Note: LJ Anime Convention Drama blogquiz, by Kaylyn.
More quizzes and surveys, oh my! o_O
 | Your First Time Survey
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| | | Drank alcohol? | Probably when I was 17 or 18. Maybe even 19. | Got kissed? | Last year. I don't talk to that person anymore. | Got your heart broken? | In my teen years, I believe. | Got arrested? | Never. | Smoked a cigarette? | Never, that's disgusting. | Lost someone close to you? | That hasn't happened YET, thank goodness. | Broken a bone? | I don't think that's happened to me yet, either. | Got cheated on? | Never, as far as I know. | Rode the city bus? | When I was 12 or 13 on my own. With family, probably when I was quite a bit younger. | Went to a concert? | Maybe when I was 20? (yeah, I'm lame :P) | Met someone famous? | Probably when I was a kid and met Lillian Vander Zalm (the then-premier's wife) at Fantasy Gardens. | Dyed your hair? | Never. | Had sex? | Never. | Got your own cell phone? | Never. (lame :P) | Had a boyfriend / girlfriend? | 2004-ish. I don't talk to him anymore, either. | Got the Internet? | In 1994 or 1995. | Joined Myspace? | On Danielle's birthday this year. (May 5, 2006) | Snuck out of the house? | When I was a teen.. 15 or so? | Got your own digital camera? | Never. | Got Drunk? | 20? But then I wasn't really drunk, so don't know if that counts. | Take This Survey at
 | Perfect Partner Survey
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| | | How tall should they be? | Taller than me! At least by six inches. But not TOO tall... | What should they weigh? | Not a tubbo, but then not incredibly skinny either. | What hair color should they have? | I don't care. | What kind of personality should they have? | Humorous, caring, compassionate, trusting... so many things! | Older or younger? | Doesn't matter to me so long as it's not illegal or "dirty old man" territory... ewwww! | Serious or carefree? | Somewhere in between. | Spontaneous or hesitant? | Somewhere in between. | Brutally honest or tight-lipped? | Tactfully honest. | Beautiful or intelligent? | Intelligent with SOME beauty. | Movie or a restaurant? | Restaurant, although a movie is good too at times. | What film actor should they most be like? | I have no idea. | What singer should they most be like? | No clue. | Should they make all the money? | Most of it, maybe... dunno. | Do they need to cook? | Yes, because I certainly can't. :P | What is their best body part? | Eyes. | What body part do you not care about? | Nose. | Desk job or physical labour? | Either. | What car should they drive? | No idea... I know nothing about cars. | What one thing completely turns you off? | Bad spelling and grammar. | What one thing completely turns you on? | Humor. | Take This Survey at
40% Ghetto... Kinda Ghetto.
You are kinda Ghetto. You are not the coolest or most suave person in the world. But you are not that ghetto, either. You are only ghetto in the most extreme of circumstances.
'How sexually ghetto are you?' at |

Labels: 1994, 1995, 2004, alcoholic drinks, blogquiz, computer, generators, grammar, jane, justin, maxed-out tags limit, myspace, photos, quiz galaxy, quiz universe, quizopolis, sex, spelling, stephen, surveys
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