai for the CHICKEN KNEES! (Eric called it "getting out of supervising the toddlers," but there was nothing else I could do! He followed me inside the church, but only because he had to dump his banana peel in the kitchen's garbage can... I excused myself to the aunties who jokingly said that they wouldn't let me go, haha.)

At lunch when his dad was off doing other things (like paying the bill?), Terrence told us that his dad was in his own little world: he himself is laid-back, but sometimes you have to quit caring about every little thing or you'll get stressed yourself! It was a good lunch, and we urged Terrence to stock up on chicken knees for two weeks. He'll be back on the afternoon of July 2, but Steph can't take off work the next day: perhaps he'll spend time with me and Jon, haha. Then we went to Richmond Public Market to get bubble tea from Peanuts: they've expanded their flavor selection, and you KNOW it's real! I saw blackberry, but got raspberry instead. Steph got white grape, and bought durian shake with pearls for Terrence: he likes the stuff and always had it at Pho after church when they didn't go to Wendy's in Mississauga! He said we should try some: it tasted like onions and morning breath combined from ONE sip!

Afterwards, we went home for a bit while they did the final packing up. We watched World Cup soccer (France and Korea tied 1-1), read the newspaper, got online, read MSN conversations, and didn't stress out about stuff. Just RELAX... although Steph and Terrence tried bugging me by singing Christmas carols: you're SIX MONTHS TOO EARLY! Then we dropped them off at the airport: Terrence's dad had bought lunch, AND some fruit for us! When we left, we saw Pastor Fulton pulling in to complete the extension work on the other floor of the townhouse. Now I'm home and refreshed... so very full, of course!

Here's a 60-question survey from Amy, in a Myspace bulletin:

1. Do you have a pen next to you? Yes, quite a few.

2. Do you pray? Sometimes.

3. Are you in love? No.

4. Ever wish on stars? No.

5. Do you believe in karma? Not really.

6. What's your zodiac sign? Virgo.

7. Have you ever almost died? No.

8. Ever broken any bones? No.

9. Do you cry during sad movies? Not really.

10. Do you like to dance? No.

11. Ever lain under the stars? No.

12. Ever sat on a rooftop? No.

13. Is there such a thing as a soulmate? No idea.

14. Could you live without the television? Yes.

15. Could you live without music? No! Are you insane?!

16. Do you have any self-inflicted scars? Nah, I'm not emo!

17. What do you dislike the most about life? People who think I'm somehow lacking because of my CP, dammit!

18. Ever had a job for less than a day? No.

19. Ever been fired on your first day? No.

20. Ever been fired because of your attitude? No.

21. Do you get jealous of other people? Yes.

22. Would you rather love someone or be loved? Love someone.

23. What's under your bed right now? Carpet.

24. Ever done anything illegal? Yes.

25. Have you ever been dumped? After a fashion...

26. Ever dumped somebody? Yes.

27. How cool are you? People say I'm wicked cool, but I don't see it.... so not really.

28. Do you support abortion? Only in extreme cases like rape / incest (ew) or health issues. (the mother's, not the baby's!)

29. Did you graduate high school? Yes.

30. Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row? Sometimes.

31. Have you ever driven someone crazy? No, not literally.

32. Ever bullied someone? Probably.

33. Ever done the Macarena? Only for laughs.

34. Do you act your age? Sometimes... I'm young at heart, dude!

35. Is it okay to disrespect your parents? You probably shouldn't ask me that.

36. Do you flush the toilet when you're done? WTF... of course!

37. How long do you stay in the shower? 15-20 minutes, sometimes longer... showers are cool. :D

38. What kind of soap do you use? Whatever's on sale or sounds quirky, haha.

39. Are mullets cool? Depends.

40. Spiderman, Batman, or Superman? Batman.

41. Do you like your middle name? Eh... no.

42. If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first? Considering housing prices here, probably a house.

43. Do you fear terrorism? No.

44. What's your favorite candle scent? Depends.

45. Do you swear? Yes.

46. Who's the last person you talked to on AIM? Corey.

47. Whats something you're ashamed of? I could come up with a LONG list...

48. What woke you up last night? The sun!

49. What did you dream about last night? Jeremy, Eric, Mandy Ku, dinners, bus routes through tunnels, transfers...

50. Ever been to the zoo? Yes.

51. How many beers did you have in the last 2 weeks? None.

52. What's the last movie you watched? Brokeback Mountain.

53. Are you usually late or on time? Late, but that's not usually my fault!

54. What's a cartoon you watch often? The Simpsons, Family Guy...

55. Do you have any imaginary friends? Yes.

56. Are you waiting on something right now? No.

57. Who's pretty? Michelle.

58. Who's ugly? Not sure.

59. Are you worried about something? Not really!

60. Ever swam in the ocean? Yes.

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