Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dream about McDonalds drivethroughs and apartment basement suites / Quizzes and a survey

Thank goodness for autosaves from a Myspace-related browser crash! :D

I had a dream about being together with a bunch of friends. We went to a Zellers-like department store, where the snack and candy displays were a bit lacking... but we selected a bunch of things anyhow. Karen Choo turned to me and asked whether I'd considered moving since nobody really visited my place since it was so out of the way. Her husband Ivan said that it WAS on a major road, but Karen insisted that I see Sam's place, which was on #2 Rd and supposedly much more accessible. It was across the street from a Christmas tree lot, which was next to the McDonalds drivethrough that also sold curry on #3 Rd. (don't ask me how that works... it's a dream and not supposed to make sense :P)

So after we took the bus to Sam's apartment building, our group went to the back entrance. However, there was a sign on the door that said the back area was being renovated, so we all walked on the side lawn to access one of the side entrances. Sam, Karen, and I parted with the rest of the group inside the building (Ivan had to hang up some colorful coats immediately) and went to see Sam's apartment. The apartment was under Chrystal, Emily, Phil, and Melia's place and was quite huge for what it was... even bigger than mine really is! It looked like a basement suite, actually... there was bedding everywhere, the bathroom was big enough for two, and the ceiling had a thatched look. I agreed to move in after some time looking at the place... then the fire alarm woke me up! Weird stuff from my subconscious, as usual... no idea what prompted this one! o_O

Hmm, I've received a PM from Subena asking if everything's okay with me. I guess they are overall, heh. She gave me her phone number and wants me to call her sometime. Maybe I'll do that someday... reminds me, I told Felicity (morbioid) that I'd call her later. (another Erik Gagnon, living here in Richmond... might be interesting to get to ask her the questions that I never really asked HIM!) The name Felicia reminds me of Felicia Fam (a church person with a brother named James), Felicia Cheung (someone I knew in elementary school), and Felicia Teo. (someone that Ryan_Liam mentioned once)

Your Body Image is 44% Unhealthy, 56% Healthy

You may think you have a normal body image, but you definitely don't.
While you may not have a serious problem, you obsess over your looks way too much.

I do NOT obsess over my looks! I just have a weight problem, and I know this. That's all. :P

Your Designer G-String Is

Here's a "10 To 1" survey from Amy, via Myspace bulletin:

[10 FIRSTS]:
First Best Friend: Brandy Whibbs.
First Screenname: Flamsterette_X
First Pet Dog's Name: N/A.
First Piercing: N/A.
First Crush: Probably Stephen Hagemoen
First CD: I don't remember... probably Green Day's Dookie.
First School: Ferris Elementary.
First House Location: In Vancouver somewhere.

[9 LASTS]:
Last Time You Smoked Weed: N/A.
Last Food You Ate: Lentil and bacon soup from Baxter's.
Last Car Ride: From Oakridge.
Last Movie You Watched: Braindead.
Last Phone Call: Mom.
Last CD you listened to: One of the mix CDs I made for Jon, to test it out.
Last time you kissed someone: Last year.
Last Song you listened to: the Misfits, Crimson Ghost.

Have You Ever Dated a Best Friend: No.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: No.
Have You Ever Been on TV: I don't think so.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Regretted it: Yes.
Have You Ever been Cheated on by Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Not to my knowledge.
Have You Ever Been on a Blind Date: No.
Have You Ever Been out of the Country: Yes.

1. Glasses.
2. Underwear.
3. T-shirt.
4. Shorts.
5. Socks.
6. N/A.
7. N/A.

1. Updated a bunch of entries.
2. Ate some ice cream.
3. Played that LJ RPG Dungeon meme.
4. Went outside when the fire alarm went off.
5. Pondered calling Jon to see what he was doing today.
6. Paid phone / hydro bills online.

1. LIFE!
2. Food.
3. Good times.
4. Good friends.
5. Good books.

1. Eric.
2. Phil.
3. Andrea.
4. Helen K.

1. Vanilla or Chocolate: Depends.
2. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs.
3. Pens or Pencils: Pens.

1. Travel to Europe or Australia.
2. Try a lot of good food.

1. Danielle, haha.

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